Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 204: Absolute Strength?

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"What! I heard it right! He seems to have said something terrific."

"No, I heard it too. He said he wants to fight all, which means that he wants to face all the masters on the scene alone. This is really unimaginable, he is confused!"

"That is to say, even if he can defeat Baibeard, he will lose instantly in the face of so many masters' siege."

Meng Haoran listened to the whispers coming from the surroundings, her expression unchanged, this time he was not joking, he really wanted to hit all by himself, of course he wanted to use the fruit power this time, otherwise he really couldn't.

"Are you serious? Meng Xiaozi, although you are strong, it is impossible to defeat our siege." Baibeard asked with a serious face. To be honest, he didn't want to besiege.

"Although it's a bit bullying, but since you don't care about it, let's do it for you." The happiest person is the red dog. At this time, I can't wait to see Meng Haoran being watched to death.

"Boy, can I think you look down on me with Kaido, ah!" Kaido's domineering arrogance burst out, and in an instant, countless people with weak lieutenant generals fell, so that there were only a thousand people present. We are all human, but the rest are the elites.

Meng Haoran smiled indifferently, "It seems that you won't believe that I have this strength without showing something."

"You have always known that I am capable of Devil Fruit, but you don't know what the specific fruit is!" Meng Haoran's words caught the attention of those who are still sober. In fact, everyone has long been curious about this, and Meng Haoran showed it. Many strange abilities make people think that he is a capable person of Devil Fruit, but because of this, Meng Haoran’s abilities are so much that people can’t guess what fruit he ate, but it’s certain that he has never been before. Fruit that has never appeared.

"The answer is finally about to be revealed, what kind of fruit is it?" At this time, even Nami and others were curious and overwhelmed their worry about Meng Haoran.

"What is the fruit that makes him so powerful? Is it a new type that is rarer than the natural type?" guessed like this.

Meng Haoran was very satisfied with everyone's attention to him, because this should be the last war in this world, and coupled with his own ability, even if they knew it, there was nothing to do, so it wouldn't be a big deal if they said it.

"My devil fruit is the fruit of the word, or else do you think why my ship is called the word of the word?"

That's it, it is the fruit of the word!Everyone suddenly realized, and then for a moment, what the fruit of the holy words is, although they know the name, they don't know the specific function at all!

So the expression of'you TM is teasing me' appeared.

Meng Haoran continued: "Well. The specific ability is what I say, things will happen in the real world, for example."

"Holy Words: The battlefield is formed." Following Meng Haoran's words, the ground under their feet began to tremble violently, and then the ground gradually rose in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

"What is this, the land has actually risen, is another empty island about to be produced?" 118 novels

"It doesn't seem to be his ability." Someone thought of what Meng Haoran said.

Finally, a battlefield with a radius of about 10 kilometers was formed in the sky about 100 meters high. The people on it looked at the surrounding scene in horror, and felt the horror of the fruit of the word for the first time.

"How is it possible? Is there such a fruit? It doesn't mean that he is invincible, and whoever is dead." A person said in horror.

It turns out that, if this were the case, Meng Haoran's various abilities that he showed outside would make sense, but there should be restrictions, otherwise he would have unified the world long ago.

Some people don’t believe it, and of course there are others. Among them are Hawkeye, Whitebeard and others. Whitebeard was cured instantly because he knew how serious his injury was. That is definitely the fruit of the word. , And Hawkeye knew through a period of contact that Meng Haoran would not lie about such things.

"Oh my God! I didn't expect to have such ability. Is he a god?"

"My wife, come out to see God."

"I want to immediately join the cult with body gods. Only God can lead us."

Meng Haoran took action again, only to see him say: "The Holy Word: Recovery."

"This feeling is..." The red hair was surprised to find that there was an itchy sensation from her broken hand, "The arm... the arm has grown out."

When a brand new arm appeared on the red hair, everyone looked at Meng Haoran blankly and was completely convinced.

"How is it possible, how could there be such a thing in the world, you must be a lie, I don't believe it." A yelling from Gusti, the red dog appeared close to madness, and if what Meng Haoran said was true. If it is, Aka Inu feels like a clown. He always regards Meng Haoran as an enemy, but finds that the enemy can be pinched to death at any time, keeping him alive, but he still doesn't know it, and dreams of killing one day. Meng Haoran died.

"It's the fruit of illusion, right! Now what we see is your illusion, don't lie to us, I won't believe it." A pirate said self-righteously, and it really convinced some people.

"That is, it must be illusion. Meng Haoran will get in touch with illusion soon, otherwise we will rush to it, so many people can definitely kill you."

Meng Haoran looked at these guys with disdain, but still had the illusion, "Noisy, disappear!" After the last word, those who were shouting disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

"It's exactly the same as that time, isn't it true?" Akagi said weakly, his body a little shaky.

"I don't believe how you really are against the sky, your ability is useless for people who have reached a certain level of strength, right? Just disappearing just now is just a small general who is not strong enough." Kaido seems to have found Meng Haoran's flaws. The words also made some people shine.

Meng Haoran was silent. It cost a lot to make people above the general disappear instantly. It was really unusable before getting a lot of power of faith, but now it is different. Meng Haoran does not intend to say it, because just like this. They were too boring, and it was his idea to wait for a fight to use his ability.

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