Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 206 Five Old Stars Appear

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Are you dead?" everyone thought while looking at the pit that was smashed by the boulder.

But the next moment,

"Death? Are you talking about me?" A clear voice came from the bottom of the pit, and then Meng Haoran walked out Shi Shiran.

"How is it possible that even the clothes are not torn?" Seeing Meng Haoran, who was completely fine, everyone stayed for a while.

But Nami and others cried with joy, "It's great, Haoran is fine."

"I said that the leader can't have anything to do, look! The old man just shit when the meteorite hit him." A religious congregation looked at Meng Haoran enthusiastically.

"Well, is this all right?" Fujitor was also messed up. He didn't expect that the trick he was so proud of would not even work at all.

Looking at the tears of Nami and others, Meng Haoran felt a little ashamed. She had known that she would not pretend to be forced, "Make you worry, rest assured! It will be over soon." After speaking, a silver light burst out of her body.

The silver light soared into the sky and broke through the clouds. In an instant, the world seemed to be shrouded in silver light, looking very strange.

Everyone only felt that under the shining of the silver light, their bodies gradually became dull, as if they were in a quagmire.

"Do it, or it's over." Kaido is the first to make another move. He knows that this can't go on, or he will be at the mercy of Meng Haoran. Although he doesn't know what the sudden appearance of silver light is, he did it at this moment. The most correct choice.

"Did you find it? It's too late." Unknowingly, silver light has enveloped the entire battlefield.

Then everyone was horrified to find that they were bound by a layer of invisible force. The light body at this moment was like ten thousand catties, and it seemed very difficult to move it. That’s not to say, as the silver light entered the body, it just felt His body seemed to be in pain like Ling Chi.

"Gang Qi realm." Meng Haoran murmured. This is exactly the trick that Meng Haoran realized when he stepped into the Sword Queen. After entering the Sword Emperor, his mastery of the gong Qi became even more handy. Those silver lights were actually his sword gang, but It is compressed to the limit, and it looks like light. This move can instantly burst out countless qi from one's body, and then spread to the surrounding area to form a qi field, so that people in the field will be affected by the whole body. Gangqi's offense, although Gangqi has dispersed a lot, its power cannot be underestimated.

"Ah!" An ordinary general finally couldn't stand the pain, fell to his knees and screamed.

"Kill him, everything will be restored." Kaido yelled, awakening the crowd, resisting the pain, and shot.

Sure enough, they are the pinnacle figures in the Pirate World, and even in this situation, they can burst out of the general strength.

"However, do you think this is the only trick I have?" Meng Haoran sneered.

Kaiduo and others looked at Meng Haoran's smile, and felt shocked for no reason.

"It's time to end, let's explode the Gang Qi attribute! Lei Lin."

The bodies of the people who had rushed towards Meng Haoran flickered, and then thunder appeared in their bodies, and the sound of "Ziz" sounded, and then their bodies stiffened to the ground.163 Novel Network

The paralyzing attribute of Space Thunder had let so many people out of it for the first time.

"How come, I can't move this feeling." Everyone, including Kaido and Auntie, was a little discouraged. Meng Haoran's methods were really weird and terrifying.

Meng Haoran smiled at his masterpiece. Although he knew that it was impossible to defeat them completely, he was very happy to see their embarrassment.

"Finally can't help it?" Just at this moment, Meng Haoran just knew that one of the five old stars had shot, and he smiled secretly.

"Boy, you are still too tender." I saw a figure coming from not far away. When Meng Haoran thought he was going to sneak attack on himself, he was shocked to find that his course had changed.

"Be careful, Nami!" Meng Haoran's expression changed drastically, and found that his intention was Nami on the side, so he reminded him, but it was too late.

Nami reacted quickly when she was reminded, and she planned to become elemental in an instant, but found that a sense of weakness came and the elementalization ended.

Although Nami barely had the strength of a general, after all, she had very little combat experience. In addition, each of the five old stars was a powerhouse far superior to the general, so she was subdued in an instant.

Wu Lao Xing was also shameless, facing Nami, who was far inferior to her, and used a sharp weapon like Hai Lou Shi.

"Nami!" When the others reacted, Nami had been caught by the other party.

Hancock was also very angry at this time. He didn't expect someone to sneak attack on them and was succeeded. He really didn't know how to face Meng Haoran. Meng Haoran had already confessed that he was optimistic about the other sisters.

She didn't know who the person in front of her was at the moment?Otherwise, she wouldn't think so. As the controller of the world government, Wu Lao Xing's strength is unfathomable. Even if she didn't sneak attack just now, she couldn't stop it.

"This way you have a handle in our hands." Wearing a black suit, bald head, and a double-handed beard.Said the man with a birthmark on his forehead.

Then four more people appeared in front of everyone.

"Five old stars! You are looking for death." Meng Haoran gritted his teeth and said.

"What they are the Five Old Stars!!" The Five Old Stars are too mysterious. Even Baibeard and others only know that there are such a few people, and have never seen a real person. They appear here this time. This way appeared for a time, everyone turned their attention to them.

"Meng Haoran heard that you are a wife who loves his wife, and now it is true, but it is precisely this that gave us a chance." The five-star who caught Nami said proudly, as if Meng Haoran had become The turtle in the urn is the same.

"Yes, although you are powerful and even reached that level like us, you are too young and too demanding. If you don't hold a conference this time, and don't expose your ambitions, maybe we won't be so early. Finding you, after a few decades, the world government will really be overthrown by you."

"Now, put away your tricks to trap them, otherwise, hey, the life of this little girl." Said his hands slowly moved to Nami's neck, obviously threatening.

"Haoran don't care about me, kill them and avenge me." Nami shouted at this time, obviously not wanting Meng Haoran to be controlled because of her.

Meng Haoran's face was indeed colder, but she did show a touch of gentleness when facing Nami: "Don't worry! You will be fine soon."

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