You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"The next step is the experimental ability. I don't know what the ability of my initial solution is." Meng Haoran began to feel the information sent by Zan Po Dao after his initial solution.

A few minutes later, Meng Haoran smiled, he didn't expect that his ability was actually this.

Haoyue’s initial solution ability is auxiliary, and it can only act on Meng Haoran herself. Its role is to break the constraints of world rules. It shouldn’t sound like a heaven-defying ability, but it’s actually not. For Meng Haoran, this is a big killer. .

As long as this ability is used, Meng Haoran can use ninjutsu, domineering and other abilities that cannot be used in this world, and his combat power instantly increases.

When he thinks that when he uses his body to fight the Zanpaku, he is excited by the dumbfounded expressions of the death gods, not to mention that seeing and hearing domineering can predict the opponent's next move. In this world where he is the only one with seeing domineering This ability is not against the sky.

And the effect of this ability is much more than that. As one's own strength improves in the future, the oppression of strength will be minimized after one goes to other worlds, and there is no need to worry about going to a new world in the future. It's an awkward situation.

It can be said that this kind of ability is what Meng Haoran wants most now, and this kind of ability that is completely absent from this world is the best for Meng Haoran.

As for the fact that this ability does not directly increase Meng Haoran’s own strength, what he possesses has not changed at all. It is even inferior to Lan Ran’s Jinghua Shuiyue that can manipulate the five senses, but the one that suits him is the best. , And Meng Haoran's pupil technique is the nemesis of the spectacle, so Meng Haoran has no regrets at all.

Meng Haoran named this ability-My World, intending to create a world that suits him, not to follow the rules of the world.

There is no need to make contact. Meng Haoran is very familiar with ninjutsu and domineering. In just one afternoon, after Meng Haoran left the training ground, he fully mastered this ability. After receiving it, he only needs to be familiar with the initial solution and Started to swastika.

"Boss, you are here, what's the matter today? Are you uncomfortable? I think you left early." When he came to the cafeteria, Meng Haoran found Tokugawa Ichiro.

Hearing Tokugawa Ichiro's words, Meng Haoran smiled, but he did not directly say how he changed today. Instead, he ordered a lot of good dishes and ate them. He said that he wanted to eat after all afternoon of cultivation.

Although Tokugawa Ichiro did not get an answer, he also saw that Meng Haoran was in a good mood and did not continue to ask questions.

"What are you dragging? I don't care about Tokugawa's problem." There are also two students wearing Shinigami clothes beside Tokugawa Ichiro, one is Tokugawa Ichiro's new girlfriend, called An Shihui, and a young man. His name is Kuchaki Kahui, a member of the Kuchaki family, but the family status is not very high.

It was An Shihui who was talking at this time. Seeing that such a handsome and powerful boyfriend in his own eyes was treated like this by Meng Haoran, he couldn't help blurting it out. This is also because although Meng Haoran wore the hat of super genius, he did not show it in front of everyone. Because of the corresponding strength.

Meng Haoran didn’t say anything after listening to An Shihui’s words, but Tokugawa Ichiro’s expression changed, "Apologize, or I will dump you." He knows that he can have the current strength and Meng Haoran can’t get rid of it. Annoyed Meng Haoran, her own future is worrying, and her future is much more important than a woman who has only recently dated.Hot search novel

"" An Shihui looked at Tokugawa Ichiro in disbelief. He didn't expect that he would have such a big reaction just by sending a complaint. I couldn't accept it for a while. You must know that Tokugawa Ichiro was a Baiyi to himself before. Baishun's, this has changed too fast.

"You or you, don't apologize yet." Tokugawa Ichiro's eyes showed a cold light, and An Shihui's tears rolled in his eyes.

In the end, An Shihui realized that it was impossible to do with Tokugawa Ichiro without apologizing, so she had to apologize to Meng Haoran in a wronged manner.

"Sorry, I... I didn't mean it."

Meng Haoran looked at An Shihui amusedly, who was showing this pitiful thing, he didn't care what she said just now. Okay, Tokugawa Ichiro was too fussy.

"En" accepted the apology, letting Tokugawa Ichiro beside him breathe a sigh of relief.

And Ichiro Kuchiki next to Tokugawa Ichiro looked at all this in surprise from start to finish, thanking that he didn't talk too much, or even if he parted ways with Tokugawa Ichiro in the future, the flattery of this period of music would be in vain.Don't think he is a member of the Kuchiki family, but because of his qualifications, his future is much worse than that of Ichiro Tokugawa, so he wanted to climb the tree of Tokugawa Ichiro.

The people around Meng Haoran had also found out about Meng Haoran's affairs, so almost everyone was pointing to Meng Haoran, as if Meng Haoran had committed a crime.

After finishing the meal calmly, Meng Haoran went straight back, and did not forget to pat Tokugawa Ichiro on the shoulder when he left: "Actually, this woman is also pretty good, she has a little temperament and is normal, and she can be disciplined." Kawaichiro cherish it.

In fact, Meng Haoran can see from her performance just now that she actually has a good personality and cares about Tokugawa Ichiro.

This episode Meng Haoran quickly forgot, and resumed his training career in the academy.

Fortunately, due to Meng Haoran's talents and his virtual hermit family status, the students of the academy allowed Meng Haoran to spend another six months peacefully, and Meng Haoran learned almost everything in the academy.

In the past six months, Ichiro Tokugawa has gained a lot of benefits. He already has the strength of an ordinary god of death, and his improvement is not unpleasant, but it depends on who is compared with Meng Haoran. If he compares with Meng Haoran, it will be a big deal.

Since the initial solution, Meng Haoran’s strength has improved like a day. One month later, he completely mastered the initial solution. After the initial solution, the Reliance reached an astonishing 32, which is higher than the expected 30. 2. You must know that the 1 here is Represents the Reiatsu before the normal captain level is solved.

In the next 5 months, Meng Haoran spent 2 months completely mastering the jie, and then tried to break through the third liberation for the remaining 3 months, but after all there was no breakthrough, but he was also on the verge of a breakthrough. After all, he himself The strength has long reached the level of the third liberation, so there is still a direction for cultivation.

"It's been 8 months in a blink of an eye, and it's not far from the beginning of the plot. I can't learn much here. It's time to leave." After finishing daily practice again, Meng Haoran finally made the decision to graduate early.

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