Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 230 Meng Haoran vs. More Wooden Sword Eight

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!A figure full of wild beasts suddenly appeared in front of Meng Haoran's eyes, and at the same time his violent spiritual pressure was vented, and the situation changed, causing the spiritual power around him to go away again.

"Geng Mu Jian Ba" Meng Haoran squinted slightly, looking at the people who came. This person was the captain of the 11th Division who was supposed to be watching the theater in the stands, Keng Mu Jian Ba. Unlike the other captains, he was completely a fighting freak. His pursuit was the pleasure of fighting, and only he would come to fight Meng Haoran at this time.

"Captain Menggi, this is against the rules." Ukitake said that he was going to stop him, but Captain Yamamoto did not stop Menggi Kenhachi's actions in the first time, but rather than everyone expected. Watching all this with interest.

"Well, he didn't say anything himself, what do you say," Gengmu Jianba looked at Floating Bamboo impatiently, and then said to Meng Haoran over his head: "Let's fight together! Killing with the guy just now should not be addictive. Right!"

Interesting, although she had known what kind of character Gengmu Jianba was for a long time, Meng Haoran did not expect that she would directly declare war on herself, and it was still in this situation.

No matter, just satisfy him. Besides, I am really not exhausted. Although the guy was promoted to Vastod just now, because he was newly promoted, his ability could not be used at all. Biachukas is strong. Only the body's Reiatsu was relieved, so it was resolved with a little seriousness.

For the captains in the stands, dealing with that kind of Vasto is still very simple, they are sure to solve it, what really needs attention is the old Vasto.

"Okay! I don't care, but this requires the examiner's approval." Although he has decided to fight him, he can't be too obvious. It would be bad if people think that they are fighting freaks.

Gengmu Jianba was excited when he heard Meng Haoran's words, and thought it was done.

"Fortunately, he is not stupid." Fu Zhu thought that Meng Haoran was asking for help and didn't want to offend Captain Gengmu. He was a little relieved. "Absolutely not. His test has ended. There is no need to fight you again."

"What did you say!" Gengmu Jianba looked at Floating Bamboo angrily, but then smiled, "That's not up to you, this battle must be fought."

After finishing talking, Gengmu Jianba took his own broken sword and walked over to Meng Haoran. He didn't mean to give in at all, obviously treating Meng Haoran as an opponent of the same level.

At this time, it was too late for Fuzhu to stop, "Teacher, you don't care."

"Hehe, I think the captain also has his considerations." Lan Ran said, and he is happy to see the current situation.

"Well, I want to see where his limit is!" Yamamoto groaned and said his thoughts.

"But..." Floating bamboo wanted to say something,

"Okay, okay, the old man knows what to do." Jingle pulled the floating bamboo, which made the floating bamboo stop.

So, under Yamamoto's default, the battle between Meng Haoran and Kenpachi Kenki began.

"What's going on! Is this also a test?" The others around were a little unsure, but they were not worried, thinking it was a special arrangement.

"Zheng" and "Zheng" Meng Haoran and Gengmu Jianba's Zhanpaku Knife continued to collide, and at the same time, high-density spirits were spattered, dissipating in the sky like meteors.Yanyan e-book

The fighting skills of Kengmu Jianba are not brilliant. They are hacking based on their feelings. Because they have a strong physique and beast-like intuition, they have always been unfavorable in the past. In addition to the high-density spirit attached to the body, It is a protective film.

But today he is facing Meng Haoran, whose Reipressure is stronger than him. At the same time, he is still an inconceivable Sword Emperor Realm powerhouse in Sword Doctrine. Even if he can't use Gang Qi, he is a sword that incorporates instinct. Fa is still not what he can imagine, so

"How could it be that Captain Mengmu didn't even cut Meng Haoran at once, as if he had been predicted every step, he would always be blocked, and both of them had such strong spiritual pressure."

Sister Hua, the first generation of sword eight, kendo can be said to be the peak power in this world. At this time, looking at Meng Haoran’s elegant swordsmanship, "A strong kendo cultivation base, every sword is so perfect, just right, this He is very uncomfortable in Xia Zengmu!"

Although the team captains are not as good as Meng Haoran in their kendo cultivation, their eyesight is not weak, and they can fully see what the situation is now. Meng Haoran, the even more violent attacker, is actually at a disadvantage because of him. Meng Haoran's attack rhythm has been controlled.

Yamamoto looked at the indifferent Meng Haoran on the court at this time, but he thought in his heart: Is this kendo cultivation base he had before, or is it only after entering the academy, if the latter is too scary.

The sword cultivation level that Meng Haoran showed at this time is already at the first level of Sister Hua, of course, this is not all of him, and there are some reservations. It is only to use the swordsmanship of the pinnacle swordsman.

"Come and fight with me, it's really boring to fight like this." Because every time Meng Haoran cleverly resolved the strength of the more wooden swords, he could not feel the pleasure of the collision at all, so he was a little impatient.

"You really dare to say it! Okay, I'm just doing what you want." I secretly unfolded my world, and then a layer of black energy gradually appeared on my body. It was domineering to entangle Meng Haoran.

"Okay, that's it, let's fight!" Meng Haoran changed his previous style and chopped up with Kengmu, and it was the kind of unskilled collision, just like Kengmu.

The battle between the two became more intense, the kind of collision between men, the blood was flying all over the scene, the blood was boiling.

This is the real battle. Although I know that this is undesirable, I'm very excited somehow!

With the battle between the two men, the atmosphere on the scene was completely ignited.

"Come on on both sides! Go!"

"This is a man!"

"Hahaha... come on! Come again." Although Gengmu Jianba was already covered with injuries at this time, he looked even crazier, laughing wildly and waving the Zanpei Knife, not caring about his injuries at all.

On the stands, the faces of Floating Bamboo and others were complicated. They didn't expect Meng Haoran to fight with that Kengmu to this point. Not only did she have the upper hand in technique, even the frontal fight was better than Kengmu.

Lan Ran looked at the black energy on Meng Haoran's body thoughtfully, "What is that, it doesn't seem to be spiritual power, is it his ability? What's the use?"

Because Meng Haoran had a domineering look, and his combat realm was too high, in fact he had never been cut down once, so there was no way to infer his ability.

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