In the end, even as we circled around the lake, we couldn't discover the corne grass.

It seems to blossom a characteristic red little flower, so I don't think I'll overlook it.

"You didn't end up."

"There wasn't one either."

"I couldn't even find our Molea grass. What's going on?

The day is already tilting out, and when I return to the city of Strahl now, it becomes an itinerary at night, and vice versa, dangerous.

It would be better to give up here and go wild on this occasion.

Luckily, we also have a spare portable meal, so there's no problem if it's about an overnight stay.

But I didn't envisage Nojuku, so I didn't bring the equipment like a tent.

We need to outperform the night dew here with cloaks and other cold gear.

Peel the grass near the water field and build up the dead branches that have been collected from the surroundings on the ground of the stripping.

To set the fire here and survive the cold at night. Collect as many dead branches as possible that will fuel you.

That's how Finia was starting to prepare dinner with the fire that set her ablaze.

"I bring about about dried meat, bread and cheese, so you can't make a big deal"

"Finia's cuisine would be delicious."

"I'm glad you said that, but it's still not enough as a side to make it"

"Well, I'll see if there's anything that's going to be a prey."

This is also the largest water field in this neighborhood. There could be an adventurer's missed beast or something.

Besides, adventurers don't destroy even wild rabbits.

"Then I'll come with you."

"Right. Michelle might be comfortable with you."

"Eh heh."

Being a hunter's daughter and a brilliant bowman, she makes hunting easier when she finds her prey.

"Well, I'll help you, too. So..."

"Prey recommendation?

"Ugh! Well, that would help"

"It's okay to be honest"

"Then hunting is with me and Michelle and Mark. The cloud will protect Finia."

"Let it go."

Trust the cloud we showed by slapping him in the chest, and we stepped into a wooden tree a little further away.

The day is already tilting, and if you don't get your prey quickly, it'll be dark in no time.

"Well... bye"


"Let's hunt it all down!


"What, dude?

It's me and Michelle, who specializes entirely in distance, who are originally better at making a slightly more remote time than at close range.

It's more efficient to search for prey individually than to hunt them together.

Mark, who didn't understand our intentions, looks around gratuitously.

But I don't want to go through with it, I broaden my awareness of exploration and find the lizard first.

I pulled the piano wire out of my nose and jumped that neck with whip guidelines.

At the same time, Michelle was shooting down as many wild birds as a larger pigeon.

"Hey, you guys, you're too handy!?

"Even if it looks like this, we've been hunting in Raum for over five years."

"Why are you on the first floor with that background? Wow!

Animals which are not designated monsters are not subject to evaluation even if hunted.

More than not appreciated, our hunt was only instrumental to the point of filling our stomachs and nostalgia.

That's it though, this is it.

The technique of capturing signs ahead of wildlife and sending fatal fights under a blow is more forged than a bad skilled adventurer.

Regardless of my former hero, even Michelle and Cloud can compete with skilled adventurers if it's just the hunt for small animals.

"I'm used to it. I'm used to it."

"I've been used to it for years, it's horrible."

Talking but now flying the piano line towards the branches of the tree.

Now the snake has fallen, broken both ways. This is a non-poisonous kind of snake, so it will withstand consumption. Although it is difficult to have slightly more small bones.

After a while, Michelle came back in a hurry.

Two wild birds and one rabbit are suspended at the waist.

"Nicole, Nicole! Come here!


"Come on, come on!

When you take my hand, you pull it without question.

I'm about to hook my legs into that momentum, but I'll follow.

Coming through the trees and to the shores of the lake, there was a flourishing wild grass with small red flowers.

"This, Cornegrass!?

"Yeah, there wasn't a time when I came in the daytime, but there were so many when I came earlier!

"What do you mean... no, it was just blooming flowers at night"

"Blooming only at night, do you have flowers like that?

"Yeah, it only blooms in the morning or something, right? It's not weird to have flowers like that."

Cactus buddies and others start blooming at night, and I hear there are seeds scattered in the morning.

I guess Cornegrass had the same properties as flowers like that.

"I mean, that drawing wasn't about lying, it just didn't put some of the nature on it"

"On purpose?

"That's enough to put you on an exam, so it's more than likely you did it deliberately. Michelle, you're in good hands."

"Hehe, I did it."

I was qualified as an adventurer in my previous life, too, and I remember taking a promotion exam.

However, the content of the exams varies from region to region, so this was the first time that I learned about the exams here.

Nevertheless, there were some ill-intentioned tests, such as intentionally concealing information.

I meet my hands with Michelle and Bread, hi-touch each other. Undoubtedly, this discovery is her special medal.

Mark arrived late there. Seeing the blooming cornegrass behind us, he's slowly dropping his jaw.

"What, this... there wasn't daylight, was there?

"Yeah, so this is the kind of exam you had."

"You mean it blooms only at night? I can't find him."

"But now Mark's got a clue, too."


Unpinned by my advice, Mark twisting his neck.

But this should be a big tip.

"I mean, Molia, you can't even find grass normally looking for it, I'm sure. I don't suppose it's the kind of thing you can't discover until you find certain conditions?

"Oh, I see!

"In the meantime, I'll make sure you have the amount you need, so help me?

"Ooh, okay"

Let the prey be thrown out for now and gather the desired corne grass.

I don't need that much, but I don't know how much time this flower is blooming.

Besides, assuming it's a kind of flower that blooms only at night, the morning will come. It is inevitable that you will get soaked, as there is a distance to the city no matter what the most, but the examiner should probably assume that as well. If you've been told you can't, just find out what you can save and then come back.

"Michelle, let's take every piece of dirt from the roots to get it to bloom as long as possible"

"Right. I'm more happy with the flowers, I'm sure."

I even remembered how impressed I was with Michelle's purity in returning her thoughts on her position as a flower, not on a damage account like mine.

I'm still even impressed that she's a girl, too.

"By the way, can you eat these flowers?

I sigh as deep as I can to her with my neck tilted.

Michelle seemed to be Michelle no matter where she went.

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