Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 221 Beyond the Captain Level?

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Fortunately, the test at the Mao Spiritual Academy was very fast, and it was Tokugawa Ichiro's turn when Meng Haoran was about to endure it.

"Hey, it's your turn. If you don't come, you won't use it." The teacher in charge of the test is very domineering and treats nobles and commoners equally, although this is also because today's nobles are all small nobles. It is not so easy for a little nobleman to become a god of death, otherwise the captain and seat officer of the Gotei 13 team would not only change every few hundred years.

As a member of the Mao Spiritual Academy, although he is only a test teacher, his status is a bit higher than that of the ordinary god of death. Even some of the lower seat officials don’t need to care about it, and of course they don’t deliberately agree with them. The officials can't make it through.

"Come on, right now" Tokugawa Ichiro was taken aback. If he was invited back before the test, the consequences would not be something he could bear. Although there would be no chance to test again in the future, it would be better to get in earlier.

It is also luck for Meng Haoran. Today is actually the test day of the Central Spiritual Academy every three years. There are so many people here. Although they can test them in normal times, they are all prepared for geniuses. If the spiritual pressure is not reached At the official level, you don't even think about it, but today, anyone who has the hope of becoming a god of death can enter.

The test is very simple. It is a crystal ball. As long as you put your hand on it, the color will be displayed according to the spiritual pressure. It is divided into five categories: white, orange, red, blue, and gold. White is that ordinary souls basically do not have the ability to become a god of death. Potential, orange has the possibility of becoming an ordinary god of death, red can become a seat officer, and blue has a slight possibility of becoming a captain. As for gold, as long as there is no accident, it will be the captain. The captains in the past are basically gold. As for the potential above the captain, this crystal ball cannot be measured, after all, it is just a very ordinary testing tool.

These were all that Tokugawa Ichiro told him when he was talking to Meng Haoran. Meng Haoran took a second look, and he introduced it so that it would save Meng Haoran's affairs.

Although Tokugawa Ichiro is very confident, but now he is about to face the life-determining test, he still has some hands, his expression is a bit stiff, and he stretched his hand to the crystal ball tremblingly.

The test teacher didn't urge him. This situation has long been commonplace. I thought I was not the same at the beginning. I fantasized about being the captain, but ended up staying here.

"I don't know if any talented person above the seat official appeared today?" Thinking about this, he couldn't help but cast his gaze on Meng Haoran. Just now he also noticed Meng Haoran, who is said to be from the hidden family, and he was still looking forward to it.

At this time, Tokugawa Ichiro's test finally began. The crystal ball first turned white, then orange, and finally slowly red, but this is not over, it has not stopped.

"It must be successful!" At this point, Ichiro Tokugawa is eager for blue to the extreme. After all, there is a chance to become a captain. The gap between the captain and the seat officer is very large. It can be said that the captain. He is the real powerhouse in this world.

God seems to have heard Tokugawa Ichiro’s prayer,

"Stop, it's blue, although it's just barely entering blue, it's also blue!"

"I didn't expect him to have such a talent, so he will have a bright future! Even the captains will look at him! After all, even if the disappointment of being a captain is slim, it is appropriate to become a seat officer." 29GG Novel

"It's amazing, worthy of being a nobleman."

"So handsome, I decided he will be my idol in the future"

Feeling the envy, jealousy, hatred and admiration of the people around him, Tokugawa Ichiro's mood at this time was very refreshing. At this moment, he felt that he was the protagonist and the world was so beautiful.

The fact is also true. He, who was tested with the blue talent, has had a different life from today. It is not a dream to become a death seat official. The death seat official seems to be too low-level in Meng Haoran's view, but in fact the entire corpse soul Jie is not counted as those captains, the strong ones that have been hidden, the seat officer is already a high-level figure, if it is placed in the reality that the captain is at the provincial governor level, the seat officer will be the leader, really not low.

"Hello, you are Tokugawa Ichiro, right? You are welcome to join our Central Spiritual Academy, and I will take you to report." The blue talent is really powerful, and the test teacher who was still very tugged before said to Tokugawa Ichiro with a smile , That's a passion, not even the test, let him go to report and exchange feelings.

Ichiro Tokugawa looked like he was taking for granted and was about to go with the test teacher, but suddenly he saw Meng Haoran behind him, his expression stiffened.

No, I'm overwhelmed. Maybe someone from the hidden family is more talented than me. Did I offend him when I left with the test teacher?Fortunately, I didn't leave immediately.

"This, I think the one behind me hasn't tested yet, I'll just wait!" said a little embarrassedly.

The teacher in charge of the test was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he had forgotten that there was another him. It would be bad if he offends a member of the Hidden Family, so he went along with the flow: "That's good, let him speak after the test." Let Meng Haoran test the gesture.

Of course Meng Haoran didn't care about the attitude of the two of them. However, Tokugawa Ichiro still treats him this way, which makes Meng Haoran have a slight affection for Tokugawa Ichiro. After all, if they leave, I am afraid they will have to wait a while.

Nodded indifferently, and stretched out his hand to the crystal ball.

"Sure enough, it is from the hidden family, this attitude is different." Meng Haoran's non-urgency and non-irritable performance makes people feel that he is extraordinary. After all, it is not just who is facing this kind of There will be some tension in the tests that determine the future, and only those from large families will be so confident and believe in their own talents.

When Meng Haoran received the contact with the crystal ball, the crystal ball burst out with a strong light.

"This is..." Everyone stared at this scene in a daze. They saw the crystal ball's color change quickly, from white to orange in an instant, and then it turned to red without any pause, then blue, and finally It became golden, and it changed drastically when it was golden, but because this crystal ball can only be tested here, it still stopped at golden.

"This...Is this a talent surpassing the captain!" The test teacher exclaimed, completely sluggish.

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