You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"What nonsense? Don't you think you can beat the five of us?" Meng Haoran's words annoyed the five old stars. No one dared to say such things in front of them.

"Well, let you see our true strength! You will know the power of the Five Elements Fruit soon."

Meng Haoran was very disdainful after listening to the words of the five old stars, no matter how strong it is, is there the fruit of the word against the sky?Besides, one's own fair sanctions can seal the fruit's ability, and then what use is the fruit no matter how powerful it is.

"Since you are now the world's number one swordsman, then I will defeat you, let you know what it means to be someone outside, and there is heaven outside the sky." said the five old stars holding the first generation of ghosts.

"Don't do anything, I'll be enough." He walked up to Meng Haoran while speaking.

But at this time Kaido said: "What a five-star, it's really arrogant, so many of us can't help Meng Haoran, he actually said that he is enough."

Then, the sword light flashed.

"" Kaido suffered a sword wound on his body.

"If you talk nonsense, I will kill you first. Don't think that you are the Four Emperors and you can talk to me like this. In my eyes, you are just a little stronger kid." With the fierce eyes, everyone else closed. He closed his mouth and became honest.

Meng Haoran watched this scene in surprise, so fast, he hurt Kaido in an instant, and it seemed that there were still two brushes.

"Kulala, worthy of being a five-star, an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years." Baibeard's heart was not as calm as he had shown. The moment he changed it to him, I'm afraid the result will not change.

"It seems that the god emperor is in trouble." Everyone thinks like this. Just a five-star has such strength, so what kind of combat power will burst out of five together?

Although I wanted to get rid of you right away, before that, I glanced over Nami who was still in the hands of the five old stars.

"What!!" In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Nami disappeared like a teleport, and she appeared in Meng Haoran's arms again.

Just like the War on the Top, some people who had participated in the War on the Top thought of the scene where Meng Haoran rescued Ace, and they couldn't help but suddenly. In this way, threatening Meng Haoran with hostages would not work.

"It shocked you." Meng Haoran said gently to Nami.

"Haoran..." Nami discovered that she was actually in Meng Haoran's arms. Listening to Meng Haoran's words, her head crashed for a while.

Putting down Nami who was still in the crash, and handing her to Hancock, Meng Haoran once again turned his attention to the five old stars.

"Let's start now! But I still said that, you better go together." Said that the whole body began to flash silver.The latest novel

"No need." Seeing that Meng Haoran didn't put himself in his eyes, as one of the five elder stars, also a powerhouse in the Sword Emperor Realm, he was angry, his body flashing red.

The "Zhengzheng" two are in the form of streamers, which to outsiders looks like two meteors colliding with one cause and one red.

"So fast, basically you can't see the trail of the sword."

The battle between Meng Haoran and the swordsman, one of the five elder stars, was even more exciting than the battle with Eagle Eye. He was the same sword king, and his realm was already at the peak of the Pirate World, and his understanding of swords had reached the peak.

All kinds of sword skills are just as easy as eating and drinking.

What a strong power and a keen feeling. As Meng Haoran’s opponent, the Five Star Swordsman had the most profound feelings about Meng Haoran. He didn’t expect that Meng Haoran could really contend with him. He was very frightened. It took him hundreds of years To reach this level, and Meng Haoran doesn't seem to be in his twenties, it is impossible for him to practice so strong even in the womb.

The strength of Meng Haoran made him more determined to get rid of him.

"It seems that you can't beat you only by kendo, so what?" A yellow light suddenly shot out of his eyes, but it didn't come at Meng Hao.

After his sword touched the yellow light, Meng Haoran immediately felt bad, because he clearly felt the sword's wailing.

Meng Haoran didn't hesitate anymore, and instantly left the battlefield.

Looking at the sword that had turned into dust, Meng Haoran showed an expression of heartache. This was a sword he made with great effort, and it was so broken after being with him for so long.

"Hahaha, I am the master of metal. All the gold elements in the world are under my control. Although your sword is somehow comparable to my ghost, but it belongs to the gold element, so I can easily break it down. "It turns out that yellow light is the light of decomposition.

"Do you think you can win without the sword? It's naive." Meng Haoran sneered, "Sword here." With a loud shout, Meng Haoran suddenly blew a gust of wind, and then the silver light flickered, and he was relieved of qi. The long sword formed appeared in front of Meng Haoran.

"Yes, it is not impossible to make swords out of thin air when you reach the realm of me, you and me, but you are sure that your body can withstand the consumption of this sword, and don't be killed by your own qi." Emperor, Meng Haoran has tried this trick before, but he found that the sword made by pure qi is full of power, but it is too demanding on itself, not only requires the existence of the sword at all times, but also has a correspondingly strong body. , Even if his body has become far beyond ordinary people because of six exercises, he can't withstand the pressure.

"It won't take you to worry about it. I don't want someone to be so poor. In other words, I am obviously an old man but come here to compete with me as a young man. If you are old, don't fight to death." Knowing about my family affairs, my body has long surpassed the limits of this world. With my deliberate exercise, I have already surpassed my imagination. Although I can't say that I can bear this sword, I use a few Hours are still no problem.

The battle started again, this time under Meng Haoran’s Qi sword, even the first generation of Gui Che fell into the wind. Every time he collided with Meng Haoran’s Qi sword, Gui Che’s sword was trembling slightly, and it was controlled by the Qi sword. The sputtering qi will also be entangled in the ghost, and then there will be a numbness, making the movement of the sword more and more rigid.

However, he was worthy of the person who possessed the golden element fruit, and saw a strange yellow light on his body, which turned into a protective cover, completely blocking the further damage to the body by the qi.

"Are you golden?" Meng Haoran looked at the indestructible shield for a while and couldn't help it. The sharpness of gold could not be solved so easily. This shield was much stronger than domineering.

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