While Deng was out of his seat, I decided to interrogate Ast.

That change is too unusual for anything at all. It's like - yes, it's like a change in Goblin Road.

"Mm-hmm. Den change?

"Oh. How much anything would be too unusual?

"I guess that affects this mountain because it's one of the terrestrial veins"


Wait, that's the first time you've heard that?

If this is a terrestrial vein, it shouldn't be strange to have more dangerous organisms or anything out there.

After thinking about it so much, I realized it couldn't be.

Because even if such a dangerous organism occurs in this mountain, the man in front of you decides to dispose of it immediately.

"That's what it is? No, more importantly, is it something that's all over the place to say ground veins?

Maxwell forcefully convinces him of something, while raising questions.

Yes, this is also an important story. If there are so many terrestrial veins, it should greatly affect the world's power map.

"No, there are five in all on this continent... no, that's six. One of them is here."

"Is that... is that something I can leave alone?

"Are you worried it won't be abused? At least I won't let you abuse this place any more than I do here."

It's true that in this mountain where this man is sitting, there can be no such thing as a man trying to exploit evil.

Den's change is also called a change that has occurred because he is sitting in such a mountain.

"Well, okay. Then one more thing. This is my request."


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

So, a strange voice echoed. An indescribable voice, like a gloss that echoes from the bottom of the earth.

I heard it and a strange silence descended on the spot.

But Ast took a seat after coughing a little.

"I'm sorry. I was in the middle of a cage because my daughter-in-law made a coarse appearance. I'm gonna shut you up for a second."

That said, he takes his seat, lifts up some of the floorboards and goes down to the basement. Was there a basement in this room? I've never seen it before.

Will it be enough for time? After a while I couldn't hear my voice and Ast climbed up with a strangely lustrous look.

"I made you wait."

"No, fine... no way. Domestic violence or something like that, right? I guess he's alive, huh?

"Don't worry. I didn't inflict any pain, and if I kill him, he dies."

"Oh, is that good...?

Anyway, my instinct tells me I shouldn't go in here in depth. So to change the subject, I told Ast what had happened so far.

Deng came back along the way, but I'm not in trouble to be asked about this story.

All the people on this scene are the ones who know who I am.

"Hmm, to personally identify you, he wants to prepare a perfume that emits a distinctive smell,"

"Yes, I'd prefer something I can't imitate if I could"

"I was just one of those people who didn't have a lot of spills. I couldn't think of a good idea, and I was in trouble."

"There is."

"Well, even you don't feel like sprinkling, so it might be useless to talk to me like this... is there!?

I accidentally put a promised scratch in Ast, which I firmly affirmed and ruled out.

"It's the only perfume you've got, isn't it? Can I get it for you?

"That's very rude of you to say, but I've never had a clue."

With that said, Ast took a seat and disappeared into the back room.

He returned a few minutes later, with a small grain of green on his hands.

A sphere a little larger to say grain the size of the tip of an adult male's thumb, instead of its size, swung a gloriously blue smell around him.

But it was something unique, not an unpleasant smell, but an intense smell of plants.

"What's this?

"It's the psychotropic elixir. You're a hard substitute to get now."


"Elixir, what is it?

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. It was available near the top level of the labyrinth inside the world tree and showed healing of all wounds and illnesses just by sipping…

"Isn't that the legendary drug!?

"That's right. But if it smells like this, we can't have it replaced."

"Sure, but why did you... No, you said you were in a labyrinth when you were an adventurer"

"Oh, that's the rest you got then. He's the only one left."

"Sure, then you won't be able to get a replacement, but this time I won't be able to get a reward worthy of it!

"I don't mind. It was a dead end anyway. If it helps, you take it."

"I appreciate you saying that..."

If it is true that this unique smell does not threaten to be imitated.

And I don't have a reason to say no because it will, but when it's just a substitute for this far, I can even feel it.

"Never mind, it's an unnecessary substitute for a retired body. Sure, it's a waste of time to do it to you, but don't throw it away when you hear there's a woman in danger because of it."

"Cortina, you're looking for me! We're not gonna do this?

"I don't need it, I'm a daughter-in-law even if I look like this. Crush the grain and divide it into six pieces, each carrying it, and it will become a landmark. Keep it in a container that can be sealed on a daily basis and the smell won't even leak."

"How long does this smell last?

"Don't have at least a thousand years. As the myth says."

I don't know how I got it, but maybe it was peeled out at the time I got it. This means, for a thousand years before this drug appeared in the myth, it has been emitting a smell.

If each of the six heroes holds this and marks the smell in person, they can't fool anyone by saying they're good disguised kufals.

"I don't know, I'm sorry. I need you to have all this stuff ready."

"Don't tell me again and again, it's something I don't need anymore, and I owe you this time. Go back and show your face to the woman."

"Borrow? Oh, scroll out, please add me."

"That's it if you think I'm reluctant. Well, I've got it."

Ast took his seat again and began to draw away where the somewhat unsure material beside the desk piled up.

Each time the dust rises, but you can't seem to care about the extent of it, adventurers, etc.

Speaking of troubles, to the extent that Deng cares a little about the dust on his clothes. You like this guy pretty too...

"There was."

"You left it in that garbage dump."

"For once, it's a magic prop, so dirt doesn't break. Never mind."

"It's got kind of a ratty liquid on it?

"Oh, that's a failure when I melted the Huge Crowler yarn and tried to see if it could be processed into a cloth"

"Make it a cloth, man."

"I don't like the air leaking out of my braids."

Encourage strange inventions again. It's only a matter of time before further modification items are created from this guy.

"Well, okay. You took care of him this time. That's right, I don't want to thank you for just about a hundred pieces of gold, so you can take whatever item you want from my safe house if you need it."

"Are you sure? I don't think it's comparable to the Evil Dragon material."

"You said it, too. I can't make the most of it. Then you better use it. And I'll use the product that you used. It's the right reciprocal relationship."

"That just sounds like you're benefiting unilaterally... okay. It's certainly fascinating to be able to use it as you like."

When I say that, I quickly pull out the paper and start writing something. Looks like some kind of blueprint from what I've seen.

If this happens and you're in the way forever, you're seriously going to be treated like an interrupter.

Is Deng used to it too, he was starting to clean up his nearly drunk cup.

"Then we go home. Den's fine."

"Yes, and good luck to you, Nicole."

Deng smiles on his smiley, good-looking face changed face.

To be honest, you must have lost your mind a little bit about that innocent grin.

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