Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 239: Xu Wang, I'm Here

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Under Meng Haoran's blow, there was no imaginary trace in the place his eyes could touch, but he still felt an imaginary spiritual pressure approaching.

After receiving the knife, Meng Haoran had planned to go to the upper level immediately, but he had not forgotten his purpose of coming to the virtual circle.

However, just as he was about to leave, he stopped suddenly, "Oh, Reiatsu, Asido? That guy is the real standard Reaper. See you!"

Even Meng Haoran admired Asido. More than 500 years ago, as the god of death, he and his companions chased and killed the Void in a mission, and entered the Great Void Forest with his companions for faith, but the companions all took one after another. One of them died in battle. In order to comply with the agreement with their companions, they stayed alone to fight.

500 years!Meng Haoran didn't live that long, so I couldn't imagine how he persisted.

He didn't wait for a long time. After about 10 minutes, Meng Haoran saw a figure running towards him from a distance.


"Hey, are you...reaper?" Maybe he didn't speak for a long time. He spoke a little strangely. Looking at Meng Haoran's dress and the surrounding ice world, Asido was surprised: he did it all. , Could it be that the feeling just now was not wrong.

Meng Haoran did not answer. Instead, he looked over Asido and looked behind him, "Come out! Don't think I didn't find you."

"What? Is there any more..." Asiduo's face changed, and he looked behind him, but it was strange that he didn't find anything, so he couldn't help but hesitated. Could it be that he lied to me.

Meng Haoran said coldly: "In this case, there is no need to meet." Say nothing!Stretched out a finger,

"The fourth of breaking the road, Bai Lei." A flash of thunder flashed, and everything in front of him turned into nothingness.

"Ah... don't" a few screams, Asido saw only a few faint figures, but at this moment he had recognized what those were, his old rivals Acchus.

He was completely wiped out with just one move to break the Dao and the low-level Dao that gave up the chanting can be said to be the actual ruler of this Great Void Forest. How sacred is he.

"Okay, the guy who got in the way is gone, let's continue!" In fact, those Xus were almost there at the same time as Asido, and it seems that they were also here for him. If Meng Haoran didn't stay just now, I'm afraid Asido would be bad. , Don’t look at Asido’s living here for so long, but in fact, his strength can beat one or two Akukas, too much, it’s not enough. The reason why he has survived these years is because he has been avoiding In a situation where he played directly with Yachukas, even if he ran into it occasionally, he would not love to fight, avoid being besieged, and coupled with a wonderful hiding technique, he barely stayed in the Great Void Forest for so many years.Tianping Novel Network

"As you can see, I am a god of death. The current deputy captain of the 13th Division of the Goting 13th Division, Meng Haoran, came to the virtual circle this time to fight a guy and break through."

"Sure enough, you are the god of death, or the deputy captain, no wonder you are so strong." However, it is terrifying that the deputy captain alone has such strength!Haven't gone back for so many years, has the corpse soul world been so strong?

"Can you tell me something about the current situation in the Soul World?" Asido said expectantly.

Meng Haoran was a little speechless, he knew something about those things!"Uh, I don't actually know too much, but I will tell you what I know. At present, the Soul World is still Captain Yamamoto..."

In this way, Meng Haoran and Asido talked for half an hour. Most of the time, he was talking and Asido was listening. In the end, there was really nothing to say. Meng Haoran and Asido were separated. He still told Asiduo could go back with him, but Asido refused. He wanted to stay and kill the Void. This made Meng Haoran feel a pity. At the same time, he admired him more and more. It had nothing to do with his strength. He just admired his spirit .

Meng Haoran didn't need Kurosaki Ichigo and the others to be so troublesome, and directly broke through the Great Void Forest and officially reached the ground of the virtual circle.

The virtual circle is the geographical space where the virtual and the broken face survive. The environment is different from the corpse soul world. It is not a city-like area with streets and buildings similar to the world (human world), but a barren land with a desert-like barren ground and High stone cliffs.The currently known territory is divided into the inner circle (the area under the jurisdiction of Aizen centered on the Xuye Palace, and the outer circle has Daxu dispatched by it as the duty), and the outer circle (the low-level virtual infested wilderness, similar to Inoue Hao The scene that appeared during the virtual swallowing).The ground (including the surface of the Xuye Palace and other buildings, the field of breaking surface activity) and the underground (the forest of the big virtual, the lower-level virtual and the field of the Kylian big virtual activity).

And now Meng Haoran was on the ground, and it was completely white, but there was still a different place. The huge building in the distance was the Xuye Palace.

"It's really big! You can still see it so far." Although he can see it, Meng Haoran knows that if he thinks that he is very close, he would be wrong. It is the same as Wangshan, but if he really wants to arrive. Even Meng Haoran will take a long time.

However, my goal is not those guys, it is the virtual king, so I don't need to go there. It saves me some time, but where is the virtual king?The guy who has never appeared in the original work is more mysterious than the Spirit King. At least it can be confirmed that the Spirit King is in the Spirit King Palace, and the Xu King, even those Xu people, don’t think there are any, otherwise Baile Gang would not be a king on his own. .

"I'll go, it will be much more difficult to find the Xuwang than the Xuye Palace with a clear direction." No clue at all.

Then, there was such a scene, in the desert, a god of death stood motionless on the spot, looking distressed and thinking hard.

"Yes, I am really stupid! Why do I have to find him? The other way around, let it come to me!" As for how to make the Xuwang find himself, it is very simple. Religious pressure at the first level of the king is enough, so it makes no sense to not appear. After all, it is his own lair. If such a powerful god of death appears, he will never let it go, otherwise such existence may destroy the entire virtual circle.

"Then, I am here, Xuwang." Meng Haoran's expression was solemn, and a shocking spiritual pressure erupted from him, spreading to the entire virtual circle in an instant, but the strange thing was that the virtual people of the virtual circle didn't even feel this transcendence. All the spiritual pressure.

The spiritual pressure of the virtual king level and the virtual king are no longer in the same dimension, they can't feel this powerful force at all, only the same level can feel the spiritual pressure that belongs to Meng Haoran.

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