"What, because..."

To Gaddles' sudden accusation, I even stopped breathing.

It's been a while since I started living in front of him, but I don't remember doing anything that would make me see who I am.

I'm pretty sure you don't deny it.

"... how did you know?

"It's a letter. Maxwell asked for the Lord."

Yesterday, I remembered that Gaddles was reading the letter before he left.

Speaking of which, how Gaddles was doing then, it was a little strange.

Was that Maxwell's letter?

"... that Jizzy, you did it. Next time I see you, I'll give you that beard!

"That's not good for my mental health either, so don't do it. Than that...... hey Reid. How am I supposed to react?


I twist my neck, not knowing how to return the bewildering Gaddles reaction.

Seeing me like that, Gaddles exhaled one sigh and took out a bottle of booze.

Remove the tumbler from the shelf and pour the liquor into it.

"I don't know. I think of you as a friend. That's enough if you and your hometown fight, you can abandon your hometown and talk about you."

"Well, that's an honor."

"That's why I regret your death so much that I regret it, even if I regret it. I'm honestly glad you showed up in front of me like this."

Gaddles is a less mouthed man. So sometimes I get out, these straight words, to be honest, I'm happy, too, and at the same time they stink.

But Gaddles reached for the wine, and took a breath of it.

"There's anger at the same time. Cortina was sadder about your death than she was, Lyell and Maria, right? Whatever, Miss Finia."

"I didn't want to do that."

"... Then why don't you name it?

Gaddles shoots me through with serious, even angry eyes.

I don't even know how he feels. That's why we can't accept that claim.

"How about you?


"Have you been named? He grieves people with his own careless death and is reborn as his daughter. If this was someone else in red, I'd be happy to make it. But it's Lyle and Maria's daughter. Those guys were sincerely blessing their own children. You can't possibly name it 'it was actually me'."


"It's about six months after I was born that I can talk. Needless to say, you've been loving me as your own daughter until then, haven't you?


Gaddles had lost his word and instead had deceived the place by pouring liquor on an empty tumbler.

After conceiving for a while, he turns his gaze on me again.

"But what about Cortina? I am delighted with your resurrection and now look forward to meeting you. How much can anything stay in this state?

"Well, you are..."

"When are you going to talk?

"I'm not talking to you."


"At least not now. Lyle and Maria think of me as their own daughter. That's not a mistake on one side, but I'm not going to talk to them while they're alive. Until then, I'm going to pierce your daughter."

"Isn't that pitiful of her? Cortina thinks she's my friend, just like you."

"I know."

The stubbornness and courtship of Gaddles is what we know from previous lives. I think the fact that you let me die put this guy in a huge debt to Cortina.

I have made a settlement with her, but that debt still hasn't disappeared. Of course I don't care about that, but it's a problem I haven't solved yet in Gaddles.

"Besides, Miss Finia, you're pathetic as hell."

"Oh, I know that, too. But both Cortina and Finia are fortunately long-lived species. Perhaps the Lyells will die first."

"Fulfill it, huh?


Gaddles looking somewhere nostalgic at my claims.

Exhale gently, and smile lightly to show.

"The strange thing about it isn't what it was in the last life."

"So what?"

"The white daughter who's protecting you... you got a life extension pill from a girl who calls herself God. You forgot."

"... ah"

Speaking of which, did those white ones send you any medication to save the aging Lyells?

I remember I got into trouble too because I started showing more power than a full season because of that.

"Maxwell's standpoint said 'about doubled my life expectancy at best', but it would still be a long way ahead of me,"

"Grr... that's trouble"

"Miss Finia won't be a problem, but when Cortina is around that time, she'll start to grow old. You're gonna keep him waiting till then?

"No, that's..."

To annoying me, Gaddles dropped his shoulder like a shudder and drank again.

"Pu Ha. Well, can you say you're like that too? As a crocodile, I think we'd better get this over with, but I'm going to try to respect the Lord's intentions more than Maxwell has written to me asking me to help him. No."

"It would help if you did. Anyway, help Cortina and Finia, Lyle and Maria never find out."

"Oh, well, I guess not."

"What the fuck?

Unlike the gentle grin I had until then, this time I show it with a prank lad-like face.

The face was unusually full of love for a tight dwarf.

"You've changed your fighting style quite a bit since you were reincarnated, haven't you? Let me show you something. No."

That said, he slapped one arm like Marutai to show it.

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