Rushing, Leon quickly ties up two disoriented men.

It was hilarious to watch the cloud I was helping have a bit of an inner crotch.

"Nevertheless, if it really ends just the two of us,"

"Man over here, what a heartless attack... Mr. Finia, you have no mercy, not by appearance"

"It was Nicole who stabbed me in the stomach!

"It's a lie, the man is Finia's handle"

"Dear Nicole!?

Finia protesting with a crying voice, but let's just leave her alone because she's cute.

Carry the tied up man a short distance away before starting interrogation.

I moved the place to see how the late returning man was, and to see if another bandit could come.

"Hey, get up."

Bette and Leon tense the man's cheeks, but he didn't respond.

After all, the man who was kicked in the steeple is completely unconscious, apparently.

Leon walks over to the other one with his broken arm when he exhales.

"Hey, get up!

Shake the water from the water bag you were carrying out of your head and force it to beat you up.

This man woke up with that stimulus.

"Mm, guuuuu..."

The man is stuffy and endures pain because he was tied with his arm broken.

That's because Leon had a one-handed half sword (bastard sword) in his hand.

"Answer me, you're bandits, aren't you?

"Hey, what the hell..."

"Liar. He said 'parent'"

"This kid - yah!

Leon strikes hard at the arm of the man who tried to curse, with the belly of his sword.

"Answer the question. And don't lie. Answer me with that guy over there, and I'll slash your arm off first if you're not."

"Gu...... ok"

The other man is completely out of his mind. I can't even try to keep my mouth shut.

Furthermore, instead of 'killing', 'slashing off arms' would also be one reason why a man broke.

The fear of being inflicted with pain to the extent of not dying is not bearable to the extent of untrained banditry.

Seeing the situation of total blockage, the man with the broken arm seemed to have decided to be prepared to be interrogated in great measure.

"How many of you are there? What about power?"

"Oh, there's nine of us, including me. My parents have become third-floor adventurers."

"Adventurer collapse? What about Ajito?"

"There's a new rift in the rocks along the river ahead, and I realize it's getting a little wider in the back there, so I'm living there."

"Well, I didn't know there was such a place."

As for Leon, who mainly escorts merchants to Raum, I am familiar with such topographical locations.

I guess the fact that he doesn't know about it is the terrain he was able to do recently.

"Next, what's the crime so far? How many people did you attack?

This was a question that also bothered me.

The perimeter of Raum is kept secure by adventurers. It's odd that I wasn't able to detect their presence in it.

This would mean that the story was completely 'doomed' so that it could not be passed on to the city.

"Wait, we're..."

"How many did you kill?

"Ugh... only three pairs, eleven"


As for the bandit's victimization, maybe less. If you're sure what the man is saying.

Is that what Leon felt too, he was pursuing a man even more. But the man is also desperately defending himself.

"True! We've only been living there recently. My parents lost their village in the last Goblin raid."

That goblin raid has caused some nearby settlements to disappear.

Adventurers known as their parents would also have been employed in such settlements.

But that's not why I'm allowed to fall back on being a bandit.

"So, what happened to the body?

"Buried. I don't have a problem hiding in the woods. Leaving it alone, any day the beast will handle the body"

"I see. I mean, your corpse will disappear if you leave it alone."

"Or give me a break! I just did what my parents said."

"But the fact that you were looking for 'prey' doesn't change. If you hadn't chosen, those eleven wouldn't have died."


The man brings despair to his face and screams.

I don't even know what the man claims. Because if I hadn't chosen prey, it would have been this man who would have been killed.

That's why it's no excuse for being a part of banditry.

"Fair enough. If what you say was true, you'd do it to the point of sticking it out to the Constitution without killing it."

"Oh, oh."

A man who returns it with a subtle face. That's supposed to happen, too, and although a man is not the main culprit, he's a piece of banditry.

There is no doubt that if you are brought to justice, you will be guilty of a fairly heavy crime.

But he's not the main perpetrator, so there's still a chance he'll be spared the death penalty. I guess he looked subtle, thinking about that possibility.

"All right, then let's get on with the crusade. If these guys don't come back, there's a chance they'll be suspicious and change places."

"Right. We'll decide by the end of the night."

Sometimes the thing called scouts conveys information because they don't come back.

The fact that these guys aren't coming back leads to something happening. A prudent bandit can't just throw away the possibility of transferring Azito.

If we take action before we get suspicious and keep the roots crusaded, we can get another victim out if we let one of them get away with it.

"So what do we do with this guy?

The cloud points to the captives tied up and tells them so.

If we have eight people left, we all need to make our way.

Or I can't even use my hand to say that once I get back and leave it with Heath. The other person may escape in that time.

"... at this point, it's better to let the executor get away. Let's leave these guys here and collect them later."

"Wait for me! If they throw you out in a place like this, the beasts and monsters will eat you!

"Give up then that you had no luck"


"In the first place, it was in the hands of the government constitution, and it was decided that it would survive. Or don't let our hands get annoying... die now?


Leon sets up a sword and sends an intimidating gaze.

Sure, the man's right, there's a chance they'll eat you by leaving you... but there's only one way to get you to give it up that you deserve it.

Plus the other guy hasn't regained consciousness yet. There's no chance that this man will survive if you use it.

"If it's true, I didn't even want to do it with one arm, did I?

I peek into the man's face and smile nicely. That grin will look awesome.

The man, who insulted the child and was broken in the arms by his outspoken hand, had no choice but to snort cocklessly at the words.

"Well, if you're lucky, I'll see you later. I'll be right back."

"Please, do so..."

With a crying face, the man pleaded so.

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