Me and Maxwell were coming to Mount Maleva again to rely on Ast by example.

First I decide to stop by my safe house to get the money ready.

There should have been a Den here that was completely mutated, so I didn't let him in all of a sudden, the door...... or knocked on the window. I'm a gentleman. It's a woman.

No, it's honest that I don't want to go in there on my own and get ambushed like I used to.

"Deng, are you there?

"This is Miss Nicole. Welcome aboard."

An even more crisp, stable pronounced medium bass voice than before. That calm sound sounds appealing to me from my ex-man.

I mean, what is this fascinating baritone voice?

After a while the window was opened...... there was the appearance of Deng, where the mutation went even further.

"You, who?"

I was surprised to see that appearance, so much so that there was an unexpected dialect in some parts of the West.

Den's height, which used to be about three meters, had shrunk to about two meters.

The arm, which was longer than the physique, was shorter to the proper length, and the face on the strong side, which was square and square, had changed to a neat length.

The saggy forehead hung on the long cut eyes and the fangs peeking from his mouth were small enough to be called canine teeth, releasing a charming charm.

The corners were also less conspicuous, so I'm not at all uncomfortable being told clearly that I'm a big half demon.

"What? It's Den, though."

"No, you've changed too much..."

"Right, I'm just amazed around there, too. I was wondering if Ast would know the details."

"You could have asked him, including around there. I want to ask him for a job first, so I'm here to pick up the price."

"Okay. Then go inside."

Den invites me, and I step into my lair.

Inside it was illuminated brightly by lighting and seemed very comfortable to live in.

"I don't know where this remodel is going to stay either."

"Didn't you mind? Nicole, I've come up with something for you to feel comfortable with."

"No, not at all. I don't care what makes you feel better."

Damn, those handsome voices and puppy-like shomboli faces are against the rules.

Led by Deng and headed underground, it was my treasure trove, thoroughly organized by the shelves that were brought in.

Already, the lair itself is undergoing a dynamic mutation.

"This is..."

"There was no classification in the treasure, so I took the liberty of organizing it. Here's the cash relationship."

"Oh, wow."

"I'm surprised. I didn't know it was cleaner than Reid's."

"You, why don't you try hiring Den with Matheus on your neck already? It's not even noticeable in the city right now."

"Let's not. On the outside, the neighbors' wives are going to make a scene."

Two meters is a giant, but it cannot be said that it is in the human sphere.

There are horns and fangs left, but they are not so conspicuous, nor can they be said to be half demons.

Few would look at Deng now and associate him with the original Auga.

But he's too handsome to mutate. To be honest, it can even be hostile.

"Lady Nicole, have we got about a hundred gold coins for now?

"Oh, thank you. I don't know the market either, so I guess that's fine. If it's not enough, you can come back."

"I understand. It's a little heavy, so I'll take it."

"That'll help."

The foreword is withdrawn, and it is a very attentive response. My hostility has been fogged.

Actually, it would weigh quite a bit if it were even a hundred pieces of gold. I can't carry it with me first, and Maxwell would get fatigued if he didn't use the magic of cargo handling (cargo).

"That's not a very challenging response, Reid."

"Choro, don't say it"

It has become one challenge to say luggage since becoming this body. It carries me around, so even if I thank you, I won't be punished.

So I was blinded by a corner. There was my black history… and many of the collections were displayed on the bookshelves.

"So, Den! Do me one favor."

"Yes, what should we do?

"Keep your curtains hanging so you can't see them from the outside on that bookshelf. Please. As soon as possible."

"What? Oh, you know... I understand that"

Goddamn it, you mean my hobby's been known to Den?

No, at the stage where I decided to let him live here, should I have assumed this?

Anyway, I can no longer look back on what I've done. No, I don't want to remember.

I escaped from the treasure trove.

We took Deng and headed straight to Ast's lair near his middle belly.

It's about that dude who might not be good at it anyway, he'd already be aware of it as much as we came to visit.

I'm worried about leaving my safe house alone, too, but I don't see any worse bandits coming than that guy has surveillance.

When I went to Ast's lair, the gate had already been opened, exuded an aura that told me how to come inside.

I look at Maxwell and I look at him with a bitter smile on my shoulder.

What a way to welcome him, what a twisted welcome.

We went into the cave and knocked on the front door behind it.

Don't let it go between you, his grumpy voice returns.

"It's open. You'll see. Just get in there."

"Courtesy for once, courtesy."

I spit so bad, I go inside.

There was, by way of example, an appearance of Ast scraping out a silver ring.

"Are we here again? What can I do for you now?

"No, I'm sorry to have to help you every once in a while, but there are some things that I can't think of in Washi et al."

Sage and the famous old Maxwell.

"Do you have a great attitude with me?

"It would be more disrespectful to treat you and this humble old man together"

To Ast's words, I flaunt my lips. pointing to the modus operandi, Ast further solicited.

"Besides, I'm a little girl now. There's a lot of girls on the board."

"This is for acting!

Deng deposits the gold coins with Maxwell and disappears into the back while Ast and I meet.

Apparently, he went to make tea. Have you already been drunk here by his territory?

Anyway, it's convenient that you took your seat off.

I decided to ask Ast about Den's change.

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