You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Nothing to say! That's what I said right," Kaidojian Meng Haoran didn't say anything, thinking that he was right, the eyes that had been hesitant turned into fierce instantly.

It is absolutely impossible to keep him alive anymore. This ability is too dangerous. Now Meng Haoran’s strength is not enough to kill them instantly. If his strength improves again, it will be possible to kill them. Such an ability can be controlled at any time. The deadly bomb must be eliminated.

At this moment, most of the people think this way. Facing the threat of life, all morality and righteousness have been thrown aside, and they are full of hostility towards Meng Haoran, and only a few can maintain their original intentions.

"Since Meng Haoran has the idea of ​​opposing the crowd, then let's fulfill him!" Kaido said, and then shot.

Immediately there was a crowd of red dogs, and dozens of shocking auras broke out, targeting Meng Haoran.

Nothing about justice, nothing about evil, just simply don't want to see too strong existence.

"Don't do it." Meng Haoran told Nami and others, then drew out the long sword and walked out.

On one side is Meng Haoran, on the other side is the alliance of the powerful in the Pirate World, and the earth-shattering battle has begun again.

Meng Haoran turned into a streamer and constantly shuttled among the people, but it was also very impressive.

"Fujitora?" Suddenly felt a huge pressure coming from his body. At this time, Meng Haoran realized that he was besieging him with a blind voice, the admiral Fujitora who had the fruit of gravity.

At the same time, not far from Fujitora, there was a grim-faced green bull, who had never appeared in the original work.As for the other guy who is not weak, it should be another general.

"Really worthy of me, the three navy generals and the marshal are here." Meng Haoran's body suddenly broke free from the effect of gravity, and Fujitor also vomited blood because of Meng Hao's backlash.

"So strong, he broke free in an instant." Fujitora secretly said.

"Go to hell! Fire breathing." The red dog also used his full strength, and the fiery red color illuminated most of the sky.

However, Meng Haoran flashed in front of the red dog in an instant, and struck a sword in his horrified eyes.

"How is it possible!" Blood was overflowing on his chest, and the red dog's body slowly fell, severely injured and lost his combat power.

Just when Meng Haoran was about to deal with the red dog, Kaido approached again. He was worthy of being the strongest creature in the world. The time was right, so Meng Haoran had to pay a return visit.

"Bang!" Kaido's fist collided with Meng Haoran's sword, and Meng Haoran was forced to take a step back.

This scene was seen by everyone, and the morale that had been somewhat low because of Meng Haoran's second killing of the Red Dog rose instantly.

"Come on, Meng Haoran is about to lose." A pirate showed bloodthirsty eyes and rushed towards Meng Haoran with a knife, but the next moment he "banged", his whole body burst and died.

"The strength of the lieutenant general is also clamoring." Meng Haoran felt a little disdainful.123 Literature Network

"Devil! He is a demon." The pirates who were not strong enough to the general collapsed, remembering that Meng Haoran could kill the general in a second, without even having to do it.

Meng Haoran scanned the crowd with his eyes, and said: "If I don't have a strong general, and I participate in the onlookers, I won't be merciful." After speaking, two unlucky people exploded for no reason, extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the generals who were not strong enough retired from the battlefield, and there were only 20 people on the scene who were facing Meng Haoran, and they were all powerhouses whose strength reached the general level.

"In this way, it is much cleaner." Meng Haoran nodded in satisfaction.

Fight again,

"Daddy, don't we do it?" Marko asked White Beard outside the battlefield.

"He has cured my benefactor, and I don't even bother to besieged." White Beard said faintly. At this time, the Four Emperors White Beard and Red Hair did not participate in the siege. White Beard was defeated by Meng Haoran. One time, coupled with the fact that Meng Haoran was kind to them in the war on the top, and the master's consciousness made him give up the siege; while the red hair was because of the lost arm that made him unable to do the kindness and revenge. Of course, there was another reason. .

"Red hair, it's better for you to stay here." Hawkeye stood in front of the red hair with a calm expression. He didn't want the red hair to die. His knowledge of Meng Haoran made him sure that Meng Haoran would win this time. Big.

"Why are there any reservations? Are you trying to guard against something?" Hawkeye's eyes were a little puzzled. He who has already broken through the Sword Emperor, deeply knows the terrible realm. Even if he has just stepped into this realm, he is confident and confident. The white beard is fighting, not to mention Meng Haoran, who has gone far in this realm.

The past few years have not been in vain. Coupled with Meng Haoran’s strong physique, it can be said that Meng Haoran is now more than 5 times stronger than when he was at the top of the war. At that time, he could barely defeat the white beard, and now it is even better. The level of the white beard, I believe that if he fights with the white beard now, I am afraid that the white beard will not be able to say 10 rounds.

And now there are only two or three who are besieging Meng Haoran, who are at the first level of the white beard. The others are still limited to generals. It stands to reason that if Meng Haoran bursts out with all his power, he will quickly gain the upper hand, instead of being evenly matched. situation.

"Why don't they come out yet, it seems they are really forbearing." Meng Haoran was wary of something while dealing with others.

That’s right, the reason why he didn’t exert all his strength is because there are still 5 mice that haven’t come out. Now Meng Haoran has determined that they are the Five Old Stars. In his induction, the five guys are stronger than the white beard. He is a figure beyond the four emperors, no wonder he can rule the world government.

It would be strange that Roger could be the king of Shanghai Pirates if the five old stars had taken the shot.

"Speed ​​up the attack, he can't hold it anymore." Meng Haoran was pushed into the wind, all the besieging people were excited, and attacked Meng Haoran frantically. For a time, the sword aura, domineering, and fruit abilities flew all over the sky, and the ground was also cratered. .

The entire island was shaking because of this terrifying battle, and there was a tendency to sink to the bottom of the sea.

But the residents on the island were not panicked, because they fanatically believed that Meng Haoran would win and that God was omnipotent.

"Look at the sky, that's..." I saw a meteorite with a diameter of several tens of meters in the sky falling towards the place where Meng Haoran was. It was Fujitora's meteorite falling from the sky.

Meng Haoran couldn't leave because he was entangled. In the end, he could only watch the meteorite come.

With a "boom" finally, the meteorite touched the ground

"Haoran!!!" Nami and other women exclaimed, they clearly saw that at the last moment, Meng Haoran had not escaped the range of meteorite attack.

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