The next morning, we broke up with a line of merchants and once again embarked on a journey to Stra territory in the north.

Speaking of which, I had a name for that merchant, Mr. Temul, but you didn't name us.

Well, isn't there a merchant who wants to bond friendship with the escort?

"Still, Nicole is surprisingly a tactician."


"It was yesterday. Ability to detect enemies to scout technology, then adaptability to smoke out operations. I don't think it's a very beginner's first floor."

That's what Leon talked to me about on the road.

I did get on track last night, and I may have stood out too much for a lot of things. I sneaked my footsteps to prepare and scout for a fire, and it moved pretty flashy.

Maybe we should make some excuses here.

"Right. We've been doing this for quite some time. I'm still on the ground floor because all the beast hunting around me has barely improved my ratings."

"Hunting near Raum... that's surprisingly training"

"Well, that was a tough move. Michelle was amazing, too."

Ellen also followed Leon and appreciated it that way. Well, in previous life, that scourge technique was evaluated and chosen as the Six Heroes, so naturally so.

So I heard Michelle walking next door whispering, "Ah."

I'm anxious for a moment that you've overlooked the enemy's approach again. Since I have had a lot lately, my repulsion pride can be a little fragile.

"What's wrong? Did you find anything?

"Yeah, kiwi"

"Oh, yeah..."

"But I've passed by already"

I graduated from the School of Magic, then I got ready to move, and now it's May. It is the most delicious season of all.

When I heard the story, I was listening to it at first too, but it reminded me of the sweet and sour taste and the petite touch, and I felt saliva buildup in my mouth.

"I can't help it anymore. Ah."

I wave my arm and fly the piano line in my hand.

Exactly, the armor can't be equipped in front of the finer, so I had to use the piano wire here.

The flying steel thread pierced the nuts without overaiming them, picked them, and kept them back on my hands.

And make sure you have enough snacks of it over and over again. No, not yet in the morning.

But there were people who looked at my work with amazement.

Leon and Ellen, and Finia.

"Dear Nicole, now..."


With that said, I haven't told Finia about my gift yet.

It's stunning and natural to be shown a stunner who suddenly says he picks fruit with yarn.

"Speaking of which, you didn't say. Actually..."

From now on, Finia will also be adventurous with me.

You can't keep your mouth shut about my yarn gift forever. Like Michelle and the others here, I need to disclose information to such an extent that it doesn't connect to my past life.

"I also have a gift of yarn."

"Manicured yarn...... same as Lady Reid?

"Yeah. Well, it's not a rare gift, but when you have two, it's a lot of hassle. That's why I kept my mouth shut to my dads at first. Maxwell found out, but Laid, there's something about you, and we talked about how you should keep your mouth shut a little longer."

Rub the blame on Maxwell while explaining. I'm getting dirty, too.

"Speaking of which, from an early age, you had the strength to knit that didn't suit your age."

"Yeah, practice"

"Convinced, I just want to say...... same ability as Lady Reid. That's for a three-year-old?

Kakun and neck tilting finia. Again, I guess there are aspects of it that are not immediately convincing. To be honest, I can't do this either.

Anyway, I did a gift appraisal when I was three. It is an anomaly in the first place that a three-year-old child comes to the idea that 'it is not good to find out'.

But trump cards also existed again.

It was Finia who told me about Reid, and she was the one who told the anecdote the most.

I was asked when she was five years old that she was one-sided by me, but even before that, she had been asked about the work of the Six Heroes in her sleep story, and I can't forget her childhood when she was bored with embarrassment.

From there it should be easy to imagine that she had an unparalleled thoughtfulness for Reid - which I didn't think was a favor.

"Finia seems to have had a lot going on with Laid."

"That, of course, is..."

"Mom and Dad looked kind of subtle, too, so come talk to me."

"Ugh... I can't believe you were worrying about your kids like that, I'm disqualified as a nanny too"

"If Finia is disqualified, she won't be in this world a nanny to pass"

I dropped my gaze on the wooden beard at hand as I followed her down depressed.

That number is visibly decreasing.


Next to me with a voice of doubt, Michelle hid her mouth pussy.

Its fingertips are red. And a thin throat swallows cockroaches and something.

"Michelle, you stumbled on me, didn't you?

"I didn't."

"We're losing everyone's share now."

"I'm sorry, I can't stand it anymore! Nicole and Finia are having a tough time talking."

"It wasn't hard at all, was it?

It's an excuse I once told her too. In this response, I was suspicious that I understood it at the time.

But for better or worse, I mean her who takes what people say honestly. You shouldn't have to worry about leaking it to others.

"Damn, Michelle..."

"With that said, even in church, you were bothered by Michelle's stuffing."

"Finia, sister. I don't think it's a good idea to whisk people's darkness back!

"What a lovely darkness"

Michelle protests by waving her hand up at Finia's exposure, but the action just looks as if the puppy is strangled.

If you're after me, I bruise too much. Probably natural though.

I sighed soothed by both of them, and I skipped more yarn to collect snack additions.

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