You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!I thought that being a god of death should quickly resolve the emptiness in front of him, but soon Kurosaki Ichigo found that he was wrong, and the wrong was very outrageous.

"It's not an opponent at all! This is the most funny joke I have ever seen." Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the girl who was vomiting blood from the bludgeon and still didn't believe it, isn't Reaper very strong?How could he not even be able to deal with such a virtual reality?

"Hey! If it doesn't work, just run!" Looking at Kuchuki Lucia, who was still insisting, she said, and at the same time, she was ready to save people again.

"No, if you just leave it alone." Decisively refused.

The spiritual power is already low to this level. If she doesn’t do anything, the figure of Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly appeared in her mind for some reason. As a human, she can see the god of death and touch the ghost way. What surprised people was his agility.

If it were him, it should be successful!Well, it is so decided.

"Boy, it's up to you now. As long as you can become a god of death, you will be able to win." When he spoke, he had come to Kurosaki Ichigo and pointed the knife at Kurosaki Ichigo.

"The script is not like that! Is it plot inertia again?" Meng Haoran looked at this very familiar scene and couldn't help but vomit. The original is because there is really no way to prevent Kurosaki Ichigo from becoming the god of death. They both will die. Now it was obviously possible to escape, but I didn't expect to have reached this point.

But this is more interesting, isn't it?Meng Haoran smiled and didn't mean to go out to stop it. It stands to reason that as long as he makes a move now, things will become very simple. That kind of virtuality can't even stop his aura.

"What are you going to do!!" In Kurosaki Ichigo's surprised eyes, Kuchuki Lucia's Zanpaku knife directly pierced his body, and because it was too sudden, he completely forgot to avoid it and hit the red heart.

The blood flowed out, and without waiting for Kurosaki Ichigo's anger, a sudden "puff, puff, puff" came from his heart, and then, a spiritual force passed into his body with the knife.

"What's going on?" Kurosaki Ichigo looked at his body and wondered. It turned out that he was already dressed as a standard Reaper at this time, and he was still a soul body, his body lying quietly not far away.

"There is no time to explain to you, let's go! Defeat it." Kuchiki Rukia felt the weakness from you, and said to Kurosaki Ichigo.

Obviously only intending to transfer half of the spiritual power, I did not expect to be absorbed, and what happened to that huge Zanpaku knife.

"Every time I see this scene, I feel very shocked!" Since the matter has become a foregone conclusion, Meng Haoran no longer hides it and appears directly in front of Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Master? Why are you here." Kurosaki Ichigo was overjoyed when he saw Meng Haoran. In his eyes, his master of kendo was unfathomable and could completely defeat the virtual.

"Ichigo, you have become a god of death, get rid of it! This should be very simple for you now," Meng Haoran said.

"Reaper! Me?" Kurosaki Ichigo was taken aback, feeling his own state, and suddenly understood. No wonder it felt weird since just now. It turns out that my dress is a Reaper. Throwing into the virtual.

Just let me try it!Nine Tao Novels

"Enlightenment!" Holding his big knife, rushed towards Xu, then jumped up and slashed.

"Impossible." The virtual instant was second, and it disappeared as a spirit.

Is this the power of death?He was so strong that he, who could only escape, killed Wu instantly. Kurosaki Ichigo was very excited now, and his confidence began to swell after feeling the power of death.

However, after studying under Meng Haoran for so long, Kurosaki Ichigo has changed a lot, and he quickly recovered and sighed with regret.

Although this power is good, it is not his own after all, and the power of kendo must not belong to the god of death, which he firmly believes.

At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo recalled everything just now, and had already guessed that the reason why he became a god of death was because he had absorbed the Reiatsu from the girl.

"Master, why did you come here?" looked at Meng Haoran in confusion.

"Well! Who knows! Now that the matter has been resolved, I will leave." After speaking, he left a chic back.

Kuchaki Rukia looked familiar with Meng Haoran's back, but she didn't remember who Meng Haoran was. After all, she didn't pay attention to outside affairs in the corpse soul world, and she only saw Meng Haoran from a distance.

The wheel of history turned again, Lucia once again stayed at Kurosaki Ichigo's house, and Kurosaki Ichigo also began his own life as a representative of the god of death.

From then on, Kurosaki Ichigo's ordinary life was gone forever, and a big drama began.

"Ichigo, can't tell, you are still very powerful!" Once again, seeing a Void being solved simply by Kurosaki Ichigo, Lucia Kuchiki couldn't help but sigh, this kind of strength is already better than the superior.

"Really!" Kurosaki Ichigo didn't feel arrogant because of the praise. After all, according to his master, this kind of illusion was not popular, and he had to kill them with the power of others.

At this time, Kurosaki Ichigo relied on Kuchiki Rukia’s power to become a god of death, and his death god’s power was a little stronger than that of an ordinary seat officer. This was due to his own strong aptitude. Otherwise, he could have The spiritual power of ordinary gods of death is a fluke.

Of course, unlike the original book, he is already at the peak of a swordsman, and combined with the spiritual power of an ordinary officer, can completely burst out the strength of the deputy captain, and if he further breaks through to the swordsman, then he will instantly become the captain-level strength, because The strength span from swordsman to swordsman can be compared with Hajime to Swastika.

"By the way, there are so many imaginary things today!" Stretching out and carrying his sword, Kurosaki Ichigo planned to go home. It is really unreliable to hand over his body to that guy!

Thinking of the first time, when Lucia took out the transformation of the soul, he was still very happy, but what happened next made him speechless for a moment, which was simply too embarrassing.

After so many hours of fighting, my experience is sufficient, but I still don’t feel like a breakthrough. What should I do?Or ask the master tomorrow!Since becoming the acting god of death, he has not been to the master.

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