You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the office of the principal of the Mao Spiritual Academy, an old man who seems to be in his 50s is working on documents. This person is the vice principal. It can be said that he is the highest-ranking person in the entire school, because the principal is Yamamoto who serves as the principal, and Yamamoto is generally I don't care about the college.

"Bang Bang"

"Come in!" The vice principal raised his head and looked at the person in front of him in surprise. Isn't this our great genius Meng Haoran?What's up with him here?"What's the matter with you?"

Meng Haoran directly stated his intention, "I'm here to apply for early graduation."

"Nani!! You said you want to apply for graduation." The old man was surprised, thinking that Meng Haoran was playing with him.

9 months of study in the college, not even a year, even if it is a genius, it is impossible to reach the level of graduation!Moreover, this kind of test for early graduation is much greater than that of general graduation. If it is a general graduation, the college will test them, and the early graduation will be tested under the witness of the captain, and the difficulty increases linearly.

After reconfirming Meng Haoran's intentions, the old man sighed, no matter what, let's report the incident!Just let the people above worry about it, maybe he can really get through it.

"Then you wait for the notice! The time for the graduation test will come out soon." The old man waved his hand to see off the guests.


"Hey, have you heard?"


"It's the thing that tested out a genius beyond the captain level to graduate early?"

"No way! No matter how genius he is, he has only cultivated for 9 months and less than a year, so he can graduate."

"You don't understand, the world of genius is not something we can understand. In short, this matter is already known to the whole hospital."

In a short period of time, Meng Haoran’s application for early graduation spread throughout the college. Different people have different opinions on this, and there are mixed opinions, but without exception, they have shown a strong interest in it. They will go on the day of the test. Watch.

In the corner of the academy, Ichiro Tokugawa also heard the news. Unlike most people, he can faintly feel Meng Haoran’s strength. He feels that Meng Haoran will definitely pass the test this time. "His name will surely resound through the soul world. ."

Seireitei, the first team conference room, basically all the captains have arrived here, and this time the purpose is for Meng Haoran's

"No! Old man, isn't it just that he wants to apply for graduation? Does it need to have a captain meeting?" He was talking about a brown, slightly curly hair tied into a ponytail, wearing two fancy hairpins, and wearing embroidery A man with a patterned pink haori coat, wearing a small hat on his head and a little beard on his chin. Although he looks a bit strange, he is actually the captain of the eighth division, Kyōraku Chunshui.

Among the graduates of the Kyōraku Chunshui Central Spiritual Academy, the first to be the captain, and the love of Captain Yamamoto along with Ukitake Shiro, is also one of the four captains who have served as captain for the longest time. The strength of the captain is at the forefront.

"That's right, the old man thinks so too. The captain is too fussy. Even if he is a genius, he won't hold a captain-level meeting for this trivial matter. It's not that there has been no early graduation. Recently, Captain Dong Shilang graduated early, and I remember that there was no such big battle at that time!" Seventh Division Captain Yumura Zuo Jin said, his words were approved by the other captains, and they all nodded.

To be honest, this time I was notified that I came to the meeting and thought it was a major event, but I didn't expect it to be a question of graduation for a guy like Meng Haoran who had been in school for less than a year.

Although they hadn’t heard of Meng Haoran, they were shocked to know his testing potential. Even as the captain, they were interested in him. But later, because of the prevention of Captain Yamamoto, he still It hasn't grown up, so everyone hasn't had a deep contact, and the current understanding of it is still 9 months ago.

"If it were just an ordinary test, I would certainly not call everyone here, but because I originally wanted to train Meng Haoran as a successor, I investigated him secretly. The result is very strange, so I have to look at everyone's opinions."

"What? Your Excellency Captain wants to train him as a successor?" Everyone was shocked at this moment. Is there any mistake? His potential is so great.

Aizen heard Yamamoto's words, the eyes under the lens flashed with golden light, and then returned to the image of an ordinary good person, but there was a wave of waves in his heart.

Ichimaru Gin noticed Aizen's fleeting expression, and he became interested in Meng Haoran. It seemed that he was not an ordinary genius!

As a representative of the nobleman, Kuchaki Byakuya couldn't help but speak at this time: "Captain, is this decision too hasty, isn't Meng Haoran from the Hidden Family?" The implication was that he disagreed with Meng Haoran as the captain. A post.

With Kuchiki Byakuya's opening, others also advised Yamamoto not to make a decision so quickly, at least to observe for a while before speaking.

"Quiet." Yamamoto spoke, and the meeting room was quiet in an instant. He nodded in satisfaction and said: "This is not the point. The point is that I haven't found out his origin. It seems to have appeared out of thin air. Know that even if he is I can also find some clues in the Hidden Family, but now I have found nothing, which makes me a little confused." How can a guy with unknown origin be the captain?

Only then did everyone understand why they came to the meeting. Also, as the strongest force in the corpse soul world, the power of the Guarding 13 team except for the lack of intelligence on the spirit king, other people still know some, hidden. No matter how secret the family is, it can be inserted as long as it is deliberately investigated. This time it is indeed a bit strange.

For a while, everyone fell into thinking.

"Who cares? As long as it's not our enemy, he can't be imaginary! I think it's better to let me play a game with him, and try to see if he has the potential to be the captain of the SA?" Even more wooden swordsman, as a fighting mad, he doesn't think so much at all, he just fights once he opens his mouth.

However, this time his words were the main point. No matter who Meng Haoran was, he was sure that he was a god of death, and it was too early to discuss this.

"Maybe I was too impatient, so let me observe it! But this time I hope everyone can take a look at his test, and give some comments." In the end this matter ended, but it was also Because of this, Meng Haoran's graduation test will face all the captains instead of a single one.

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