You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Comprehending the power of the rules, Meng Haoran has a deep understanding of Zan Po Dao's abilities after liberation. It turns out that those abilities are the manifestation of the rules, and they are the concrete manifestations of the rules.

This discovery made Meng Haoran overjoyed. In this way, as long as he has a deeper understanding of the rules, then all the abilities can be researched by himself, and then it is not necessary to have any abilities.

But this is simple to say, but it still takes a lot of time to do it. It is also very troublesome for Meng Haoran to master one ability, and the more against the sky, the more time-consuming, so he can only choose a few simple ones to study.

Not to mention Meng Haoran who was obsessed with the power of rules, Kurosaki Ichigo also succeeded in becoming a god of death under the practice of Urahara Kisuke, and because Meng Haoran’s foundation is so good, he has the strength of the team leader himself, let Urahara Ki help teach Unable to teach, finally took out the Zhuan Shen body.

Moreover, Kurosaki Ichigo completed the swastika in just one hour under his shocked gaze. It is truly against the sky. It can be said that Kurosaki Ichigo's strength has faintly reached the level of Aizen. Except for Ai Ran and the captain, he is invincible on the face of Jie Ming, and his strength is still that kind of stable type, and there will be no phenomena that cannot be solved in the original book.

Like the original work, Ishida Uryu, Inoue Orihime, and Chato Taihu also received training, but only to a level similar to the original work.

Urahara store, underground space,

"Aren't you going with them?" Urahara Kisuke looked at the man in front of him and said, becoming stronger again. I have an urge to kneel down in front of him, just like the pressure of life.

Kurosaki Ichigo and his party had just left in front of Meng Haoran, but Meng Haoran, who had thought to be with them, did not act.

"Hehe, there seems to be an easier way for me to go to the corpse soul world." Meng Haoran said, letting Urahara Kisuke be taken aback at that time, only then did he think of the current identity of the person in front of him, revealing a hint of it.

Meng Haoran knew that he was wrong when he saw Urahara's look. What he was talking about was not the method of the corpse soul world, but the special method he recently researched, which was an application of the power of rules.

"Okay, I should go too." Meng Haoran slowly turned into nothingness in Urahara Kisuke's surprised eyes while speaking.

Soul World, Zone 1,

Meng Haoran's figure appeared from nothingness, "Yes, it feels so cool, it's here so soon, and the location is just right."

The ability to travel through the world developed by Meng Haoran using the power of rules is similar to the teleportation of the Dragon Ball world. With the power of rules, he feels the spiritual pressure and transmits.

Because he arrived early and there was nothing special to deal with, Meng Haoran began to wander around. Speaking of which, the last time he came to the Soul World, he really didn't have a good stroll!

The corpse soul world is different from the present world. Even though it looks like an ancient one, it is full of traffic, and there are ancient costumes everywhere, which makes the high-rise buildings used to seeing the present feel very novel.

"However, why is the corpse soul world like ancient Japan!" Meng Haoran was a little speechless.

As he walked, Meng Haoran walked out of the block, and no one came to trouble him because he was dressed as a death-tyrant. Instead, he was afraid of him. Death is still hard to see in Liuhun Street.

In order not to be onlookers, Meng Haoran specifically watched places with few people to go, but in the end he couldn't even see anyone.Daily Novel

But Meng Haoran didn't care, and instead appreciated the scenery even more.

I don't know when, Meng Haoran suddenly discovered a very obvious building ahead.

Two huge arms raised a banner, and the words "empty crane" on the book reminded Meng Haoran of these three places.

"I didn't expect to be here, so let's go and see! Go and meet a female man." In this way, Meng Haoran moved forward in the same direction.

When he came to the door, before Meng Haoran called the door, two big men appeared in front of him.

"Hey, who are you, this is not the place where death like you should come." A big man said, showing an expression of disgust at Meng Haoran.

Meng Haoran didn't care, he had already arrived, and this would happen, and he knew that they simply didn't like death, not against himself.

"To tell your host, it was Meng Haoran, the deputy captain of the 11th Division, who came to visit."

The vice-captain of the eleventh division, the two big guys changed their faces. Those who have a great understanding of the god of death naturally know what the concept of the vice-captain is. You must know that the owner’s younger brother was also the vice-captain before. Although he hates the god of death, it’s not good. Meng Haoran fell out and quickly separated one person to report.

"Why, what's the matter with the vice captain coming to me as a civilian? I don't know what I did." Zhibo Konghe, with a cigarette in his mouth, sat on the ground carelessly and looked at Meng Haoran, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. , Is this the genius that has been circulated recently?What the hell is he doing here?

Sure enough, it is the same as the original, very manly!And that wave is really extraordinary, the only thing that is not enough is the prosthetic arm.Meng Haoran's first feeling was this.

"It's okay, but when I got here, I thought the building was very styled, so let's get to know its owner by the way." Of course I can't tell the truth.

"Really? Do you think I have good taste?" A little proud, there was a hint of appreciation in the eyes of Meng Haoran, but I shouldn't be telling the truth!She wasn't a fledgling guy either. It was obvious that Meng Haoran said casually, but she was also a little happy.

"However, since I have seen it, then I won't leave you to eat, let's go!" This is an eviction order, and it is still so direct.

"Well then!" What she didn't expect was that Meng Haoran turned around and seemed to be leaving. She thought Meng Haoran would at least find a reason to stay.

In fact, Meng Haoran only remembered to meet her on a whim. He really didn't know what to do when he saw it, so since the other party had let himself go, he also agreed.

"You..." Shiba Konghe conditioned to say something but endured it, and just watched Meng Haoran leave.

According to the development, Meng Haoran should have left like this, but at this time

"Sister, I'm back." A person walked in and found out immediately, Meng Haoran "Eh! Death, who are you?"

Shiba Iwajiu looked at Meng Haoran in surprise. He didn't expect to see a stranger in his home, or death. You must know that since that happened, there has been no death in his home for a long time.

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