Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 229: Defeating Vastodd Again

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Meng Haoran stood there in the eyes of everyone with different expressions, quietly watching Yachukas in a breakthrough state.

Seeing that Meng Haoran did not stop him from breaking through Vastod, Yachukas' eyes showed a hint of joy. At the same time, he was excited because he was about to break through to Vasto and became a real high-level imaginary. He even felt a little grateful to Meng Haoran. It's not that he may not break through so easily.

However, thinking of his miserable situation just now, I really can't let him go. Although he is very strong, as long as I break through, he will definitely not be my opponent. Maybe I can escape back!He looked over to the captain.

The movement of Yachukas breaking through to Vastod is indeed very big. The Reiatsu from his body is already 30, which is twice stronger than before. No wonder Vastos is called the superior Daxu. Unlike Yachukas, it has already dragged away from the need to continuously devour other virtual categories.

In this way, under Meng Haoran's indulgence, a Vastod appeared in front of everyone.

"What a strong power, is this Vastod? I have finally reached this level." Although he has just broken through, he has already felt his own difference, which is far different than before. Now he has not dealt with it before breaking through. I'm afraid it can be solved with one move.

"Boy, tell me your name, I Siyakas wants to remember you, the person who is about to be killed by me." Siyakas, the current Vastod, said coldly. The increase in strength has made it somewhat I was so proud and completely forgotten about my situation.

"You don't need to remember my name, because you don't need it, you are going to die soon." Meng Haoran's faint voice came, and there was no fluctuation due to Siyakas' promotion.

In the stands, Lan Ran's eyes showed a trace of astonishment. He didn't expect that his imaginary still had the potential to advance to Vastod. This is also a good subordinate for him. Achukas has many, but Vasto There is very little virtue, and the value varies greatly.

"Now that this is the case, I hope I can see your strength clearly this time." At this point, Airan can only recognize it. Although Vastod is very strong, he still thinks Meng Haoran will win. This is a strong one. Intuition.

The other captains also heard the conversation between Meng Haoran and Siyakas, and they also had a slight admiration for Meng Haoran. This attitude of not putting Vastod in his eyes was really handsome.

"Hey, I'm not mistaken! It seems that Meng Haoran doesn't regard Vastod as an opponent, but is confident of his own strength? If this is the case, he really deserves the name of a genius, and he has such strength now."

On the other hand, Siyakas, who had been promoted to Vastod ears, was not trying to make a profit with Meng Haoran. He shot again, and he couldn't wait to tear the death god in front of him.

The strength of Vastod was really strong. Even if he had just become Vastod, his strength faintly surpassed the captain level, and his strength and speed were not worse than when the captain swastika, on the contrary, he was stronger.

"It's so fast, it's comparable to the instant step." Siakas appeared in front of Meng Haoran in an instant, with the same claw, but this time both the speed and strength have been greatly improved. This time even Meng Haoran was a little bit worse.

He didn't try hard, but dodged it by a little bit, but he didn't completely dodge it either.

"You are nothing but that!" There was a trace of Meng Haoran's fine hair in Siyakas's hand. This result made him feel confident that he would win.

Meng Haoran was a little speechless. He was really worried about his IQ. Don't you know that Death is the most powerful only when he uses the Zan Po Knife?It can be said that Zhanpakudao represents 80% of the strength of the god of death, and the others are ghost road, instant step and slash.Jiuliuwei Novel Network

Without reminding this guy with poor IQ, Meng Haoran slowly drew out his Zanpaku Knife, and it was still very laborious to solve Vastod without beginning to understand.

Haoyue appeared in front of the world for the first time.

"Look, he finally got the sword, but what's the matter with the Zanpei that is obviously different from the ordinary sword? Is it in the initial solution state?" Some doubts, after all, the Zanpei sword seemed to be all before the initial solution. Almost, it's so gorgeous like Meng Haoran.

"You are qualified to see my initial solution." Although this is very pretentious, Meng Haoran doesn't mind pretending to be.

Meng Haoran's words surprised the people present. Isn't that the beginning, it's really strange.

"Pretending to be a fool, do you think Hajime can defeat me?" Siakas said disdainfully, but he was a little uneasy.

"Is it finally coming up with strength?" The captains watching the battle stared at Meng Haoran, wanting to see how his Zan Po Dao was, and Lan Ran also showed a smile, this time the goal was barely achieved.

"The breeze is blowing in the water, Haoyue is in the sky, evolve! Haoyue." A low voice resounded through the retesting field, and then I saw Meng Haoran's spiritual pressure rapidly rising, and a pure white spiritual pressure column burst out of his body.

The sound of "buzzing" came from the collision of the air pressure, and then Meng Haoran's initial solution state appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm going, this is too handsome!" Looking at Meng Haoran's dressing up at this time, countless people showed envious, jealous and hateful expressions, because compared with the ordinary death tyrant costume before, Meng Haoran is now wearing a blood-red windbreaker. , A bright moon printed on the back, looks very poetic.

Feeling his spiritual pressure, Meng Haoran nodded in satisfaction, surpassing the guy on the opposite side.

"Is this kind of spiritual pressure going against the sky? It is possible that there is such a monster, and Hajime is stronger than my jie." Kyōraku screamed, and his eyes were full of worship at the old man. The vision is also great.

I don’t know that Yamamoto’s heart is also turbulent at this time. I thought that Meng Haoran’s talent was not much like him, but now he found that he was wrong, and the wrong was very wrong. This talent is far beyond his own. A monster was born. Up.

Lan Ran on the side really couldn't maintain her gentleness this time. She looked at Meng Haoran's face with surprise, surprised that her talent was actually higher than her, or even much higher, but she thought of her Zanpaku Swordsman's abilities. , He was a little relieved, as long as Meng Haoran's ability is not against the sky, his plan can still be successful.

The battle started again, and this time as Vastod Siyakas completely became Meng Haoran's sparring partner, and was played around by Meng Haoran.

In the end, Meng Haoran didn't let everyone down, and solved Siyakas in twos or twos, and didn't even use the ability, so everyone once again looked at him with admiration.

Things should have ended like this, but a person suddenly appeared,

"Come and fight with me!"

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