You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Originally, I wanted to have fun with you, but now I suddenly lose this interest, so I ask you all to die!" Meng Haoran's voice was cold to the bone, and now he is completely angry.

The words of Meng Haoran stunned the five old stars, and then, holding the five old stars of the original ghost, glanced at Meng Haoran with a strange look, and saw that Meng Haoran didn't seem to be joking.

"The young people nowadays are too scary. They have reached the realm of the Sword Emperor at a young age. It really makes me ashamed as an old fellow," he said, "But do you think you are the only one who is the Sword Emperor?"

A red light erupted from the fifth old star of the first generation of ghosts. This situation was exactly the same as that used by Meng Haoran just now.

Meng Haoran looked at all this coldly, knowing that Kaido and others were rescued.

"Do you think there is nothing we can do if you don't let go?" Very proud.

In fact, a large part of the reason why he was able to break Meng Haoran’s domain was because Meng Haoran deliberately, because maintaining such a large domain was also a burden for Meng Haoran, and only after the domain was revoked, his kendo strength could fully explode. After all, it is used for group attacks.

Meng Haoran should have looked ugly at this time, but after thinking of something, Meng Haoran smiled slightly, and then said: "Five old stars, as expected, are immortal. They still have some strength after living for so long. Others don't know your origins. Don’t you know? Are you just a few guys who steal the fruits? Let me talk about the real history of this world today! People in the world also have the right to know all this."

As soon as Meng Haoran said this, Wu Lao Xing's expression changed drastically, and he seemed surprised by Meng Haoran's words.

"Nine hundred years ago, the world was originally a continent, and there was only one country, that is, the Kingdom of D. But eight hundred years ago, the world became the world we know now. So what happened in the middle? ?"

"It turns out that one day, five people discovered a tree, and the tree was full of fruits. At that time, the five of them ate the top five fruits because of hunger, and then they each received strange powers. Ordinary people become strong."

"As they gained power, their ambitions swelled sharply. After dormant for a while, they developed a force smoothly, but even this was not enough to peak the entire kingdom, because the kingdom at that time was too Stronger, the ancient weapon Pluto is in the hands of the country, and the king is said to be the ultimate weapon of the country. Only the sea king belongs to the sea."

"So the five people figured out a way to leak the news about the fruit tree, and the fruit that had the ability to eat instantly spread across the country, and countless people flocked to it. For the fruit, a war broke out, and the fruit was obtained. The people of ”became stronger, and when there were more powerful people, careerists were born. They were no longer willing to be ruled by the kingdom, so they began to resist.”

"A century-long war broke out. Finally, under the leadership of 20 people, the kingdom was overthrown, and the world government was established with it. During that century's war, the mainland was also shattered and became what it is now. It looks like a picture, and the fruit tree was also cut off. The fruit trees were scattered in the sea and appeared in all parts of the world along with the sea."

"Those 20 people are called Twenty Kings. They are the first group of strong men to eat the fruits of the devil. They have reached an agreement to enjoy the rights of the world together. Their offspring are now the Tianlong people." Ran Wen's novel www

"But what is unexpected is that there are five guys out of 20 people who are different. Their lifespan seems to be endless. The others are dead and they are still alive. They look the same as before. Those five people have been ruling the world as the behind-the-scenes. Those five guys were the ones who first discovered the fruits and ate the top five fruits. It seems that only the top five fruits have the ability to live forever."

"I'm right about the five old stars, that is, the old immortal that has existed for so long. You cover up history and don't even let people study it, just to prevent people from discovering your secrets! After all, no one wants to be forever rule."

"But you are also frantic. Countless ordinary people have died because of this. As long as there is a little doubt, they will be killed. For this reason, the number of islands you killed is innumerable, and countless people have been executed by you for unwarranted charges. The business is frantic, Robin's hometown was given the order to kill demons for studying the text of history, right?"

Meng Haoran's words resounded like thunder in everyone's minds. No one was wondering how Meng Haoran knew. At this moment, they were all shocked by this history, even for the white beard who knew all about it.

Meng Haoran exposed the dark history of the world government, making everyone wonder whether the world government was really established for world peace or just a tool for some people to rule the world.

And the behavior of the five old stars also made people know their ruthlessness for the first time.

Facing Meng Haoran’s words, the five old stars were silent, because Meng Haoran’s words were not bad. They were the five lucky ones at the time, and it was precisely because the fruit tree changed everything about them. The fruit tree was the devil fruit. The devil fruit tree in the birthplace of the world, the fruit they ate is the current devil fruit, but the five of them are lucky, and they ate the five most precious fruits of origin. The world is made up of the fire and earth of the metal tree genus, and the five This fruit is the origin of the genus Metalwood.

The five elements generate and restrain each other. It is precisely because of this that the combination of the five of them can exert magical power.This power is the source of eternal life for them, and it is precisely because the five elements are indispensable that they are so harmonious and have been ruling the world together, unchanged for hundreds of years.

"How did Haoran know the history of the blank? Why didn't you tell me. The truth of the matter is this, the five old stars are really hateful." Robin had such doubts in his heart at this time, but he didn't know that Meng Haoran actually wanted She finds out the answer herself, so she feels more fulfilled, isn't she?

"Even if you know it, so long as we kill everyone present, then this secret will still be preserved." said the blond man among the five old stars.

Meng Haoran had a strange expression, and looked at him like a fool: "Have you forgotten that it is live in the world now."

This sentence was very lethal, and Wu Lao Xing's face turned black in an instant, and they had forgotten about it for a moment, but now it was too late to stop it.

"Isn't this very good? He discovered it anyway. Now this situation is the final one. Only if we solve them and give the password again, our affairs will be forgotten after a few hundred years. The old star has white curly hair and a flat hat.A scar on his left cheek said suddenly.

His words made the faces of the other five old stars look a lot better, and what he said, now it’s the same. As long as Meng Haoran and the others are resolved, it is very simple to rule the world again with the strength of himself and others. After all, the world is still based on strength. Speaking, and strength, will there be no five old stars who have ruled the world for so many years?

"You still want to kill me, you have no chance, because you will die here soon, and if I move my woman, I won't be able to save you." Meng Haoran's voice came, her goal has been achieved, let the world know The darkness of the world government should now be resolved.

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