You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Which family are you from? How come you haven't seen you?" Just when Meng Haoran was standing in the noble ranks, a guy in front of him looked at him suspiciously, as if not knowing Meng Haoran.

"Don't you know that the corpse soul world is so big and there are so many nobles?" Meng Haoran asked back. Who knew that the baby's face suddenly changed, and the originally puzzled expression instantly turned into pride and pride.

"It seems that I am asking about Tokugawa Ichiro’s name already so big? No wonder, I know everything about the Soul World. I don’t know the members of the small nobles and the big nobles. I don’t know. Yes, I recorded all the information of the nobles in this book." Ichiro Tokugawa said that he didn't know where to take out a book and wrote "History of Nobles".

Meng Haoran was pretty good at first, but where did he get it from, but now he was shocked. The record of such secret news is very good and powerful.

Meng Haoran’s surprise was seen by Tokugawa Ichiro, and he couldn’t help being even more proud. Just as he was going to continue to say something, he looked at Meng Haoran directly at the notebook in his hand. He felt something was wrong, didn’t it Noble Information Manual?

So he looked at his hand and said, "Ah! I took it wrong." The book in his hand was gone like a thief, and he looked around to see if anyone else found it.

Fortunately, other people were standing at the wrong angle, and it was impossible to find out. Tokugawa Ichiro was relieved.

Then he stretched out his hand again, and a book almost exactly the same as before appeared, this time there was nothing wrong, it was the "Noble Information Handbook."

When Meng Haoran saw this incredible scene again, his pupils shrank, and even he didn't realize how the baby was transformed. He couldn't help but pay attention to Tokugawa Ichiro, not to mention his strength, just this method is not ordinary.

"Hmph, awesome! I'm a genius, just let me see who you are?" He turned the manual, but after a few minutes.

"No! I didn't find it. Did I remember." Looking at Meng Haoran's eyes full of inquiry.

Meng Haoran was also amused. When did he say that he was a nobleman, he really figured it out to find his own information among the nobles. He is not even a dead person, and he is not the same as the ones present. It is strange to find out.

This is also Tokugawa Ichiro’s preconceived belief that Meng Haoran is a nobleman. After all, this is common sense in the soul world. Although there is no rule on how to queue when recruiting students at the Mao Spiritual Academy, people are still consciously divided into civilians and nobles. Nobles look down on ordinary people. , And the common people did not dare to provoke the nobles, so this way of queuing was retained over time.

In the past, there were some civilians who went to the noble team to line up because they didn’t know this, but their fate was not very good. Although there is no evidence, it can be guessed that the nobles did it. So now basically everyone who comes to participate in the test knows this. A hidden rule.Romance 888

Furthermore, in the corpse soul world, nobles and commoners are easy to distinguish. You can tell by looking at their faces and clothes, so there are few mistakes. The reason why Meng Haoran is considered a noble is because of his healthy and sunny appearance. , And dressed up to fit, no matter how you look at it, it is not like an ordinary person.

"Ah! I see, you belong to the hidden family, right? Only the hidden family I don’t know. After all, they are too mysterious. They usually practice in their own family. I have not heard of people from the hidden family. Those who come to the Mao Spiritual Academy, their family has a lot of training resources and don't need to come here at all." Ichiro Tokugawa exclaimed and made others notice Meng Haoran.

When the nobles heard that Meng Haoran was from the hidden family, their expressions suddenly changed, and they were full of guard. Although the hidden family is unknown, they have been heard of as aristocrats. They are different from the nobles in the soul world. The nobles of the hermit family are said to have at least the powerful power of the four nobles in the corpse soul world, and even stronger. The reason why they are hidden is because they are not satisfied with the rule of the spirit king and do not want to be ruled by the spirit king, so they hide. In fact, it is to avoid conflict with the Spirit King.

Although the hidden families are not as good as the spirit kings, they still have the confidence to survive like this. There are many strong people in the family, and many of them are at the captain level.

The reason why the nobles here are full of guard against Meng Haoran is because their families are all supporters of the Spirit King, and their positions are different from the hidden families.

Of course, they won’t come up directly against Meng Haoran just because Meng Haoran is a member of the hermit family, but hostility is inevitable. If Meng Haoran’s performance is not strong enough, they might step on it. Most of the family members are geniuses, and they are not easy to offend.

Meng Haoran was really speechless at this time. Just how big this brain hole was, he made up for it as a member of the hidden family. Of course, he didn't immediately deny it at this time. After all, it seems that the name of the hidden family is. Looks very bluff and can solve the problem of his origin.

"Hidden family? Interesting." It was also the first time that Meng Haoran knew of such a thing, and couldn't help but have a slight interest in the so-called hidden family.

Seeing that Meng Haoran did not deny it, Tokugawa Ichiro believed that Meng Haoran was a member of the hermit family. For a while, he looked at Meng Haoran with strange eyes.

"Hey! Can you tell me something about your hidden family? Although I have heard of it, I don't know if it is true. I heard that your hidden family members are all geniuses. They can all become gods of death. It’s simple, even the captain level is a lot, isn’t it true?” Seeing that Meng Haoran was not as unkind as the legendary one, Tokugawa Ichiro became more courageous. You must know that the hidden family came out because They are all geniuses who look down on the outside world, and only pay a little attention to the people of the four big families, and look down on him as a small nobleman.

It was hard to see someone different from the legend, and Ichiro Tokugawa didn't want to let go of this opportunity to learn about the hidden family.

Regarding Tokugawa Ichiro’s question, Meng Haoran could only be silent. He is not a member of the hidden family, how could he know their situation, and now he just needs the hidden family to cover, so he can’t tell. The truth is, so I had to pretend to be indifferent.

And Meng Haoran's attitude made Tokugawa Ichiro more sure of his own thoughts, so he became more enthusiastic about Meng Haoran, and kept asking questions, which made Meng Haoran feel a little helpless.

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