I go back to my room, take out my gear and go down to the first floor.

Gaddles, dressed in full gear for the first time in a long time, was waiting there.

The body, slowly packed with meat at a low height, emits a small but considerable sense of intimidation.

"Are you here? You have a problem with people, too. Come here."

"... oh"

He invites me to the back door and walks from there to the outside of the city.

I followed him as I checked the condition of my favorite armor I had not worn in a long time.

Gaddles and I don't think you'd like to fight me.

There is a verse in me that wants to work with me in order to blow up the unconvincing starch of emotion that is probably in me.

Then that's how much I need to respond. I'm the one who's taking care of you.

The city of Strahl is the largest in the region and boasts considerable size within the walls.

There are places in the suburbs where various materials collected from the surroundings are stored.

Of course, strict surveillance is placed, but Gaddles is also a celebrity of this city, so he steps in there on a free pass.

There is a lot of lumber like raum. The difference is that there are other things besides lumber.

It is mainly high in cereals, but whether it is for disaster preparedness or earthbags (any) is also kept.

"There are a lot of obstacles and no people here. You'll be able to fight enough, too."

"Right. But is that okay? I'm different now."

Physically not far from previous life. But with reinforcement grant (enchant) and physical strengthening using yarn, we can exert no less strength than in previous life.

Regardless, it was more effective to apply them to the flesh of the previous life, but still it was not something that would look sweet.

"I'll see what you can do with Raum."

I'm more than that right now.

Lift up the end of your mouth with a nigga and show it with an invincible grin.

Seeing that, Gaddles also put up his favorite holy shield to show it.

"Superior. I've also prevented evil dragons from attacking. If you want to protect me, you can unplug me."

"Whatever, I'm going to!

When I raise my voice like that, I rush over to Gaddles in one breath.

Neither the signal of initiation nor consent is required. There is no such thing in action.

I am aware of Gaddles, so I was prepared to attack him whenever I wanted.

Gaddles shield that clogs the distance and looms in front of you. That gives me a sense of compression as if it were a wall, even though the shield and size of the cloud are very much the same.

First of all, it is deliberately located in the front of the shield. My little body hides completely behind the shield.

In this position, you'll lose sight of me - if it's normal.

But Gaddles has packed the distance, as if he could see this one.

I don't see any shards in the rush for that move.

They stick out relentlessly to play this one with a shield.

Neither will I be in such a hurry. Put your hand on the top edge of the shield, cut the dragonfly and jump over the gaddles.

At the same time, he tries to tangle a thread around his neck, but the thread is stranded by his axe.


"I've seen so much of your manipulation."

"Leave me alone!"

Even so, I can't rest my hands on the attack.

Gaddles excels at protecting, but even an attack is not a licked one. Especially now me and others, who would just scratch it and get knocked out like a piece of paper.

Still, the Gaddles offense is inconspicuous because Lyell is overhead.

Attempts to restrain him with the yarn he paid for the horizontal giraffe, but Gaddles caused the wind by waving it a shield, inhibiting the yarn movement.

Shaking the Great Shield lightly as if it were a fan is just one word. Probably affecting his shielding gift too.

Then I have to be serious, too.

Fly the yarn from all directions and attack Gaddles, but all this is paid for, received, and dodged.

The thread is entangled at the tip of the fly, and the number of copies gradually decreases.

Gaddles seemed to be aware of that, too, and was gradually starting to look spare.

"What's the matter, isn't the rest of the yarn thin?

"That's not true!

There are two threads left. It's not like I don't have to forgive you.

Still, I didn't stop the attack. Shake off one of the two remaining bottles from the top and the other from the left.

Gaddles lightly flaunts it with unimaginable footwork from its dull, heavy body.

Again, Gaddles with a shield is not so easily captured.

"Have you run out of yarn? That's how I win."

"No, I win"


Without waiting for Gaddles to reply, I pull Katana out of my hips and rush out. And he jumped right in front of him.

A slaughter just jumped up. It doesn't have to be Gaddles to take this.

But if my manoeuvres suddenly change, the story changes.


Gaddles had completely lost sight of me when I suddenly moved to the right side of the air.

Follow me, his gaze.

To avoid it, I move - in the air.

"Reid, you...... what are you doing!?

It's not like there's no magic in flying through the air. But Gaddles didn't see the scene where I activated the magic.

In fact, I didn't use magic or anything.

So Gaddles finally realizes Karakuri.

And I stretched out the thread that flew all over this assembly yard, and ran it through the sky on the scaffold.

"It's like... a spider's nest"

Gaddles groaning blankly.

My scaffolding is not the only yarn. It is also tensioned around the gaddles, thus limiting movement to the extreme.

Now you won't be able to demonstrate much of your proud defense either.

Me hanging the universe like a bird flying at night.

It is the manoeuvre of the variation from this position construction that led me to be called the Shadow Winged Assassin or the Spider Lurking in the Darkness.

Then, a manipulative thread is applied inside the body to strengthen muscle strength.

Move your small, light body forcefully with muscle strength above its limit. Combat law, my current trump card.

Gaddles couldn't follow that speed. No, with a full scaffold, you could have swung it.

Take a slash that runs like sewing a gap in a strewn thread with a single hair shield between them.

But his left arm touched the stretched thread, and he was shallow and cleaved.

I jump there, flip the yarn further into the scaffold, and pound my toes off more momentum than Gaddles' head. At the same time, the yarn in the scaffold was pulled and the yarn placement was greatly narrowed down.

Gaddles, who received Katana as a shield and was slashed and torn in the arm, was unable to cope with this move at all costs.

The shield in my hand is used to receive katana and I can't use it.

Reflectively, he tries to take it with an axe, but the movement was obstructed by a thread that has been squeezed and killed all around him.


Set in a trap, Gaddles, so enlightened, leaked a remorseful voice.

There is no way to deceive a kick that takes you down. It instantly determines so, sticking its forehead out the other way.

This is the intention of using your forehead, which is the hardest part of the human body, to outmaneuver the attack.

Gatsun and the heavy response - no, the foot response returns.

Gaddles had a concussion and fluttered and dropped his hips on the spot.

And I...

"It was there -!"

I just kicked Dwarf in the forehead and couldn't have been safer. No, if it was previous life, Gaddles would have definitely passed out, and I would have done it intact.

He twists his ankle in a grand way, rolls to the ground and leans around.

Gaddles stood up in that gap... and reached out to me.

"That's just out of moves. You lost."

"No matter what you think, you're my loser."

"The last time I was standing was definitely a crocodile. But the fatalities came first, too. Then you'll lose."

"If that's what you think, it's fine."

Hold that hand, I stand up.

Gaddles' arm receives the tilted body. He was to be transported to the inn with his collar so as to carry the cat's child as it was.

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