You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Somewhere in the virtual circle, a place not even known to Vastod, at the moment Meng Haoran's breath came, a great figure woke up from his deep sleep.

"Reaper? He didn't abide by the ancient agreement." A power that didn't lose to Meng Haoran broke out. No, even stronger. If Meng Haoran's power of death is full of righteousness, then its power belongs to Yin, that kind of evil cannot be covered up.

"Wang, what's going on when you wake up? It's not time for the decisive battle!" At the moment when that great being awakened, not far from it, several coffins opened, and five voices came out from it, four men and one woman, looking like It was exactly the same as a human being, but the virtual aura on his body couldn't be concealed.

If there were Vastodd here, they would find their breath was so amazing, far surpassing Vastodd.

They are the Christo-class Xu, the guardian of Wang Xu, the most powerful existence under Wang Xu, and the five virtual generals under the king who oppose the Guardian of the Spirit King.

What Meng Haoran didn’t know was that as early as thousands of years ago, Wang Xu and the Spirit King had a great battle. After that, neither of them could do anything about it, so they stopped, and agreed that Wang Xu's existence at the first level could not enter the corpse soul world. In contrast, the existence of the first-level spirit king cannot enter the virtual world.

After that, Wang Xu took his guards to sleep here again, waiting for the next war, but today he was really awakened by Meng Haoran's breath.

"My great Wang Xu, Di Lie will reign over this world again." It was the great one who awakened first, that is, Wang Xu that Meng Haoran was looking for.

"Our king! Welcome your coming." The five figures respectfully knelt under Di Lie on one knee.

"Is it all? That provocative aura," Di Lie said, but seeing their doubts, he realized that he couldn't feel the aura at his level, so he said: "You wait, I'll go Will meet him."

Seeing Wang Xu disappeared, the five people below slowly stood up.

"Does the king mean that a powerful person with the spirit king level has appeared? Who will it be!"


It's been 10 minutes since Meng Haoran's breath broke out. Meng Haoran still maintained that posture, but his face turned

A smile, because he already felt it, it came, the unknown Wang Xu.

"I didn't expect Wang Xu to really exist, and the five unfamiliar auras around him, obviously Christo! Is the secret of the virtual circle finally revealed?" I thought that what I was about to face was in the original book. The mysterious Wang Xu who had never appeared before, Meng Haoran was excited.

This world is really interesting!168 Book Bank

A figure, without warning, appeared not far from Meng Haoran, attracting Meng Haoran's eyes.

I'm going to be completely alone!I can't see anything imaginary at all, and it's quite handsome, a standard Westerner appearance, really a bit domineering.

"Is that you? Unknown god of death, what are you doing here? Don't you know the agreement?" Di Lie looked at Meng Haoran, and found that it was not anyone he knew, and that he was too young, which made him a little confused, could it be that It is a newly promoted Spirit King level master, and that kind of breath is not right!There is a human taste.

"Promise!!" Meng Haoran keenly grasped the word, could it be said that there is anything I don't know about "What is the agreement you said?"

Di Lie was taken aback, and now he was completely sure of his thoughts, "In that case, I will tell you. The corpse soul world and the virtual circle have agreed that the first level of the spirit king cannot appear in the virtual circle, and the virtual king one Level 1 powerhouse can’t go to the Soul World, and you obviously have the strength of the first level of the Spirit King, so you can’t come here logically.”

"Could it be that there are a lot of strong people at the first level of the Spirit King?" Meng Haoran asked, otherwise, where did this rule come from.

This time Di Lie was stunned again, looking at Meng Haoran with a look of a countryman, this guy is not from the Death Royal Family!In this case…

"Boy, I think you are good, how about you come to help me, as a sincere, I will tell something you don't know." Di Lie said here and looked at Meng Haoran's face, Meng Haoran looked respectful, only satisfied. Continue to talk about it.

"First of all, you have to know that this world is divided into the present world, the soul world and the virtual circle. The world is not just the place where ordinary humans stay, but the soul world is the place of death, and the virtual circle belongs to us."

"The ruler of the corpse soul world is the spirit king, and the ruler of the virtual circle is the virtual king, but if you think that there is only such a spirit king and virtual king in this world, you are very wrong."

"We have three existences like me in the virtual circle. We take turns in charge of the virtual circle. We call it the virtual king every 10,000 years. Now it is my term of office, so they will not appear. The situation in the corpse soul world is different from ours. There is only one spirit king, but there are three elders assisting the spirit king, who are also spirit king level characters."

"Wait, so to speak, your virtual strength is weaker than Death, why didn't they attack it?" Meng Haoran asked suspiciously.

"Hey, you don't know this. The person who really stands at the top of the world is not our Wang Xu. There is a great existence above us, whose strength is unfathomable, not what you can imagine. We call that existence. As a virtual emperor, he generally does not appear, because his power is already sufficient to destroy a realm. It can be said that breaking the virtual circle is possible."

"So, there is such a strong man in the corpse soul world." Meng Haoran was shocked. That kind of strength should be at the Saint Void level. Some 7-star powers are indeed very strong, although he can destroy one. Realm, but it depends on the power of the fruit of the word, which is incomparable with its own power.

"Of course, if it weren’t for that old guy, the corpse soul world would have long since ceased to exist, and the spirit emperor and the virtual emperor are restricting each other, so it is the present situation. They will not appear as long as the virtual or death god is not completely occupied of."

"The reason why the spirit king can't occupy the virtual circle is because of them. The most fundamental reason is that even if we only have three, it is too difficult to kill the opponent at our level. They simply can't help us. Even so, every period of time there is a battle between the Soul World and the Void, but it is the death and the Void below our level. We will not take action at all. We will truce for a while after each battle. It’s a truce."

It turns out that this is not the same as the battle of gods in Saint Seiya. The gods don't take action, only the underground people. It's a bunch of boring guys.

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