Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 238 Arriving in the Great Void Forest

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Soma Yoshino looked at Meng Haoran's back blankly, and you were still thinking about Meng Haoran's last words.

"How did he know about Hunter's plan? Has the plan been exposed, and why the Soul World is far less simple than we thought? There are still many things we don't know." The difficulty to find Meng Haoran was completely ignored by her.

"It's really a weird person, but a powerful weird person." Meng Haoran's success this time left a profound impact on Soma Fang's ambition.

Returning to his residence, Meng Haoran couldn't help but ponder when he found that Xiao Ling'er hadn't come back yet and was empty.

"I'm already at the pinnacle of the second liberation, and I have not been able to break through to the third stage. Do I need a fight." I thought I should be able to break through this time in this world, but the facts are in front of my eyes. There is no sign of a breakthrough.

Is it time to go to Xuquan, Xuwang?I am really looking forward to it!

Although the decision had been made, Meng Haoran still pretended to be innocent, just saying that he had something to go out for a period of time, about a few days, Xiao Linger and the others had no idea what earth-shattering thing Meng Haoran was going to do.

The next day, Urahara store.

"What a rare guest! What does the deputy captain of the 13th division of the dignified Gotei 13 team come to my ordinary shop for?" The words were casual, but his expression was a bit solemn, what on earth did he come to do.

"Well! Don't be so nervous. I'm still looking for your help this time. I'm going to the virtual circle." Meng Haoran has no habit of talking with men.

"Go, Xuquan? What are you doing! Could it be..." Urahara Kisuke first thought of Meng Haoran going to Xuquan and Airan to betray the Soul World, which is very bad!It seemed that he couldn't agree to it, and the hand holding the cane was slightly harder, intending to make a move.

Meng Haoran noticed the change in atmosphere. Although he didn't care very much, he did not plan to fight with Urahara now, and Urahara was not very strong in his eyes, so Meng Haoran didn't have much interest in it.

"Forget it, I'll tell you! Recently, my Grim Reaper's cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and I need a fierce battle to help me break through, so I go to the virtual circle. Of course, if you want to fight with me, I will also accompany you, but You have to think about the consequences of doing this. Although you won't kill you, the favor from last time is gone." Meng Haoran said slightly, letting out some momentum.

"Haha, how come? If you are going to the virtual circle, I will definitely help. I will prepare immediately to make sure that you reach the virtual circle as quickly as possible." Urahara Kisuke's face change quickly, knowing Meng Haoran's purpose Later, I wished Meng Haoran went to the virtual circle to make trouble. It would be better if I could kill a few Vastod.

As Urahara was so knowledgeable, of course Meng Haoran would not embarrass him anymore, quietly following behind him, and began to wait.

Kisuke Urahara was making preparations, but at the same time he was thinking: He is going to make a breakthrough. Is it possible that he is about to make a swastika? This is surprising but acceptable. He will be able to start the solution proficiently half a year ago. It's not impossible to solve it, but it's really a genius!In just over a year, he has reached the point where the captains have been for decades, and his true strength is probably even stronger!The first solution can defeat Kengmu, and after the first solution, I am afraid it will be the leader of the team.

Urahara Kisuke would never think that Meng Haoran was not going to slaying but the third stage of liberation, and Meng Haoran’s current strength of death had already surpassed the captain, and was already at the first level of Wang Xu, and his true strength had reached. Holy virtual level.

Even after Meng Haoran's Zanpaku Knife was able to kill, without the strength of the Fruit of the Holy Word, Meng Haoran's strength still reached the first level of the Holy Void.Small composition novel

Because it was Meng Haoran, Urahara Kisuke's work efficiency was still very fast. Meng Haoran didn't wait much, and was informed that he could leave for a cup of tea.

He stepped on the road to the virtual circle indifferently. At this time, Meng Haoran also felt that if he had any spatial ability, it would be better, otherwise there would be no such trouble.

In the Great Void Forest, a space suddenly burst, and then a figure came out calmly.

"It's actually here, it's really far away!" Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, and the endless Kilian in the distance, Meng Haoran knew his situation for the first time.

Because he was here to fight, Meng Haoran did not deliberately hide his aura, so he was a illuminator in Gillian's eyes at this moment. All Xu discovered him for the first time, and the breath of death stimulated these irrational virtuals. We, they began to gather where Meng Haoran was, and those who were near had already begun to condense and flicker.

In one part of the forest, a man wearing a virtual mask on his head but dressed as a god of death raised his head. "Is this Reiatsu, is it a god of death? It's not constrained. This is a big virtual forest! No, mine." Go and see." The figure flickered and rushed towards the source of Reiatsu.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that there will be a god of death besides Asidoo. It's really looking for death. Go and eat him!"

"Let's go, let the nameless god of death see our strength."

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, several Yachukas also rushed to the location of Meng Haoran.

"Is it my illusion? A little uneasy!"

Meng Haoran looked at the imaginary people in front of him with a sneer: "It's really looking for death. I didn't plan to care about you, but since you don't want to live, I will reluctantly give you a floor!"

"The breeze is blowing in the water, Haoyue is in the sky, let's evolve! Haoyue." Meng Haoran's Zanpodao revealed its minions in the virtual circle for the first time!

Then a sky-shaking light burst out, and a cold air exploded centered on Meng Haoran, quickly spreading, and then an ice world appeared.

"What, countless Kilian's Reiatsu disappeared in an instant, what happened?" The masked Grim Reaper hurried faster.

"Illusion! How could such a thing happen, hurry up and see." The thing was a snake-shaped Akukas.

Meng Haoran looked at the ice world in front of him and nodded: "It's really nostalgic! This feeling of ice escape, but it hasn't been used for so long, and it's still not unfamiliar! But my ice escape and Xiaobai's knife are in the end. Which is stronger?"

It turned out that Meng Haoran just opened my world after the initial solution, and then used the power of the ice escape of the Hokage World.

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