Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 236 The Swordsman in the World of Death

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"What, do you want to know how to break through!" Meng Haoran looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a strange look. You still need to ask people about this kind of thing. He broke through after practicing, and he was just breaking through the great swordsman. It took a lot of hands and feet to fight Hawkeye, and then everything went smoothly.

"Isn't there a master?" Kurosaki Ichigo was a little disappointed, thinking that Meng Haoran had nothing to do. He was still a little anxious. How could there be a shortcut to this kind of thing?Sure enough, do you still rely on water milling?

"Well! It's not impossible, but it's just very troublesome." I dare to question myself, decisively intolerable, and you will feel better when I wait.

Sure enough, Meng Haoran's words made Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes lit up, "Really? There is that way here."

"Well, yes, but I'm afraid you can't stand it." The method is to let me use Jianhao's power to constantly abuse you, let you become familiar with that power, until your body also has sword energy, to be honest, I am It's been a long time since I used that kind of sword qi, and I usually used the gang qi.

"Tell me then! Master." Kurosaki Ichigo said excitedly, completely unaware of the consequences of doing this.

"You really have to know, if I tell you, you must do what I said." Meng Haoran finally gave him a chance, but it was obvious that Kurosaki Ichigo would not seize it.

Ever since, Kurosaki Ichigo really tasted the taste of hell in the next few days, and had to practice against Meng Haoran every day, every time he was beaten so that he didn’t even have the strength to stand up, and the blood flowed from place to place. The ground and the bandage changed from one suit to another. During this process, he wanted to give up several times. After all, he didn't have a reason to break through in a short time, but since he entered the den of thieves, he could not escape. I dismissed it, saying that if Kurosaki Ichigo quits, don't ask him to learn kendo again.

"You can't survive such a simple training, so what kind of kendo do you still learn?" Meng Haoran said, Kurosaki Ichigo really believes it, and I have to say that a simple guy is a lie.

Of course, the suffering he has suffered during these hours is not in vain, he is getting closer and closer to a breakthrough, and there is the possibility of a breakthrough at any time. If this is known by others, I am afraid that I will want to swap with him!

The breakthrough training place was on a mountain outside Kanza Town, uninhabited, no one would notice no matter how much it made.

On the 7th day of training, Meng Haoran couldn't help showing a hint of appreciation when he looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was already covered with scars but had not given up.

Forget it, I've abused him for so long, and I'm a little tired, so let's end it today!I have other things to do!

"Stand up! Today's is not over yet? Are you ready for death?" A powerful sword aura erupted from Meng Haoran's body as he spoke. No, it is no longer considered a sword aura, this kind of power can already be used. It was comparable to Gang Qi, and only Meng Haoran was in the Sword Emperor Realm. Even if he suppressed his own power in the sword, he could burst out the power of the sword.

As Meng Haoran released his power slightly, Kurosaki Ichigo felt an extremely powerful pressure, and his body seemed to become heavier under the action of gravity, and it was obviously not the pressure of the spirit pressure, it was called sword energy. power.Yue Shu Zhai

"It's coming. This feeling is completely different from the past. If you don't take it seriously, you will definitely die." Kurosaki Ichigo struggled to stand up and raised the sword in his hand, never concentrated like this.

"Are you ready? Then I will come." After saying that, the sword in Meng Haoran's hand suddenly swung down, and a sword light composed of sword energy blasted towards Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Ah..." Even though Kurosaki Ichigo made resistance, how could he defend himself, even if he was not a sword magnate. He was directly hit by the sword aura, and the sword aura entered his body instantly, and his whole body was hurt like never before. .

Is this Jian Qi?I can feel the wailing of the whole body cells, what a powerful force!Even the spiritual power is not as aggressive as it, too, after all, sword aura is specially created for fighting.

His vision was blurred, but Kurosaki Ichigo found that he was in a strange state, he could fully feel every part of his body, and even saw his cells disappear and split again under the sword aura.

In the end, this state lasted many times, Kurosaki Ichigo’s cells finally began to change, and instinctively began to look for ways to not be destroyed, and then the first silk of sword energy belonging to Kurosaki Ichigo was produced, and more The sword aura is constantly being generated. Although there is no way to compare the quality of Meng Haoran's sword aura, this is his home field after all. The sword aura produced by Kurosaki Ichigo is continuous, but the sword aura from outside is limited.

Finally, Kurosaki Ichigo’s sword aura gained the upper hand. Under this situation, Meng Haoran’s sword aura would soon be driven out. With this experience, his sword aura will be better than normal sword aura. Some improvement, after all, was spawned by Meng Haoran's sword qi, it was definitely beneficial.

"Breakthrough!" Feeling his own change, Kurosaki Ichigo was completely relieved, and then his body fatigue and injuries came in an instant, and he couldn't help but fainted.

Meng Haoran silently looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, who had passed by, didn't he want to take him back by himself?

"It's really troublesome?" Scratching his head, Meng Haoran really didn't want to have close contact with a man Kurosaki Ichigo, but it wouldn't be a problem to leave him here just like that!

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in Meng Haoran's mind, Urahara Kisuke, by the way, let him handle this matter.

I found out the mobile phone and dialed the number: "Hey, Urahara? Kurosaki Ichigo was unconscious in xx, so I can pick it up by myself." He hung up without waiting for a response. I believe that Urahara Kisuke will come.

Sure enough, after waiting for half an hour in the same place, Urahara came, but only found Kurosaki Ichigo lying on the ground, but did not find Meng Haoran, of course Meng Haoran was still hiding at this time.

"Who made the call? I didn't expect it to be true." Urahara Kisuke thought this way, and unambiguously took Kurosaki Ichigo away. As for what happens afterwards, it is not Meng Haoran's responsibility. I believe Urahara Kisuke Handled very well.

Now that Kurosaki Ichigo was taken away, Meng Haoran had no reason to stay, so he went straight back. What else does he have to do next?The plot has already begun, and I should do something. I have been resting for so long, so it's time for some activities.

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