You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Although I don't understand what happened, I knew it vaguely from Jintai's behavior, so Jingwuyu was very polite to Meng Haoran and directly led the way.

"Yeah, yeah, I didn’t expect that there will be guests coming today. What a rare visitor!" Urahara Kisuke carefully looked at Meng Haoran, and made sure that this was the first time I saw Meng Haoran, and Meng Haoran didn’t have any spiritual pressure. I couldn't help but feel a little confused, but he still said this out of professional habits.

"Don't worry! I came early for your help. I heard that you have a way to enter the corpse soul world." Meng Haoran directly explained his intention.

"Guest, please laugh! I have never heard of the Soul World, I am just an ordinary shop." Urahara Kisuke's pupils shrank, how could he know the existence of the Soul World, obviously just an ordinary person.

"Don't pretend to be the former Captain of the 12th Division of the 13th Gotei Team and the first director of the Technology Development Bureau. I know everything! Including Bengyu." Meng Haoran didn't want to fight him.

Upon hearing this, Urahara Kisuke's face changed completely, "Who are you, and what are you trying to do here? Is it the blue dye's minion?" He faintly grabbed his cane as he spoke, if Meng Haoran really did. It was Lan Ran's side that he was about to do it, but few people knew about Bengyu, and it could be said that it was top secret.

Meng Haoran looked at Urahara Kisuke with interest, and showed no nervous expression at all: "Although the fellow Aizen is good, he is not qualified enough for me to be his subordinate. If the other way around, it will be about the same." A confident expression.

This time it was Urahara Kisuke’s turn. His first reaction was that Meng Haoran was lying. No one knew Ai Ran’s strength better than him. It was quite terrifying, but seeing Meng Haoran’s expression, he believed it in a ghostly manner. , This even felt a little weird for him.

"Then who are you?" Relaxed a little, but still felt uneasy about Meng Haoran. If things were really like what Meng Haoran said, it would be troublesome, because I don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend. If it is an enemy, such a person may be more blue. The guy who is still strong is really not something he can deal with, but Meng Haoran has not shown the corresponding strength so far, making him a little confused.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I am strong, and I am not malicious to you at the moment, let you feel it!" As he spoke, an imposing momentum rose to the sky, and a gust of wind was instantly raised around Meng Haoran.

The momentum disappeared in a flash, but Urahara Kisuke was really shocked this time. This momentum was obviously far stronger than the captain level, even if it was stronger than Aizen, he believed it, but it was obviously not Reiatsu, what kind of power is it? Although there are death gods, Xu and Quincy in this world, they still use spiritual power in the final analysis, but Meng Haoran broke his concept, and for a while, he was confused.

As a scientist, Kisuke Urahara quickly became interested in Meng Haoran's research. If he didn't know that he was probably not an opponent, he would probably slice Meng Haoran, but even then he looked at Meng Haoran somewhat. It's hot, a bit crazy.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, I don't get involved." The sample, the power of kendo is normal if you haven't seen it. Although the world uses swords, Zanpaku said that swords are actually similar to swords and fight most. Relying on abilities and reliance, the development of kendo is very elementary. This is all based on the situation of reliance. After all, we have to improve the reliance. There is no time to practice kendo, even if you have an understanding of kendo, it is impossible. Practicing Gang Qi, because there is no consciousness at all, after all, the power of Reiatsu is not weaker than Gang Qi.135 Chinese

As a result, most of kendo still stays on the skill. When he came to this world, Meng Haoran found that kendo can be used in this world, but domineering is not. I think it is because kendo develops very slowly in this world, but after all, there are some. Uncertainty will develop to the level of Pirate World, so the world does not reject it, and domineering is completely impossible.

So Meng Haoran’s strength in this world hasn’t weakened much, basically unchanged. After all, his kendo strength is much stronger than domineering, and it can be said to be the strongest strength besides the fruit of the word. Not weakening at all is not right, because according to his estimation, his kendo power has touched 7 stars in the Pirate World, which means that he can't play less than Sheng Xu, and now he is at least Wang Xu level.

And the reason why a layer of qi can be used to eliminate the emptiness is normal. One layer looks a lot, but you must know that every time the power of qi is increased, his strength may be doubled, one plus one The answer is definitely not as simple as two, besides, his sword skills are not used.

"What are you doing in the corpse soul world?" Without asking Meng Haoran what this power is, Urahara Kisuke asked Meng Haoran's purpose.

"You can also see that my power is another system. Now I go to the Soul World to learn how to use spiritual power, and I am very interested in becoming a god of death." Meng Haoran did not hide it.

Urahara helped listen to Meng Haoran's words and was silent, as if he didn't want to lie, but would I really help him?Now he is so strong, if he becomes a god of death, who can stop him.

It was impossible for Urahara Kisuke to believe Meng Haoran just because of a word, it would be too stupid.

Meng Haoran also saw the situation. It seemed that it would not work if it was not a bit harder. Meng Haoran pretended to be a little disappointed and said: "It seems that you can't help it. "This is of course nonsense, because he can't find a way to contact Aizen.

But Kisuke Urahara didn't think so. He thought that instead of pushing Meng Haoran to Aizen, he might as well help him, but he couldn't make him cheaper, so he smiled long-lost, "Actually! I can still help and let you in. The Soul World is not impossible. But this..." looked at Meng Haoran a little embarrassed.

Of course Meng Haoran understands. This is for benefits. Since asking for help, Meng Haoran is not the kind of person who just asks others to pay, but he doesn't seem to have any good things yet.

"I ask you to mention it! As long as it's not too much, I agree." I had to kick the ball back.

Urahara likes to help people become mature, and when they know that they are good, he closes and says: "Let's do it! Just as you owe me a favor." Ren Qing said that Xiaobu's novels are big and big. For Meng Haoran, his favor is very valuable, but Because the other party has to bear the risk of his remorse, Meng Haoran is not at a loss.

"That's it!" He directly agreed to Urahara Kisuke's request.

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