We're walking out of town.

The city, like Raum, is surrounded by monsters. But again, just like Raum, safety was somewhat assured in the vicinity as the adventurers crusaded around the area.

For that reason, they've decided it's okay to leave the city with a test for a run out.

"Cornegrass grows by the lake north of the city," he said.

"Was it in the drawings earlier?

"Yeah, I remember"

To the north of the city of Strahl, there is a lake that serves as the city's water source.

Its lake, which is created by spring water, is not well suited to swimming because of its low water temperature even in the summer.

Still, in the summer, they say it's one of those attractions that quite a few visitors will visit.

It's just called a attraction, and the water quality is pretty good, with clear transparency.

Finia was greatly disappointed when she heard the story from me.

"If the water is cold, you can't swim. It's a shame you can't see Nicole in her bathing suit."

"It's still early. Besides, why are you expecting me to look like my swimsuit? As far as I'm concerned, Finia's bathing suit is all I want to see."

"Then you should wear it with me!

"Where do you swim?

"Like an inn bathroom?

"Narrow no."

The Gaddles Inn is also home to a common bath. Let's just say this neighborhood is huge accommodation.

But it is also not something that can be said to be very broad, but to the extent that four or five people can get in. This is close to the northern part of the continent because the habit of wiping the body is stronger than bathing.

Finia and I are in the bath together in the first place. Why do I have to come in now in my bathing suit?

As I raised my frightened voice, I discovered a discerning face talking to a gatekeeper to get out of the city just like us.

The other day, Marks came together to fix the warehouse.

"Ah, Mr. Mark."

"Yeah? Oh, isn't that Mr. Finia! Are you leaving the city?

When Finia speaks, Mark's expression becomes visible and bright.

Finia seems to have an extraordinary respect because she is also the benefactor of Mark's life.

Nor can we deny that we can see a favorable sentiment there. But you're not gonna give Finia to that guy over there, are you?

"Yes, in the promotion exam"

"Heh, so it's the same Molia grass?

"Molia grass?

"That's a kind of aquatic herb. I can pick it in the north lake. Does asking back mean he's another guy?

"Yes, we are corne grass. But if it's aquatic, the destination is a lake, right? with us."

"Right, why don't you come with me if you want?


Find out more about Finia. I guess you're waiting for my decision.

There are some things I don't like about this guy's emotions, but getting more manpower is not a bad thing.

Whether you're on guard or searching the area, you better have more manpower.

"It's okay, nothing."

"Master Nicole doesn't seem to be different, and if that's the case, I'll join you."


Damn, this guy's cash, too. At first, you looked down on women and children.

Well, Finia is a beautiful girl. Unlike me, who is slightly under-height, or Michelle, who is still childish around her waist, her apparent age is commensurate with them too.

I don't know about trying to powder her from that point of view, but...

"However, I wouldn't accept it if I did an impudent imitation. Mostly Gaddles, my dad."

"Ugh!? I know."

I won't forget to stab the nail just in case. Especially in the past week or so, I know my father is Lyell.

It wouldn't be an unscrupulous approach to be told so far.

Apply to the gatekeeper for a procedure to leave the city and continue straight north with water resources.

North of Strahl was slightly elevated, where spring water was gushing to make the lake.

Its water flows down the slope of the high ground into a river and into the city.

With its good quality water and sunny slopes to the south, Strahl had become a rare barn zone for Raum.

Donovan's insistence on the right to tax is also for these reasons.

The mood is close to hiking as you climb along the river through a snug gradient.

Michelle and others were just mouthing clear water and cheering for its delicacy.

"Wow, I'm stuck! I'm so refreshed by that. Nicole, why don't you have a drink?

"Really? Maybe it's a good idea to change the water here."

"Oh, that's good. All right, all right."

Water in this neighborhood can be distinct from city water because clutter mixes with water by the time it flows to the city of Strahl.

Replacing the contents of the water bag you carry shouldn't be a bad idea.

Finia and Cloud also switched water in imitation of Michelle, and Marks, who saw it, imitated it.

That's how after an easy hike, we even came to the lake on the high ground.

The transparent lake reflects the light of the sun as if it were a mirror, and the surface of the water shines like a gem.

Look at that. Finia and Michelle were leaking an exhalation of gratitude.


"Really. You look like Nicole's hair"

"I haven't shined this far."

"No, no, not as much as Finia's smile -"

"Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh."

I'll kick the mark on Finia trying to line up the blatant words of obedience.

At the same time he observed his surroundings and began to look for corne grass.

Finia will follow me and start the search. If this happens, Mark won't be able to do the numbing or anything.

But I've been looking for it for a while, but I couldn't find what Cornegrass looked like.

"That... that's crazy. The drawings say it's around here."

"Isn't that a small number?

"That's what exams are about. It's not a glimmer."

From this reaction, neither Cloud nor Finia seemed to be able to find it.

"Do you have to go to the opposite shore?

"This lake is pretty big. It's going to take a long time to get to the other shore."

"Right. It's going to be evening. Nicole, what do we do?


As Michelle says, it's evening when you get to the opposite shore. Then it's too late to go home.

Given the danger of marching at night, it might be safer to stay overnight by the lake.

Or maybe it doesn't exist in this neighborhood.

"Is that a lesson to be learned about not peddling books? In the meantime, let's get to the opposite shore. If not, I'll stay there overnight and be back at noon tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay!

That's how we became feathers halfway around the lake.

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