Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 233-Teach Kurosaki Ichigo Sword Technique

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Although he opened a kendo hall, Meng Haoran had no plans to manage it alone, so he hired a few people to assist in managing daily affairs in places similar to the talent market. As for him, he only needs to teach kendo.

"That museum owner, do we really want to open the sword museum? You know that the sword museum is not very popular." It was Meng Haoran who called for a housekeeper, who was in charge of logistics. His name was Shanzhong Koike, who was in his 40s. It was also opened in the previous year. It was also the Kendo Gym. Later, it closed down due to competitive pressure, so Meng Haoran was able to find it. After all, he was not familiar with the industry.

"Of course, if you don't open the sword hall, then what am I looking for you to do." Meng Haoran said indifferently. In fact, he also knew that because this place can't carry weapons with him, the pure martial arts hall is much more popular than the sword hall. Of course, there is another reason why there is no real kendo hall..

"Don't worry! As long as you have me for one day, you don't have to worry about not having a salary, and work hard. Maybe you will get ahead in the future?"

Since Meng Haoran was so confident, Koike in the mountain stopped persuading him, and went to work honestly. As for being ahead, it was completely a joke.

Due to the lack of fame, there were very few people who came to participate, and they were all the kind of guys who knew about kendo. Of course, Meng Haoran had no interest in these people, and directly handed it to Koike in the mountain, so that he would be even less famous. It was treated as a very ordinary kendo gym.

However, Meng Haoran didn't force it, he would teach it only if he had the heart to learn.

The days went by like this. In addition to daily practice and killing Xiaoxu, Meng Haoran spent soy sauce in the sword hall, and life was easy until one day.

"In order not to compete with Longgui anymore, I will learn kendo! Then there is no reason to compete." An orange-haired teenager muttered to himself while looking at the True Sword Museum in front of him. I was disappointed because this sword hall was newly opened, after all, I was just for fun.

"What's the name? Is there any foundation." Meng Haoran looked at the boy in front of him with a smile, but he didn't expect to encounter Kurosaki Ichigo. There is no reason for this baby to come here!

"Ichigo Kurosaki, there is no foundation." Ichigo Kurosaki looked at Meng Haoran, who was not much older than himself, and wondered how powerful it is to be so young. Just now he knew that this person in front of him is the owner of the museum, and this The most powerful person in the sword hall.

Forget it, I didn't expect to learn anything anyway, just put a name here.

"Do you know what Kendo is?" Meng Haoran asked, her tone a little erratic.

what!It's strange, do ordinary people ask that?Kurosaki Ichigo thinks he has been fooled more and more.

"You don't understand, come with me! Just let you see the real sword." Meng Haoran said and walked toward a room with no one.

"Eh, you..." Kurosaki Ichigo had to follow.

When he came to the room, Kurosaki Ichigo was surprised to find that Meng Haoran was holding a real knife, and in front of him was a large iron block, the square was about 1 cm thick.

What is this going to do?Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Meng Haoran curiously.Standard Literature

In the stunned look in Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes, Meng Haoran just gave such an understatement. There was no "clank" sound of metal collision. The iron block in front of Meng Haoran was cut in half like paper.

This is not true, is it!Could it be that the iron block was fake? Kurosaki Ichigo, who had recovered himself, ran to the iron block and started to check it, but the result shocked him again, and it was actually true.

"Impossible, it's a lie! Could it be that sword?" Thinking of something, he turned his eyes on the sword in Meng Haoran's hand, thinking it was some special material.

"Here, you try." Seeing his thoughts, Meng Haoran handed him the sword.

Next, Kurosaki Ichigo began to experiment, but after 5 minutes, he squatted on the ground, panting.

"It's true...really" has been thoroughly confirmed.

Then, the eyes that I didn’t care about brightened for the first time and became extremely excited. This is the power of kendo. This time I really met an expert. I looked at Meng Haoran with extremely hot eyes, if I could If you learn...

After all, it was a young man who could not calm down after encountering this kind of miracle. He had already begun to imagine how good he would be if he had learned the sword.

Originally, ordinary people would not react the same as him, they would feel scared and then wanted to get this power, and he skipped the first step.

"Is this the essence of him! The powerful talent makes him still like power in his bones." Meng Haoran nodded secretly, not forgetting to strike while the iron was hot. He had this idea as long as he discovered that Kurosaki Ichigo, and taught him kendo, Meng Haoran thought It depends on how far Kurosaki Ichigo, who has learned kendo, will grow up, and whether he will defeat the enemy only by breaking out like the original.

"This is the power of kendo, and it's still a little bit. Do you want to learn it?" Meng Haoran's voice rang in Kurosaki Ichigo's ear. He was overjoyed when he reacted. The single-celled man never thought about why Meng Haoran wanted to teach him. , And it’s still so simple to hand over this power to him. Generally speaking, shouldn’t you observe your behavior first?

"Can I learn too? I can also become so strong." Looking at Meng Haoran expectantly.

"Of course, if you worship me as a teacher, you can do this, and it will be stronger." Meng Haoran hinted.

"Apprentice?" Kurosaki Ichigo didn't understand the meaning.

Ever since, Meng Haoran explained it to him well. He said that the apprenticeship is the kind of country Z. The relationship between the master and the apprentice is very close. The apprentice regards the master as a parent, and the master regards the disciple as a child.

After explaining a lot, Kurosaki Ichigo was fooled into visiting his teacher.

Standing at the gate, Kurosaki Ichigo was full of emotion. He didn't expect to encounter this kind of adventure because of his own whim, and he also went to the teacher. It's really impermanent, but when I thought of what the master told him about kendo, what would happen? Whatever happened, he felt a burst of enthusiasm, and he wanted to start practicing immediately.

"But the master's request is very strange. Except for the crisis of life and death, I will not let me use the power of kendo. Is it because I am afraid of attracting the attention of others? It is also such a thing. I would not believe it if I hadn't met with my own eyes. Kurosaki Ichigo still intends to do what Meng Haoran said.

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