Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 210 Five Old Stars = Xiaoqiang

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When the five old stars couldn't attack for a long time, the five old stars looked at each other, then nodded tacitly, as if they had reached a consensus.

"Set up! Five elements start." The five old stars suddenly shouted, and then surrounded Meng Haoran in the shape of a five-pointed star, and then began to take strange steps.

Gradually, Meng Haoran realized that something was wrong, because the auras of the five old stars were gradually connected together, as if they were one person, and their aura rose instantly because of the union, which greatly increased Meng Haoran's pressure.

Meng Haoran looked at the five old stars in amazement, and he did not expect that there would be a formation in front of him. He learned a lot about the formation from the novel in his previous life, but it was a very great stuff, very useful and various Various effects are available, and the formation is extremely destructive. As long as you understand the formation, it is common to kill enemies whose strength is far beyond your own.

Although the formation is very strong, it is also difficult to learn, because there are too many things to learn to learn the formation, and it takes too much time to study.

That's right, the five old stars also developed such a formation because there was too much time and no place to spend, and only this one was studied. This was because they could barely use the original fruit that represents the five elements.

Speaking of because they have researched such a thing by themselves, in fact, they are totally useless. It is a mistake. But even so, as long as they use this trick, they can greatly improve their strength instantly. No, Meng Haoran was forced into a disadvantage because of this, and he was about to lose.

"If it doesn't work like this, it won't be good." Meng Haoran watched as the encirclement became smaller and smaller, and the scope of his activities became smaller and smaller, knowing that if they waited for them to reduce the encirclement to a certain extent, he would be even more disadvantaged.

It's not that Meng Haoran had never paid attention to breaking through from one side, but every time he was about to break through, he was forced back to the original place because of the other four sides.

"It's useless. Your ending is doomed the moment we formed this formation." The swordsman looked at Meng Haoran with a smug expression. Although the fruit power was sealed, the victory ultimately belonged to his own side. There is no sense of shame because this is a group fight. For him, the morals have been lost hundreds of years ago.

"It seems that Meng Haoran can't shake the sky this time." Kaido was not too happy at this time, because the five old stars were also his enemies. He was wondering what would happen if he fell into this situation, but the result was not optimistic. He didn't even have the qualifications to let the five old stars join forces. Without Meng Haoran in front, he felt a lot of pressure.

But will Meng Haoran save this loss?The answer is obviously impossible.

After using countless methods that failed to work, Meng Haoran decisively gave up breaking through and planned to break the formation directly with violence.

Meng Haoran's domineering burst out, instantly making the five old stars' attack stagnant.

"Domineering, what's the use of this?" When everyone thought about it, Meng Haoran found a change in his body. The air around him became extremely dark. That was the domineering materialization, and then the black air flow was injected into the Gangqi sword, causing The originally silver sword turned into silver black.

The silver-black Gang Qi sword exudes astonishing power, as if it has life, making people who see this scene feel uneasy.

"It's not over yet" Meng Haoran's eyes changed, and the scarlet writing wheel eyes appeared in front of the world, ruthlessly and indifferent to life. It was the first feeling other people saw when they saw these eyes.

A wave that could only be felt by Meng Haoran emanated from his eyes, and instantly injected into the Gang Qi sword.Biquge vp

"What happened? Why do you feel that your body is out of control as soon as you look at that sword." The five old stars noticed the changes in their bodies for the first time, and couldn't help but avert their eyes.

"It's now!" Meng Haoran shot the moment when Wu Lao Xing removed his eyes.

It is impossible to describe the sharpness of Meng Haoran’s sword. It is an indescribable perfect sword. It is not a sword in the world. At that moment, people who see this sword only feel that they have seen the most terrifying thing in the world. Unable to move, thinking stopped.

"Is it an illusion? I seem to have seen my death." A person said with lingering fear.

"Me too, it's terrible, how can there be such a sword."

Looking at the field again, although the five old stars are still standing in place, their formation has been broken, and the aura from them shows that they are already extremely weak and ready to die.

The outcome is certain, and the fact that Meng Haoran defeated the Five Old Stars cannot be changed.

"Damn it! If the ability is not sealed, if it is not sealed." The swordsman's weak voice reached Meng Haoran's ear, sounding full of unwillingness.

Meng Haoran slowed down a little, this trick was really expensive for him, so he couldn't use domineering for a long time.

"It seems that God's religion has won." As Qi Wuhai, Brother Ming has been watching all this in silence. Now that the dust has finally settled, he is very emotional for a while. As a descendant of the 20 kings, his true identity is the world noble Tianlong. It stands to reason that it was on the side of the five old stars, but he didn't feel anything now, but felt very happy, even in his heart he didn't want to be controlled by those old guys.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over, and Meng Haoran could establish the status of the religion as long as he defeated Kaido and his party, Meng Haoran suddenly said to the five old stars: "It seems that you are a little unwilling! I will let you lose. Convinced, let you regain your ability."

Meng Haoran’s words surprised everyone, but when I thought about it, I knew the secrets. What about the dying five old stars even if they can recover?

After hearing Meng Haoran's words, the swordsman was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter, giving up the ability to seal us would be your biggest mistake.

Without seeing Meng Haoran's actions, the person with the Devil Fruit ability found that his abilities had recovered.


Five shocking beams of light erupted from the five old stars. In the incredible eyes of everyone, the five guys who had stepped into the coffin with one foot, their aura increased rapidly, and finally recovered to their heyday, looking like they were not hurt at all.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it! You must regret this time!" The arrogant voice sounded again.

However, Meng Haoran was vomiting in her heart at this time: really Xiaoqiang.

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