Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 232 Opening the Sword Hall

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Well, let's put it aside for work or something! Let's see Xiao Ling'er first." A decision was made quickly, and Meng Haoran walked directly to the elementary school where Xiao Ling'er was studying, and it was not time to end school yet. Time, so Xiao Linger should be still at school.

Urahara store, Urahara Kisuke sits opposite a cat.

"This pressure, did that guy come back? I really didn't expect him to grow to this point in such a short time." Although they are in this world, it doesn't mean that they don't have their own sources of information. Meng Haoran is in the soul world. They basically know it.

"Yeah! What surprised me was that he actually defeated Kanamu, and still used the power of the god of death." Ye Yi said.

Kisuke Urahara was silent. To be honest, even he didn't expect Meng Haoran to grow up to the point where he could easily defeat the captain in less than a year, and that guy was obviously a human being.

"Now he is back again. I don't know if it will have any effect on our plan, I hope it won't!" Urahara Kisuke said and pressed his hat, making it difficult to see his face.

"I hope he will join in, so Lan Ran will be very upset! I really want to see his slumped expression, I don't know why, I feel that if Lan Ran and Meng Haoran match up, Lan Ran will lose! Is it an illusion?" Ye Yi had confidence in Meng Haoran.

The atmosphere is a little dull, but the next moment,

"Aren't you hungry? Then I want your snack." Urahara Kisuke unknowingly stretched his hand to the plate in front of the black cat, and his own plate was empty.

"Hammer" swallowed, "It's delicious."

At this time, Yeichi also reacted, with a tic-tac-toe on his forehead. He was a little speechless about Urahara Kisuke's behavior, but he could not let him go.

While Urahara Kisuke was still looking back, the danger had come.

"Ah, stop, stop! I was wrong..." Urahara Kisuke waiting was endless cat claws.

"The manager has been cleaned up by Mr. Ye Yi again, so pitiful." Jing Wu Yu also heard Urahara's screams.

A few minutes later, Kisuke Urahara with scratches on his face was freshly baked, and he couldn't see his original face at all, and Yaichi, who turned into a black cat next to him, was lazily combing his hair.


As usual, Xiao Linger was waiting for the nanny to pick her up, but a familiar figure appeared before her first.

"Ah... it's the big brother." A big smile appeared, even if he hadn't seen each other for such a long time, he recognized Meng Haoran for the first time.

Seeing Xiao Ling'er so passionate, Meng Haoran smiled and hugged her up, "Do you miss me?" Reading website

"Of course I have. For the past 283 days, I have to think about my big brother 100 times a day!" Xiao Linger's words made Meng Haoran hold her hand for a while, and then held her tighter.

It feels good to be missed like this!They would miss me too! Nami and others could not help but came to mind, as well as Sanada Yue and Shiro.

It’s said that if you don’t see each other in a day, it’s like three autumns. I really miss it after so long. Although I can summon Nami and others now, I don’t plan to do so. It’s not because I don’t want to, but I don’t want them to be like myself. Being threatened, this world is still very dangerous to the current self, and his strength has not yet reached the level that he can be unscrupulous.

Strength!Strength is really never enough!

"Big brother, what's the matter with you." Seeing Meng Haoran's distraction, Xiao Linger shook Meng Haoran.

"It's nothing, let's go back!" He took Xiao Ling'er home without waiting for the nanny.

For Kuzacho, he was a person who had stayed before, so he was completely familiar with the road, and soon brought Xiao Linger home.

"Ah! It's you!" It happened that Xiao Ling'er's mother Lin Wanru happened to be home, and looked at Meng Haoran with a surprised expression and a faint joy, but was hidden.

After chatting with Lin Wanru for a while, he explained that he would stay here for a while, and then naturally stayed here again.

It was still in that room, but compared to the last time, his strength had changed a lot, and he had already taken shots for the sake of death.

"In other words, I don't seem to have the power of imaginary, so I won't have anything to do with the imaginary. The imaginary appearance is very handsome." Meng Haoran discovered that he has no imaginary power a long time ago, so he can't Blur.

How can I have virtual power?In this world, the only god of death who really has the power of the phantom is only the protagonist Kurosaki Ichigo. The others are the phantom transplanted from the outside, and they are not their own power at all.

Speaking of death, his strength has really increased a lot after he has become virtual!But this is completely off the track. As a god of death, he doesn't study the liberation of the third paragraph, but studies the blur and so on.

Meng Haoran himself didn’t plan to find an imaginary to enter his body, so that he could be imaginary, because the only imaginary who was qualified to be his imaginary was the imaginary above Wang Xu. It was too difficult to find, and directly influenced his own death. Disadvantageously, once it becomes blurred, one's own understanding of the liberation of death will become difficult, after all, it is not one's own side effects after all.It can be said that those masked legions have no further possibility because of the blur, unless there is an opportunity against the sky, otherwise the potential will also end.

There is still more than half a year left before the beginning of the plot. Meng Haoran has to do things sooner, and can’t stay at Xiao Linger’s house every day, no, even if others don’t mind, he can’t make it through. Besides, he has to make some money to pay the rent. , I am a big man.

So what exactly are you going to do?Meng Haoran thought about it for a while, and found that there was really nothing suitable for him.His own strength is high, but there is nothing else. You can only be a bodyguard after thinking about it, but it's too cheap, absolutely not good.

With that, I can open a kendo hall!Kendo in this world is too weak, let me tell the world what real kendo is!

Just do what you want. A few days later, after some setbacks, a kendo hall called True Sword came out in Korza Town. Although it is not well-known at present, I believe it will be remembered by everyone in the near future. Because the sword is powerful enough to threaten the "god", the god of death is also a god!

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