Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 211 Western Giant Dragon vs. Angel

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Who can predict the changes in the world?The moment before it was Meng Haoran's great power to push the five old stars into desperation, the next moment the situation immediately turned over.

Looking at the state of the five old stars, countless people secretly smacked their tongues. The fruits of the five elements are indeed extraordinary, with endless good fortune. They actually restored the five people who were dying to the peak in an instant, even because the fruit’s ability is stronger than before. I don't know how Meng Haoran should deal with this time.

At this moment, some people are sorry, some are fortunate, and some are at a loss.

"I think I can win if I regain my ability. I can seal you the first time and I can seal your second game." Meng Haoran smiled indifferently, but what he said made the already proud Five Old Star look stiff.

"Impossible, how could that kind of trick be used continuously? You are teasing me." The swordsman's eyes twitched slightly, really afraid that his ability would be sealed again.

Meng Haoran showed a smile that was not a smile, and looked at the five old stars with the eyes of a clown.

"Haha! Don't worry! I won't use the same trick twice, and I don't plan to use the seal. Isn't your dependence on fruit power? This time we will compare fruit power. Is my holy word fruit stronger? Your five-element fruits are weak." The five-element fruits are completely ignored in words.

Be big!Almost everyone thinks so, because in their impression, the fruit of the word is basically ineffective for generals and above.

The five old stars were relieved, looked at each other, showing a cruel expression, and then made a move.

"Let you taste the true power of the Five Elements Fruit!"

The earth is shaking, the sky is trembling, the sea is tumbling, and the five shocking weather conditions erupt from the five old stars, and then their bodies gradually turn into five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five original elements once again after a few hundred years. This world.

That’s not to say, the sharpness of gold, the vitality of wood, the ruthlessness of water, the bursting of fire, and the thickness of soil. The five different attributes begin to merge at this moment, and gradually a destructive force is growing, which is enough The power to break the continent.

Wan Lai was silent, everyone was overwhelmed by this power. Even if they were no longer on the scene at this moment, they felt uneasy in their hearts, as if a natural disaster was about to come.

"What's the matter, why the beasts are not moving anymore." On a certain island, hunters looked at the creeping beasts trembling, and could hardly believe their eyes.

"The sky has changed." A wise-looking old man muttered to himself, looking at the direction of Nine Snake Island.

And at the scene,

Even the Four Emperors felt a sense of powerlessness at this time, as if they were facing a wild beast, but he was an ordinary person.

"Is this the real strength of the five old stars? It's horrible, this is over." A general-level pirate was shocked by the five old stars.

Although Nami and others also felt that they would die at any time and were very uncomfortable, they silently looked at Meng Haoran, who did not change color, and believed that Meng Haoran would win.

At this moment, even some believers' faith in Meng Haoran was shaken.Steward Novel

Finally, the change of the five old stars was over, and the figure of the five old stars had disappeared, replaced by the eastern dragon, which had been about a kilometer high, and it was not an ordinary dragon, but a five-headed dragon.

The comparison is because there are five attributes!Thinking of this, Meng Haoran also started to move.

A white light burst out with Meng Haoran as the center. This power was full of nobility and mystery, and it was more like the magic of making the world than pure destruction.

The power of faith is infinitely impossible, and it is even better than the power of destruction evolved from the power of the five elements, and it can be created with destruction.

The wind and clouds change and the thunder is surging, as if welcoming the gods to come to the world, making people feel a sense of awe unconsciously.

In just a short moment, Meng Haoran turned into a behemoth like a giant dragon, but instead of turning into a monster, he looked like an angel.

"It's an angel! Oh, God, Lord Meng really came to the world to save us." Everyone was shocked. Looking at the 12 pairs of wings behind Meng Haoran and the warm light that bloomed on his body, it was unexpected. There is a feeling of being bred in the arms of a mother.

Brightness is the only word that Meng Haoran has in their hearts at this moment. In an instant, Meng Haoran's faith is firmly established and it is still rising.

" could it be possible!" The surprised voice rang from the dragon's mouth. The Five Old Stars did not expect that they would not be able to overwhelm Meng Haoran with their unique tricks. Meng Haoran turned into an angel to confront them.

"The power of the Fruit of the Holy Word is more than that, so when you are ready, let's start." Meng Haoran said lightly.

The dragon stopped speaking, a shocking energy condensed in his mouth, and then "boomed" a black energy column towards Meng Haoran.

Facing this energy pillar that could destroy ten times the Nine Snake Island, Meng Haoran did not shrink back, but showed a disdainful expression, and said, "God said, everything is vain." A strange wave spread, and the light beam disappeared. , As if it never disappeared.

The five-headed dragon's eyes showed a trace of clarity, and it also knew that this trick was impossible for Meng Haoran, but did not expect to be resisted in this way, or whether it would be so relaxed, and while slandering in his heart, he was able to play 12 points.

Suddenly flapped wings, and then flew towards Meng Haoran at an astonishing speed. In an instant,

The two shocking behemoths collided together.

"Boom bang bang" I saw explosions in the sky, and people seemed to have seen countless fireworks blooming, but they hadn't been there long ago.

Their fighting speed is no longer what the naked eye can keep up. This scene is so similar to the battle in Dragon Ball.

"This is the case, what is that." People all over the world turned their eyes to the island of Nine Snakes, because even if they were far away, they could still see the anomaly in the sky, and the gleaming light would make people careless. People who don't know are accidental changes, but those who know are shocked, that is obviously an abnormality caused by battle, it is so vast.

Because they couldn't see the real battle situation, others thought it was a win or lose, but the real situation is...

"What's the matter, do you only have this level? You don't even have the qualifications to hurt me." Meng Haoran was able to speak sarcastically at the same time as the high-speed collision, while the dragon did not say a word, but the offensive became more fierce.

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