Back in the break shed, we left the surviving bandits with the Heaths.

Even if I survived, there are only three of us left, but that's it. It is a job at once.

Merchants with wings making abrupt requests will also make up for the loss a little with the bounty they get for sticking these guys out.

"I didn't think you'd crusade in just a few hours. How the hell..."

"More than that, even though he survives, isn't he a jerk?

Heath points to a man with a crushed groin and still not awake.

I used the magic of light healing (Cure Light) so I don't think I will die.

"I have first aid, just in case, so I think you'll be all right, okay?

"Oh, really?

'Cause it was completely crushed at first.

"Ooh. That's horrible..."

Heath returns a somewhat hip reply to my explanation.

Well, I'm an ex-man too, so I don't know how that feels. That hurts. No, it hurts to be in the same place as a woman.

"So, what happened to Azito?

"Oh, I lived on a riverside rock wall, so I smoked it out and wiped out my roots. I don't think any of them escaped."

"I see. But with the place still there, there's a chance that another bunch of people might get in."

"That's why I want you guys to stick these guys out to the guards. Then you'll be able to find out exactly what Negijo is."

"Okay, I'll take care of that. You took care of him this time."

Leon asks Heath to shake his hand, and he answers that too.

But when I saw the man who had fainted once more, he snapped.

"Nevertheless... who did this?

"That's Finia..."

"It's Master Nicole!

Finia blocks my words in a rare and strong tone.

I guess that's all I panicked about, but the trick was adorable, so I set up messing around.

"But the first blow was Finia. This is how you say 'yes' from below."

"I did hit him, but there shouldn't have been any damage so far! After that, Nicole kicked him, didn't she?

"That could have happened -?

I reminded Finia of what I had to tell her to stop me.

"That's right. We're going to have a little discussion."

"What, are you talking to me?

"Yeah. Me and Finia just bumped into each other."


I will discuss my contact with Finia in the battle ahead. Finia heard it and corrected her posture away from her arm.

There is not even a thing called a table or chair in this cabin because there is only enough equipment to avoid rainstorms.

Her appearance, sitting exactly on the floor with a serious face, even looked humorous somewhere.

"When I was sleepover, I backed off, and the avant-garde had a defensive cloud and two people, so I was meshing around, but now you often stand around the same offensive type of me, don't you?

"Right. Lady Retina slipped out, and with me in, you're in a pretty awkward configuration."

You guessed we went into a serious discussion, and Heath takes the bandits outside the cabin.

Spending the night with the bad guys in a cabin that's just narrow is a lot of danger. Not to mention me and Michelle, the kids, together. I never crossed the line to be vigilant.

So I guess the Heath and the others went wild with the villains outside the cabin, trying to make it a little less likely that there would be danger to us.

Outside the cabin, Nojuku and I are extremely dumb, but the circumstances are the only thing that we can do.

As I looked sideways at it, I kept talking to Finia, who was sitting in the front seat.

"Oh, you can break your legs. It's not a sermon, is it? So, I think Finia and I need to change our standing around a little bit."

"Stand around......? I don't think it's going to change that easily."

"Yeah, but if you change your weapon, you have to change it irresistibly."

"Dear Nicole, are you letting Katana go?

"Why am I supposed to change?

My style of combat, which has been on the front lines for years since my last life, is not so easy to change.

The fact that the avant-garde collided with each other in relation to their standing positions was a frequent occurrence for me and Lyell as well.

At the time, however, the mistake was also instantly corrected because there was an overwhelming commander named Cortina.

But I don't have that kind of talent right now. Then we have to change the way we fight.

And above all, the front line is still a dangerous place.

It's also my heart that I don't want Finia standing in such a place and getting hurt badly.

If it's true, I'd like you to leave the fight, but you won't be able to change all the circumstances and her will.

"So you want me to back off? However, I am not yet proficient in magic enough to use attack magic…"

"That's it. Unlike me, Finia wants you to stay a little further away because of the wide variety of magic. That'll give you time to fly all sorts of supporting magic."

Finia, who can use the four major attributes of groundwater fire-style, has a variety of things when it comes to elementary assistive magic.

Especially if you can use magic such as the Fire Grant (Fire Weapon) that wraps the weapon around the flame and the Water Shield (Water Shield) that reduces damage from the flame.

But when it comes to straining to the forefront, there is little time left to chant them.

"But with my weapon..."

"So this. Some god called himself Cuckoo. It's a magical weapon."

I gave Finia the vibrating dagger.

This weapon, which turns into a spear with magic, can be considered the perfect weapon for her standing around.

The difficulty is the intense drain of magic, but she should be able to use it if she draws the blood of the elves who excelled in magic.


"But this is what I do..."

Overnight that day, I lectured Finia on the use of vibrating daggers.

During the explanation, was it still the difference in experience as a woman that induced me to even expose my use in voluntary study at night......?

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