I headed under Maxwell on that leg and reported what happened earlier.

Maxwell, hearing it, gives him a troubled look.

"An enemy who pretended to be Reid. Another strange opponent..."

"Probably saw me entering and leaving Cortina's house, and I think she disguised herself. His voice seemed pretty young."

Maxwell understood how bad this situation was.

Knowing who I am, Maxwell can see why he should be wary of that opponent, but not knowing it, Cortina can be indefensibly close to the enemy who looked like me.

"Did you have such a brilliant disguise?

"Oh, I assure you. I might not know that one either."

"Do you know if that disguise, the one using magic?

"Magic... was it possible?"

When I exchanged swords with him, I felt uncomfortable many times.

The attack, which I thought I had captured for sure, came off.

If you were haunted by hallucinations, just like I do with hallucination rings, you could also interpret the attack as being out of shape.

"But... it's kind of not sticky"

"Weren't you hallucinating?

"At the end of the day, the thread was dull, but the response itself was there. But thank you."

"Aren't you convinced?

"I had a response. But it wasn't a response to the slaughter of meat."

Ask my thoughts and Maxwell thinks with a grip on his beard.

"There are a few possibilities. One is if they weren't human."

"What do you mean?

"For example, if you use a demon"

"I've never heard of a man-made demon."

"I didn't say I would use it as it is. You can also make the demon hallucinate."


I hold Maxwell's opinion in my arms.

The fact that the response is not meat is another possibility.

For example... if it was something with long hair.

If you were an animal, such as a long-haired rabbit, if you cut that hair, you wouldn't be left with the response to slaughter the meat.

If you're a demon, the hairs you cut go back to the dirt mass at a stage off the main body, so there's nothing left to prove.

"Sure, if that's the case, I might meet him... don't feel any different"

"Well, how is it different?

"He showcased an unintentional knife pull. You can't use demons to react like that."

"Hmm, so what if it was a golem? The speed of the reaction will increase, and there will be the technique of transferring vision to the Golem."

"Even if it was a golem, I'm not convinced. There was no golem-specific mess in the movement. And I even used acid flying gimmicks."

"I see. But don't feel like arguing here gives you an answer. It's just a theory."

"Well. The question is how to alert Cortina."

"Let me tell you that from the crocodile. Fortunately, there's a story."

"A story?"

So Maxwell told me what happened in the north.

That there was a presence in an area that sensed magic, in stunning disguise and gripping contact.

That overlaps with my experience this time.

"It's not magic. It's a disguise... some stories I've come to ask you about Michelle, so if I warn you combined, Cortina would be careful too"

"Um, but in that case, I don't have the means to discern the Lord"

"You're a mend. Anything?

"Don't leave everything thrown at me. That being said, right...... Reid, what happened to the guy's smell?

"Smell? That said, nothing in particular."

"I don't care if it's just the look. I'm imitated. So what about wearing a distinctive smell?

"Even so, it smells like me and you know it. I don't know."

It may indeed be a good hand to say perfume, but with things that come and go, they imitate it lightly, and it doesn't make sense.

If you want to apply it, you have to choose something else that is distinctive and doesn't seem like a good imitation.

I had no idea that.

Maxwell doesn't even know, he's twisting his neck tightly.

"If it's a precious perfume, I have some… not so much that I can't imitate it"

"I wasn't interested in that system either. Rather, the strong smell was in the way of my job."

"I guess it's no use talking to Lyell."

"That Park Min-Jen is beyond me."

"No, it's not"

"What the heck!?

I've tried to be angry, but he's definitely married before me. It could mean that it was more valuable than me in that sense.

That's why the consultation would make no sense, as I don't seem interested in fashionable saying perfume.

"Gaddles... that's out of the question"

"If you smell alcohol, you can smell it."

"Is this kind of thing still in women's favor? Do you think Maria or Cortina has a good idea?

"Expectations are thin. It's deadly to say it smells like nothing else.

I don't have any sparkles just from the eagles. Do I have to ask an external collaborator? "

"Who's external, too?

"Not the usual, Jen."

There is only one person, such as Maxwell's respectful name.

And his knowledge doesn't bother me either.

"Ast. Sure, he'd think of something."

"Bye. I'd like to head over, but do you have time?

I'm just asking if I should hang out in the evening. Maxwell, who can use the portal gate, will be back by dinner.

"Oh, I'm probably fine. Besides, we'll fight for a moment."

In the meantime, I got rid of it this time, so I just won't be getting a little bit out by the end of the day.

But I don't know tomorrow. If I could, I'd have secured my confirmation by the end of the day.

"You don't need to get ready. This time, the emphasis is on speed. Let's go."

"Come on, let's go."

"Matheus is keeping a stakeout, so there's nobody in this house. Just tighten the door."

"Why don't you just come on?

"You can magically lock them in bulk."

"Damn, it's useless and convenient."

Probably expanding the magic of locking (rock) and hanging it all over the house.

Maxwell, who now chants in front of him, was releasing so much magic that he didn't think it was just the magic of locking (rock).

Lock the house in one breath and open the transfer gate (portal gate).

I think he's still using unscrupulous magic, but it's not even a burden to this grandfather.

Then I jumped into the gate and headed towards the kingdom of the Alekmar sword.

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