Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 228 The Powerful Meng Haoran

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Are you coming out?" The space in front of Meng Haoran fluctuated violently, and an evil aura came out, it was a virtual aura.

Suddenly a black tone opened in front of Meng Haoran, and then

"Hahaha, my uncle has finally come out, a lot of spiritual power, so cool!" An extremely arrogant figure appeared in front of Meng Haoran, his head is a lion-shaped human form, the level is at the peak of Yachukas, about to break through the tile. Aizen is quite willing to have Stode's existence!

But this was not over yet, Kilian appeared one after another behind him, and the square was filled in an instant. There were about dozens of Kilian, looking at Meng Haoran with empty eyes.

"What's going on? This is the graduation test of genius? It's too exaggerated." Since it is a test, Meng Haoran actually said that there is a special ghost road around the place where he stands, which separates the test field from the outside, so even if you see With so many emptiness, people are not very scared. Besides, the captains are still there!

"That's Kilian! I heard that only the god of death who has mastered the original solution can have the power of battle, and the leader. Although he is small in size, the aura he exudes is far stronger than Kilian. Could it be the legendary Yachukas." The nobles present are all more knowledgeable, and I didn’t know what kind of monster Meng Haoran had to face. I thought Meng Haoran could easily pass. The testers also showed sympathy to Meng Haoran, who seemed to them to lose this time.

Like the audience, the captains such as Floating Bamboo were also surprised. It was clearly not arranged like this. Could something have happened.

"Teacher, do you want to cancel this test?" Floating bamboo doesn't think Meng Haoran can defeat the combination of a Yachucas and dozens of Daxu. This is beyond the scope of ordinary death gods, that is, he has to be careful to defeat them. .

"There is too much difference in strength, so let's cancel it!" This time even Kuchuki Byakuya couldn't stand it anymore. Although he could not understand Meng Haoran's attitude, he did not want such a genius to die like this.

"Yeah! Captain Yamamoto." Xiaobai spoke for the first time. He is also a genius. He graduated early, but the difficulty of the test was not one-tenth that of this time.

Only Lan Ran didn't talk to each other at this time. Instead, the gaze looking at Meng Haoran became more interesting, because he found that even in this situation, Meng Haoran was still calm, as if he didn't put them in his eyes.

Yamamoto was about to agree, but he suddenly saw Meng Haoran's state and was taken aback for a moment. Could there be any surprises.

"Hahaha, this kid is not easy! It's been a long time since I saw such an interesting guy. It seems that my opponent can add another one." Gengmu Jianba found out that Meng Haoran was in a weird state with a beastly instinct. Facing the imaginary people was like facing a pile of air, and he also felt a sense of threat, not from the imaginary, but from Meng Haoran.

"Wait first! If he is in danger, save him." Yamamoto finally made the decision to take a look first. At this time, the others also noticed Meng Haoran's strangeness, so they all fell silent, but they did a good job. Prepare to save him at any time.

At this time, Yachukas, who appeared in front of Meng Haoran, looked a little unnatural, because it discovered its own situation, what was the matter with the more than ten strands in the distance that were obviously equal to his level of spiritual pressure.

At first I thought that there was a good place, intending to devour a fresh and delicious soul, but there will be one in front of the soul when there is a soul, and there are still a bunch not far away, but there is also a life to swallow!Said that he is innocent now.

Unlike Yachukas, the Kylians are all without intelligence. They immediately placed the target on the nearest Meng Haoran, screamed, and then flashed in their mouths. The rhythm!Just go to listen to

Meng Haoran actually feels a little surprised now. He didn't expect Bi Ge Ye to face Yachucas. This made him a little bit suspicious of how people graduated before, but because of his strength, he did not appear to be afraid. , These guys look very strong, but they are really not enough for themselves.

"No matter, kill him first." Kilian's actions made Yachukas become tyrannical, and he no longer thought about other things and planned to solve Meng Haoran first.

"Shoo," beams of light went straight to Meng Hao, and it was overwhelming and very bluffing.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Meng Haoran's complexion remained unchanged, and he slowly uttered two words: "Die Kong", and then all the light beams stopped in front of him, and they returned to nothingness with a few "booms".

"What! Abandoning the hidden high-level ghost way, how did he do it." This kind of strength is no longer achieved by the general faculty. Could it be that his strength at this time is already at the captain level, and everyone finds it for the first time. Know Meng Haoran.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to have two sons! But if you meet me, you will be unlucky." Yachukas' voice came from behind Meng Haoran. It turned out that it had moved behind Meng Haoran at some point.

A beast claw grabbed Meng Haoran with a compressed spiritual pressure, seemingly trying to divide Meng Haoran's body.

"I'm too underestimated." Meng Haoran blasted out with a reversal punch, at an incredible speed, touching his heart before his paw and his body.

Yachukas was beaten by Meng Haoran and flew out, his chest sunken and blood was vomiting, he was already hit hard.

Meng Haoran’s performance shocked the audience again. He hadn’t even scored a knife, but simply defeated the Yachukas-level virtual with a single punch. This has never been heard before. If people thought Meng Haoran was a captain-level strength before, then At this moment, it is not certain, because most of the strength of the god of death is on his own sword, even the captain will not be so strong with his bare hands!

Then, Meng Haoran showed everyone what violence is. He constantly shuttled in front of Kilian. Every time he solved it with a punch, hit it directly. Kilian’s clumsy and huge body became Meng Haoran’s target. In just a few tens of seconds, the originally narrow test field became empty again, leaving only Meng Haoran and the only Yachukas still lingering.

"Good boy." Yamamoto looked at Meng Haoran in the court appreciatively. The more he watched, the happier he became. The other captains also showed surprised expressions. He didn't expect Meng Haoran to surprise them, and it was not an ordinary surprise.

This can't work!Did not achieve the goal!Lan Ran felt a little uncertain in her heart. He didn't expect Meng Haoran to be so strong that he didn't see his bottom line at all.

"It's time to end, this boring test." Although he didn't mind, Meng Haoran didn't really like being watched as a monkey, so he planned to get rid of the dying Yachukas.

Yachukas, who was stared at by Meng Haoran, changed his face drastically. Knowing that he was going to end the game, he couldn't help feeling desperate. Through the previous fights, it had already understood that the two sides were no longer in the same level. If Meng Haoran made another move, he would not be spared.

"No, I don't want to die like this." My heart yelled wildly, and then it was as if some kind of switch was turned on. The spiritual pressure that had already fallen to the extreme began to rise, and it instantly reached its original limit. If it is not over, the promotion has not stopped.

"Is this... going to break through?" Meng Haoran, who was about to make a move, stopped seeing this situation, watching the evolution of Yachukas with interest.

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