Following the path I heard from the captive man, I discovered a huge crack in the rock wall along the river.

Put Cloud and Leon on the spot where they can't hide, and me and Ellen will head out to check the area.

Fortunately, I don't keep a lookout or anything near the entrance, and there's no danger if you just get close.

"Are you alert or not..."

I don't keep an eye on my Negijo, wondering if I'm putting out scouts and sorting out the prey I'm after.

This neighborhood is so halfway there, I can wonder why it was a third floor stop.

Upon examining the surrounding footprints, it was found that there were about ten people in and out, as the man said.

This is based on foot size, stride, shoe shape, etc. It is information lacking in accuracy.

"There are about ten of them, but there are definitely people living here."

"Then it would mean that the captive man was right. Is it true there's no entrance or exit behind this trail?

"Maybe it's true"

We'll go straight back to Leon and report the situation.

Hearing that, Leon smiled niggly. The enemy has a rip of rock in the trail... pulled into a cave.

"They have no escape. I mean -"

Operation Smoke is active.

- So you're saying...

In my words, Leon offers his fist to me.

I fisted with it and we had a bad laugh.

As Operation Smoke was to be conducted, Leon skipped the instruction neatly.

Since it is not a particularly strange operation, the instructions are not particularly presumptuous.

Finia sends smoke into the crack with the magic of the breeze (Breeze) as I light a raw tree in front of the crack of the safe house and begin to master a variety of magic, albeit elementary.

Michelle and Ellen, equipped with a crossbow with a continuous firing mechanism, towed where she rushed out.

Where the opponent brings up his shield, Mr. Leon and the cloud pop up and build a front.

Me, Finia, and Michelle and the shooting crew are supposed to be in charge of the guys trying to get out of that left and right.

"Whoever tries to get out to the left, Ellen and Michelle, you got to hold him back."



"On the right are Mr. Finia and Nicole. But don't push it."


Copy that, sir.

I said 'Don't force it' only to us, because this is the melee subject's combo.

Depending on the size of the safe house and the number of footprints going in and out, there are not ten enemies.

If we take half of that, as an organization, it would have collapsed.

It's a line because I'm convinced I can defeat half with preemptive ambushes and my own strength.

Collect raw trees so they won't be noticed by everyone, and pile it up in front of the crack with me and Finia.

Heavy equipment Leon and the cloud cannot participate in this task.

Meanwhile, Michelle and Ellen were preparing bows.

Especially since Ellen has a dagger and a crossbow as her main gear, she will need to be prepared in advance.

When he was ready, Leon exhaled heavily. The cloud also has a nervous face.

Speaking of which, it may be since Matheus that the cloud fights people in action.

Kale and his training were piling up, but he still couldn't seem to hide the tension.

"Okay, let's get started"

I nodded small at Leon's instructions.

Finia chants her magic in a whisper, too, and lights my sweet potatoes.

It is also possible to light the raw tree directly, but in that case it seems difficult to adjust the fire power.

While adjusting the thermal power of burning raw trees, which contain a lot of moisture, a breeze (breeze) will also be used, thus placing a heavy burden on the finer.

She doesn't have much experience in real life with humans either, so I'd like to keep the burden down if I can.

I sneak in my footsteps and close to the raw trees I pile up, I sprinkle oil there, and then I light them with a torch.

The oil caused the flames to burn well and began to launch mockingbirds and white smoke.

Finia then finishes the small, breezy chant and completes the magic.

The magic expressed pushed white smoke into the rift.

I'll just back off and move to an unobstructed position.

A few men came running out of the rift after a while.

"Gohogoho, what the hell is going on!?

"Who is this place?"

When the second saw the raw wood burning and raised his voice, a ton and arrow stood on its forehead.

The arrow that flew in with little scratching of the white smoke that sprinkled around her was Michelle's unleashed arrow, needless to say.

Two people, Leon and Ellen, stiff for a moment to the anomaly.

"What do you say, my Michelle's awesome?"

"Ooh. But why would Nicole strain her chest?

"Of course, because he's my best friend"

"The reaction is really smiling, but the results are horrible."

"What are you both up to? The next one's coming!

Ellen putting herself up on the shelf and setting up a crossbow with a series of shots. Stick the five arrows of the magazine into the remaining one and stab most of them.

Her bow is a mechanism by which a string is pulled by turning the handle and an arrow is automatically loaded from the magazine and fired.

Crossbows are inherently powerful and easy to target with excellent range, but they have difficulty with continuity.

An object fitted with an automatic loading mechanism was developed there.

This was initially a poor assessment because of the loss of power and range, which is a cross-bow sale, and the cluttered aim, but it is now used in barrage tensioning applications because several arrows can be shot out at speeds that are not comparable to bows.

In line with its use, she also slammed the arrows in like rain, instantly halibuting and showing the one remaining.

That leads to another jump out of the cave.

But when I saw the two of them fall at my feet, I instantly went back into the rift.

"Damn, it's a raid! They'll snipe us when we get out!

"Why here - you Anton bastard, you betrayed me! Bring the shield!?

They're pretty judgmental people to see the situation with just two people getting hit. Anton and I would be the lookout guys we captured first.

It's not a bad decision to try to prepare a shield first. But I'm anticipating this one as well.

Leon flies his gaze to the cloud when he sees the men who came out alert and shielded the sniper.

With that in mind, the cloud also set up a shield and jumped in with a roar.

"Whoa, whoa!

That is followed by Leon popping up as well.

The cloud is a one-handed sword on an iron shield. The opposing Leon holds the versatile one-handed half sword, the Bastard Sword, with both hands.

The defense was higher in the cloud, so he (the cloud) was ahead of him.

The bandits, who were shielded and whose sight was ineffective thanks to the white smoke they could get in, would have received the progression decently.

Cloud bounces off one of the leading men, and Leon, who came forward to replace him, pierces him and stabs him in the stomach.

Reflectively, the bandits moving to surround those two.

Apparently we succeeded in building the front well.

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