You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The efficiency of the college is still very fast. I gave Meng Haoran's reply in only 3 days, saying that the graduation test was scheduled for the weekend of this week. Meng Haoran applied for it on Monday, which means that the test will start in 3 days.

Meng Haoran didn't feel much about the test schedule on the weekend, but there should be a lot of people watching it. In this corpse soul world where there is not much entertainment, things like the genius graduation exam can still be used to pass the time.

In the next few days, Meng Haoran practiced as usual. He didn't feel nervous at all because he was about to be tested, and he ignored other people's comments, as if the person taking the test was not him. His practice made a lot of people. Those who pay attention to him secretly nodded, this is the quality that a strong person needs to possess, not to be disturbed by foreign objects.

"Should I stay in the Soul World or go to the world after graduation this time? This is a question." Meng Haoran was a little tangled. Living an ascetic life in the Soul World made him a little nostalgic for the world of flowers and flowers in the world. He came here for the first time. Becoming a god of death, now not only has become a god of death, but also has almost reached a bottleneck. It doesn't seem to be of any use to stay here. Besides, where to practice is not cultivation, do you have to be in the soul world to make progress, although the spirit of the soul world is higher Some, but if you cultivate to the point where you want to improve, it's not enough to rely on penance. What you need is a little bit of understanding.

Thinking about this, Meng Haoran decided to pay attention. Although it was a pity that he couldn't try to be the leader of Death, but the leader of the world of One Piece for many years, the leader is more powerful than the leader of Death, so this captain is still inappropriate.

This is what Meng Haoran would think. Meng Haoran's abandoned Captain of Death, but there are countless people who can't be it!

Three days passed in a flash, and today is the day of Meng Haoran's graduation test.

On the test field of the academy, there are already full of spectators who come to watch. Most of them are nobles and college students. The nobles want to see what kind of person this rumored genius is, if it is really so genius in the legend. , It’s about to get closer; and the students want to know if Meng Haoran has gained a reputation and whether he can pass the test.

"Wow! It's Captain Yamamoto! And Captain Kyo, Captain Ukitake, isn't this battle too big?"

"That's Captain Aizen! It is as gentle as the legend, so handsome!"

"Captain Mengmu of the eleventh division, so man, the real man didn't say anything."


Therefore, the people present were shocked when they saw the thirteen captains on the summit stage. They didn't expect that Meng Haoran was so important, and the captains were all here. At the same time, they felt that the trip was worthwhile, even if Meng Haoran did. The performance is not good, but it is worth seeing the team captains who are usually rare.

"A lot of girls! But even if they wear too much." On the stage, the wretched uncle Jingle Chunshui had a polite look on the surface, but his eyes were already fluttering.

"Captain!! Can you not be so embarrassed." The voice came from the side of Kyōraku. It turned out to be his deputy captain. Ise Nanao with a pair of eyes looked a little helpless, wondering how this happened. This kind of captain, shouldn't the captain be like Captain Kuchaki Byakuya or Captain Aizen?

"Little Nanao, it's hard to make a trip today, so don't worry about it." Jingle Chunshui said casually.

"Ahem, ahem, you are still the same!" It was Ukitake, the captain of the 13th Division of the old sick, who was in the best relationship because he was a disciple of Yamamoto at the same time as Kyōraku.Literature under the pen 88

"It's okay!" Kyōraku said that he was very worried about Fuzhu's body. Although it has always been like this and there has been no major life problem, he still feels a little worried, so he asked.

A smile appeared on Fuzhu's pale face, and he was very moved by his old friend's concern, "It's okay, I'm sick."

Not to mention the captains who performed differently on the summit stage, at this time Meng Haoran walked into the test field as Shi Shiran.

"Here, he is the Meng Haoran. I didn't expect to be so young!"

"It's really extraordinary, but I don't understand the rules too much. I actually made the captains wait so long."

Of course, Meng Haoran entered the arena with a pinch of time. He didn't want to wait for someone. It can be said that in this world, except for his parents and women, it is not worth waiting for himself. Yamamoto and others are also not allowed. Of course, he can't be late. Very bad habit, so this time is just right.

"Teacher, leave the host to me this time." Floating Bamboo Sword proactively asked when he arrived.

"Okay, then! But pay attention." Yamamoto looked at his proud disciple with a trace of regret. If it weren't for his illness, maybe it would be nice to give him the position. As for it, he didn't even think about it. It was too embarrassing. .

"You are Meng Haoran! I'll say that the floating bamboo responsible for your test this time, the current captain of the thirteenth division, let me introduce to you, this is Captain Yamamoto, this is Captain Kuchiki, this is... "Floating bamboo introduced to Meng Haoran one by one, and every time they introduced a person, they also nodded to Meng Haoran as a greeting.

Meng Haoran and his party followed the last sentence of the eye-catching ceremony: "Hello, captains!" This attitude is not very good, but it also makes people unable to fault.

Of course, Meng Haoran's clothes and the captain's attitude of sitting on the same level made Kuchiki Byakuya and Broken Bee, who paid more attention to etiquette, for example, were dissatisfied, but they did not show it.

"Are you proud of a genius? Just don't know if your talent can match it?" Yamamoto's eyes flashed, and he had experienced a lot of things. He didn't think much about Meng Haoran.

Without much conversation, Floating Bamboo directly announced the start of the test.

"Your test today is to defeat the summoned imaginary. As long as you succeed, it will be considered as a pass." He took out a white object and threw it into the sky.

"It's starting, I don't know what level of virtuality will appear this time?" Everyone present guessed.

No one saw that when Floating Bamboo threw the thing, Lan Ran pushed his eyes slightly, revealing a strange light in his eyes.

"Let me see your strength! I hope you can accept the gift I gave you." It turned out that Ai Ran had already done tricks in secret. Normally, it was a big virtual that would appear, but this time But not necessarily.

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