Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 243 The Power of Rules

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Meng Haoran's Zhanpakuto Swastika's ability was not known to have this kind of ability, and the more powerful ability had not been shown, otherwise it would not be at a disadvantage, and Di Lie was falling into Meng Haoran's trap step by step.

In fact, even now, Meng Haoran was only fighting with the power of Death, and other powers were not used at all.

Just like Meng Haoran thought, such a battle is indeed of great benefit to his breakthrough, and he has gradually seen the mystery of the third liberation.

Void is to build its own spirit body into itself, and how does the third liberation of death do?This question kept flashing in Meng Haoran's mind.

During the battle, Meng Haoran's understanding of heaven and earth gradually deepened, and he also had a deeper feeling for Wang Xu's realm and power.

Suddenly, in the collision with Di Lie, Meng Haoran discovered a different element. It was not spiritual power, but another magical power, which made Meng Haoran a little familiar, and it seemed that Di Lie could only use this power unconsciously. When its spiritual power contains this power, the power of the virtual king class will burst out.

"What the hell is it?" Meng Haoran kept thinking back, while constantly fighting Di Lie, constantly feeling that magical power.

Finally, at a certain moment, Meng Haoran's mind flashed.

It is the power of rules. That power is actually the power of rules. No wonder it is so familiar. It turned out to be the power of rules. Meng Haoran has often felt the power of rules because of the power of the fruit of the word. He just didn't think about it for a while.

Does it mean that you must master the power of rules if you want to break through?

No, it should not be. Looking at Di Lie, he didn't know what the power of rules was just unconscious use, so that the power of rules was not a necessary condition for breakthrough.

The power of rules should be incidental to breaking through to that realm.

This time, Meng Haoran guessed right when he arrived. In fact, as long as he breaks through the Void King, or the Spirit King in this world, the power of rules will be lowered from the will of the world, and it is precisely because of the power of this rule that this realm is made. The people are so strong, and they are not in the same dimension at all.

Meng Haoran did not get the power of the rules at all, but he was able to compete with this Di Lie. In fact, his soul itself was too strong, so that after each breakthrough, his strength far exceeded that of others by a lot, plus Meng Haoran's cut. The peculiarity of Podao only has this situation.

At this time, Meng Haoran also discovered that every time the power of the rules passed, he would be blocked by his own knife, as if absorbed.

"Could it be that my knife is immune to the rules?" Meng Haoran couldn't help but think of this, and then immediately threw his mind. He still has self-knowledge, his knife cannot be immune to the rules, otherwise it would be a divine tool, at best. The power of the few rules is not affected.

In fact, the facts are very close. Don’t forget that Meng Haoran’s initial interpretation is my world. After the jie, this ability has not disappeared, but has been strengthened. It shows the power of ignoring Di Lie’s rules. Of course, that’s all. , If the power of the rules is more or more refined, it will not be able to sustain it.

With a bold idea, it appeared in Meng Haoran’s mind. If the power of the rules is the root of the power of the virtual king class, then you don’t have to master the third liberation at all, just feel the rules by yourself. At that time, as long as the power of the rules can be used in the attack, it is only natural to break through to the third liberation.

This is impossible for people in this world, because the difficulty of perceiving the rules is even more difficult than breaking through the third liberation. They don't even know what the rules are!

But Meng Haoran is different. He who possesses the fruit of the Holy Word, although he cannot use his power, can directly perceive the rules. The rules are tangible to him, so his ideas are possible.Love Literature Network

Having found a way to break through, Meng Haoran had no desire to continue fighting, so he planned to end the battle.

"Before that, there is one more thing you can do." Meng Haoran's Zanpodao suddenly flashed red, and then Di Lie's body paused.

"Capture it." A strange wave instantly spread to Di Lie's body, and then Di Lie struggled violently.

Looking at the ball of light in the depths of his mind, Meng Haoran smiled with satisfaction, never expecting it would go so smoothly.

After that, Meng Haoran came into contact with the jie, and Di Lie also regained his sanity.

Looking at Meng Haoran in front of him, Di Lie's pupils shrank sharply. Although he lost his reason, he did not lose his memory. He had already remembered what had happened, and the last feeling of uneasiness seemed to be seen through everything.

That is his ability, which made me lose my mind. It was terrible. Although I knew that I would not lose in this situation, I also lost the possibility of victory, because the other party could retreat at any time.

"I agree to your proposal. I will help you this time." At this time, Meng Haoran suddenly spoke. He originally wanted to leave immediately, but the system actually issued a task to help the Void or Death defeat the opponent. The task reward is high. It is limited to less than 8 stars for one day of perceiving at the host level.

The reward this time is really useful. As long as you encounter a bottleneck in the future, as long as you feel what the next level is, then the bottleneck will no longer exist.

This time, Meng Haoran intends to use it when he reaches the 7-star peak. Only when he wants to break through the 8-star can he exert his greatest power.

As for the helplessness, Meng Haoran has no pressure at all. Anyway, it is enough to deal with the guards of the Spirit King. It couldn't be easier for him.

Di Lie was stunned by Meng Haoran's words. In fact, he was still considering whether he should be anxious to kill Meng Haoran by the other two companions. After all, his abilities were too terrifying, and it would not be good to join the death camp.

"Then swear!" Di Lie said.

"Swear?" Do you still believe this.

"Yes, as long as you swear to the will of the virtual circle, you can join the Xu family." Di Lie continued.

Meng Haoran had no choice but to "I, Meng Haoran, swear to join the Xu family."

Then a skull suddenly appeared on the palm of Meng Haoran's palm, and he had to disappear again, which made Meng Haoran feel a little uncomfortable.

"Hehe, in that case, I'm relieved, you are welcome to join." Di Lie immediately became affectionate to Meng Haoran.

Then Di Lie explained the reason. It turned out that somehow, as long as they reach their level, as long as the oath is fulfilled, it is as if the world has its own will. If you don't comply, there will be various accidents, and the end will be miserable.

Meng Haoran couldn't help cursing the old fox secretly when he knew it. He was cheated, but he didn't plan to regret it anyway, and it had little effect on him.

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