You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After negotiating the terms, Meng Haoran did not go to the Soul World for the first time. Instead, he went back and told Xiao Linger's mother and daughter that he was leaving, and walked away under Xiao Linger's reluctant eyes. Fortunately, after he said Will be back again. This time Xiao Ling'er was not so sad. When he left, he didn't know that Lin Wanru looked at his back with complicated eyes.

Underneath the Urahara store, Urahara Kisuke looked at Meng Haoran who had left, speechless for a long time.

"Oh, I don't know if I did it right or wrong this time." Finally, I couldn't help but mutter to myself. The original plan had to be changed because of Meng Haoran's joining.

At this time, a black cat appeared silently on his shoulder, surprisingly still behind, the black cat actually spoke.

"It's already that bad anyway, maybe letting him in can help us contain Aizen? But that guy's feeling is really keen. He found me at the beginning, but he didn't show it anymore."

"Really? Yeichi, he even found out about you." Urahara Kisuke looked at the black cat in surprise, which was the Yeichi in his mouth.

This black cat is actually Sifengyuan Yeyi, and Sifengyuan Yeyi's background is not small. One of the four nobles in the corpse soul world, the current patriarch of the Sifengyuan family, the original Goting 13th team second division The captain, the former commander-in-chief of the hidden mobile, and the commander of the Xingjun General Corps of the first squad, is also the 22nd generation head of the Sifengyuan family, one of the four nobles in the corpse soul world. "Ye Yi", although she is not very strong, she can be said to be the pinnacle in terms of secrets, even a captain-level figure may not necessarily find her.

"It seems that I still underestimated him. Maybe he is really stronger than Aizen. I hope I won't be the enemy next time."


"This is the Soul Soul World. The guy Urahara said that his body cannot enter the Soul Soul World. I really thought I was stupid!" Thinking that he had to enter the Soul Soul World directly, Urahara Kisuke looked like he was pretending to be forced. funny.

The corpse soul world is worthy of the name of the spirit world. Meng Haoran immediately discovered the difference between this place and the present world. The content of the spirit child is too high, and he can feel a spiritual force from the air without breathing. Was sucked in.

Meng Haoran was not very surprised, because the corpse soul realm itself is actually a realm composed of spirits, even the house is the purest spirit, and souls living in it will be nourished.

Meng Haoran stood in the corpse soul world for a while, and found that his soul had improved a little, which made him overjoyed, so as long as he stayed here for a long time, he would break through 7 stars without doing anything.

However, this idea was erased by Meng Haoran as soon as it appeared. Just kidding, although it is very simple, it takes a hundred years. He can't wait so long. His plan is to break through to Seven Stars within 5 years, and for this reason he collapsed. Is essential.To read the novel website

In addition, it is not a good thing to be stable by one person, it will make one's heart gradually lose its sharpness, which is not good for future development.

Having figured this out, Meng Haoran began his journey in the corpse soul world. First of all, determine where he is now?Then he went to school to learn how to become a god of death. As for whether he could pass the test, he didn’t worry at all. Although he had not been exposed to spiritual power, his powerful soul power was not something to talk about. Then he would be a genius. .

Before he went far, Meng Haoran met a few guys who looked fierce and evil, and looked at Meng Haoran greedily.

"You are unlucky when you meet us, remember to have a good baby in your next life." In other words, it's already a soul that is dead and the next life?

Of course, they will have a tragedy next. One minute later, only Meng Haoran was left on the scene, everyone else disappeared, and only Meng Haoran was left.

These guys successfully brought the map to Meng Haoran. Although it was dictated, Meng Haoran also knows his current situation. In the 40th district, no wonder the law and order are so bad. There are people killing people in broad daylight. Fortunately, Meng Haoran is capable. Strong, if I changed to an ordinary soul that had just arrived, I would have died a long time ago.

The corpse soul world is divided into two parts: Rukun Street and Seoring Palace. Seoring Palace is located in the center of Rukun Street, where the gods of death live.Ordinary souls live in Liuhun Street, the poorest and freest in the soul world, and there are levels in this world even after death.

Liuhun Street is divided into 1-80 districts in all directions.District 1 is the best place for public security, and District 80 is the worst.In places where public security is bad, evil things such as murder and arson often happen.Asanjing Renji and Kuchiki Rukia, the grass deer Yaqianliu, and Gengmu Jianba are from the south 78 area Xudiao, the north 79 area grass deer, and the north 80 area Gengmu.After each new soul came to their respective region, they looked for a family that suits them and gathered together to live together.In Liuhun Street, souls without spiritual power will not be hungry, as long as they have water, they can live normally.

Therefore, spiritless souls will not change in height and weight until they die.There is only one legal way to leave Rukon Street and enter the wealthy Seireitei life.It was to enter the Shino Spiritual Academy of the Reaper School and graduate to become a Reaper.

The 40th district where Meng Haoran is now is not close to Seiling Palace, but it is not far away. He should have arrived in half a day at his speed. So, Meng Haoran didn't waste time, and started to rush after seeing the direction.

Under Meng Haoran's full rush, he finally arrived at the entrance of the Mao Spiritual Academy at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, there were groups of people standing in line outside the academy, and they should all have come to participate in the test.

Contrary to what I imagined, although there are many people who come to take the test, few can pass the test. Only one of them has passed the test. Only one of them has an ordinary qualification. After graduation, he becomes an ordinary god of death. In some ways Said it is cannon fodder.

"Hey, there are actually two teams. There are obviously fewer people here!" Meng Haoran walked directly to the team with fewer people without any hesitation. Although it should not be too high-profile, it is impossible to jump in the team, but choose one. It's okay to queue up with a few people.

"Look, that guy is also a nobleman, he went to the noble ranks." At this time, the words from all around made Meng Haoran a little clear. It turned out to be a noble-only team, no wonder there were so few people.

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