Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 242 Blood Moon Killing

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When Meng Haoran and Di Lie fought, the powerful aura they released had spread, and the entire virtual circle was in depression.

"It's the king who is fighting, but I don't know who it is with." Wang Xujiang is familiar with the breath of his king. Although they can't feel the breath of the first level of the king, Meng Haoran and Di Lie's The battle hasn't reached that level yet, so they discovered the battle the first time.

In the Xuye Palace, the ten blades were all gathered together, looking solemnly at the sky, and for the first time realized that he had a wrong understanding of the virtual circle.

"What happened, the virtual circle will actually change in the sky, as if God is angry." It turned out that due to the battle between Meng Haoran and Di Lie, a part of the virtual circle has already changed significantly. As a result, the situation changed, and lightning flashed across the sky from time to time.

Everyone did not speak, nor did they want to say it, because they now clearly feel that this change is caused by the battle, but how is this possible, what battle can cause such a big impact, and how strong are the two sides of the battle? .

Except for the Xu Ye Palace, the Xu in other places also felt the changes. One and the other were all in a state of uncertainty, and even the weaker ones crawled on the ground, motionless.

In the virtual circle, there are two places. In each place, there is a breath that does not enter the virtual king, and then it seems to have discovered something, slowly returning to nothingness and restoring peace. These two places are the other two virtual kings. The Wang's training place.

In fact, they felt it as early as when Meng Haoran broke out the strength of the virtual king, but because they shouldn't be in charge of it for a while, they chose to ignore it. Now they are not planning to take action in the battle between Meng Haoran and Di Lie, as long as Di Lie does not Fallen words.

Back to the battlefield,

At this time, Meng Haoran's clothes were a little messy, but Di Lie was much better.

"I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to have such power just by Shijijie, but you should do your best!" After such a long time of competition, Di Lie had a slight admiration for Meng Haoran, and he could only rely on Shijijie. Just like this, even though he didn't use his ability.

"It seems that it won't work if you don't use the jie." Meng Haoran obviously felt that he was very weak in front of Di Lie. Even if he used Bing Dun and other powers, he was still at a disadvantage. What he could not think was Di Lie's. Ability is actually space. Just like the name, there is a gap in space, which can break the space and make Meng Haoran's many abilities come back without success, and can only fight with him.

Taking a deep breath, Meng Haoran placed his Zanpo Dao flat in front of him, holding the knife in his right hand, swiping his left hand, and then "Swastika, bloody killing."

A murderous aura burst out of Meng Haoran's body, instantly turning into blood red, and countless souls entangled in it, making a terrifying scream.

The murderous aura of blood red rose slowly into the sky, and then turned into a blood moon, covering the entire virtual circle, and under the blood moon, Meng Haoran also experienced a huge change, not to mention the skyrocketing spiritual pressure, at this time Meng Haoran cut The soul knife hasn't changed much, except that the color has become scarlet blood, while Meng Haoran's death tyrant has become a blood red armor with a cloak behind him, which looks extremely gorgeous, quite the taste of an ancient general.

"Have you finally shown your strength?" Di Lie's expression sank as he felt Meng Haoran's spiritual pressure beyond Christo and reaching the Void King level, before he dared not care.

The murderous intent that Meng Haoran exploded even made him dare not look down upon him. He had such a murderous intent, almost comparable to himself, but he had been killed for hundreds of thousands of years before he had such a murderous intent.168 novel

And the faint shadow of the soul made him a little uneasy.

Without too much hesitation, "In this case, I have to use the corresponding strength."

"Come out, Sky-Splitting Beast." Finally, the real power of the Void King was used, and a giant beast resembling a unicorn appeared behind Di Lie. The giant beast was formed by pure high-density spirits and was 100 meters long.

With the appearance of the giant beast, the space around it gradually distorted, as if it would break at any time.

However, it was not over yet, the giant unicorn roared, and then rushed towards Di Lie's body, and then merged with Di Lie. A layer of scales appeared on Di Lie's body, golden light appeared in his eyes, and his momentum soared. At the point of Xuwang, at this moment of indifference, he was like a god and demon.

This is the power equivalent to the third liberation of the god of death. That's why Meng Haoran instantly saw the essence of this trick. The aura on this giant beast is exactly the same as that of Di Lie. It may be his evolution to the final body, and the virtual The second liberation is to summon a spirit body that is the same as one's own body, and then merge with oneself to gather the powerful power that originally belonged to the emptiness into the small human body, causing the essential transformation of strength.

The battle unfolded again, this time even more intense, every time Meng Haoran's Zanpaku Sword came into contact with Di Lie's sword, an aura of spiritual energy would be generated.

"Boom" the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the area that was originally a plain was actually changed into a hilly area abruptly.

After Meng Haoran's swastika, the speed has exceeded the speed of sound, and Di Lie is faster, so only two phantoms are faintly visible in the sky.

After all, it was not the third liberation. Although Meng Haoran could still contend with Di Lie at this moment, he was still at a disadvantage. Although he would not lose, he could not win.

However, Meng Haoran was extremely excited at this time, because under this kind of battle, he needed full attention at all times, and if something was wrong, he would suffer severe damage.

Gradually, Meng Haoran realized that the bottleneck he hadn't moved for a long time had begun to loosen.

"That's it, as long as it is bigger, I can definitely see the road ahead." Meng Haoran's eyes were full of excitement.

It seems that there will be more fire, "Is it only like this? I thought it could be stronger. If Wang Xu's strength is only like this, it would be too disappointing."

Sure enough, Di Lie's spiritual pressure skyrocketed instantly, and his attack became tougher. He actually added several wounds to Meng Haoran's body in a short time.

However, Di Lie didn't realize that as the battle his sanity became less and less, he couldn't control his behavior at all, and he began to instinctively attack.

Killing the blood moon, under the irradiation of the blood moon, Meng Haoran will show absolute calmness and tirelessness. As long as there is a trace of power, he will not fall. On the contrary, the other people under the blood moon, It will gradually annihilate reason, become extremely violent, and finally kill itself. An enemy without wisdom is much easier to deal with.

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