Then we went back to land and grabbed lunch, and after about an hour of water play, we returned to the city of Strahl.

Exactly, Michelle seems to have enjoyed the water temperature of a lake made of spring water, which seemed impossible to play with any more.

By the time we finally reached Strahl from there, the day had already tilted and dimmed.

In less than an hour, it is time that the surroundings will be surrounded by darkness.

The street had also caught sight of a liquor store that lit up the lights with potatoes, completely in preparation for the night.

Passing through that early enough, we rush into the Adventurer's Guild when it closes.

Hall was overflowing with adventurers, like us, rushing in and reporting requests.

"Oh, are you back yet?

It was the receptionist with the odd grunt who found us and spoke to us in peace.

I gave you exam assignments, it's that person.

"Yeah. Corne grass and Molia grass, I picked them right up."

"Heh, exam parties often work together, but it's not like completing a request overnight. Quite a do."

"Naturally. It's Gaddles' ink, isn't it?

I present to her a plant like aloe with shriveled red petals.

The Marks were similarly taking out Molia grass.

"And it's been a night. I've been watching you come back once... did you know that after a while?

"And at last. Knowledge matters to adventurers, too?

"I didn't know how it was going. Well, luck with coincidences on your side, too, of strength."

With that much mouth, the receptionist squeezes his face tight. That alone made me feel like a warrior's face.

"If you're going to be an adventurer, what do you think is most important?

"What, knowledge or strength?

Michelle answered reflexively, but that's a mistake.

"No, I'm not. Sure you can accomplish the request."

"Seya. The most important thing for the client is not the arm of the adventurer. I don't know if I can accomplish the request. My skill is merely an indicator. To do this, use it, whether it's luck or connectivity, and don't ask them to accomplish the request."

"Then the Marks who were lucky enough to find Cornegrass and mount our cooperation -"

"You passed. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, this exam...


I looked into the receptionist's words.

Whatever it is, five minutes is too soon...... no.

"Oh well, should I have bought it here"

"Oh no. The contents of the test should be specified to the means. And in this guild, I buy both Cornegrass and Molia grass. I mean, there's a real thing here all the time."

"If I bought it, it would have been the end of the exam"

"But isn't that cheating?

"You can cheat. If that's how much you drive, you deserve a full run out graduation. Besides, if I swallowed up my client's story, I'd have learned a lesson like Akan, right?

The receptionist waved and smiled, leading us to one of the counters. So fill out the paperwork quickly.

Then I glanced at this one Giroli and exhaled lightly.

"After this, I did a mock fight to see my strength, and then I finished the exam... I don't think you and the others need that."

"Uh, why?

"Mr. Gaddles' recommendation or. Come on, Heppy. Your brothers have a lot of experience."

"Well. I've had chores for a year."

"Let it go. Renew your Hope Adventurer ID, send it over here."

That's what they told me, and it's time for us to hand her the Adventurer ID.

Received, she plugged one adventurer's card at a time into some kind of equipment and a card appeared instead with the color of the edges going from red to orange.

"Hey, this is the new 'second floor' card or. Let's not lose it. No? And check the contents."

"Oh, yes."

I will look through the ID section of the Adventurer ID as directed.

Even so, it just fills in the privacy of my appearance, where I came from, age and race.

Only one thing, only the rank is up one step.

"That's no problem."

"That's good. Now you're the second-floor adventurers. You will also be able to receive high-risk requests. I mean, that's all you guys are gonna be in danger for."

"That's how carefully you choose your job."

"At the same time, you recognized the strength to be able to cut through it. Well, it's only a rookie level."

After giving us the Adventurer's ID, after lecturing us on the details, he was released lightly.

Rather, he was driven away from him because he would be disturbed.

"Look, go home, we're going home, too! We're gonna have to get together today to find our third husband."

"Third person...... why don't you give up already?

"If I give up, I'll end my life there!

"Does it end on a life level..."

Thanks for reincarnating, but I don't think they're showing off the nasty side of a woman.

This receptionist is also adorable, but somehow... there is an atmosphere that seems strange and subtly hot.

Well, if you're telling me to go home, let me just go home. Fatigue accumulates due to the considerable distance from the lake to the city.

Back at the inn, Gaddles prepared a treat for us.

It is a dish of flames and oils, with Dwarf's unique, strong firepower to fry ingredients.

It is a mystery because it seems like a tough dish on your stomach when you ask only there, but it doesn't make you wonder and indigestive.

Growing up, Michelle and Cloud mouthed them with great joy, and Finia was impressed with how she seemed to stick around a bit.

I guess I have a different preference for Elves, the people of the woods, and Dwarves, the people of the mountains.

I too rarely stuffed myself in my stomach to the limit and went back to my room after nightfall.

Gear and tools were maintained, then clothes were changed, laundry was pounded into a cage, and then lay down on the bed.

"Wow, you ate a little too much"

It's supposed to be the amount I could afford in my previous life, but I can't even eat a plate with this body.

Michelle's momentum caught me eating up two plates, so I can't afford this situation either.

When I saw it, my lower abdomen was pounding and swollen, appealing to overeating.

"I guess this means I don't have enough abs. This body really doesn't have muscles."

Magic animal hyperplasia is fully healed and my flesh is getting tough for the average girl.

But it doesn't make it any harder than that. I still only maintain strength by auxiliary magic and previous life's technology, and by that and tools.

Far from strength by one's own flesh, like Lyell.

"... well, come on. Do I still have a future?

My height is still growing. Correspondingly, physical abilities will also grow.

You can count on that in the future.

"Ugh, a little water......"

Overeating is more of a problem now than that.

As it is, it can erupt something glittering from your mouth into a flabby clap.

I tried to get the side table water drain in my hand, but it was empty there.

Gaddles must have cleaned it while we were opening the inn.

"It's the only way, get something at the counter"

Weave the cardigan lightly to prevent the cold and leave the room.

The time is already around the middle of the night, so you can't hear people upstairs, and from the ground floor.

But Gaddles should still be on the ground floor to clean up after him. So let's try to get something to drink.

Going down the stairs and into the hall, Gaddles was reading the letter at the indicative counter.

The face is only more glaring than usual.

"No... Nicole, huh"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you had anything to drink."

"Yeah, I got rid of the water in the room. I'm sorry, it's out of hand."

"I didn't know when I was going home, that's fine"

Gaddles poured milk into the wooden cup as he nodded at my words.

Add a spoonful of honey there and stir gently.

The bright white milk turns into a slightly yellowish shade, with a unique fragrance of honey poking his nose.

"What were you reading?

"Well, it's a letter from Maxwell."


We weren't separated, so of course there's about an exchange of letters.

He had a serious look, though.

"What did it say?

"See you about the Lord. Reid."

"... ha?

I popped out of Gaddles' mouth abruptly, my name.

I was stunned by the words, I couldn't even make a good excuse, and all I had to do was look back at Gaddles.

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