You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Meng Haoran glanced at Zhibo Yanjiu and ignored him. Meng Haoran was completely uninterested in his kind of little girl, and continued to walk outside.

Unexpectedly, this behavior of Meng Haoran made Shiba Yanjiu angry. He didn't expect the other party to be so shameless and show that he looked down on him.

"Boy, you stop, actually ignoring me." His figure moved in front of Meng Haoran.

"Iwajiu!" Shiba Konghe's voice came out, but it was too late. Meng Haoran kept walking and directly collided with Shiba Iwajiu.

"Boom," a big human-shaped hole appeared in the door, and Shiba Rock Eagle was no longer visible.

" can you be like this!" Zhiba Konghe looked gloomy, if it weren't for Meng Haoran's strength, he would have shot.

Meng Haoran stopped and said to Shiba Konghe word by word: "As a weak person, you must have the consciousness of the weak person. This is me, otherwise he would have died." At this moment, Meng Haoran felt suffocating. Such a mighty power shocked Shiba Sora, making her unable to refute.

However, the accident happened again and Shiba Sorazuru actually cried " bullied me...oooo..."

I go, what is going on in this world?Isn't she a domineering female man?Why did she cry after a word, tears really are the most powerful weapon of a beautiful woman, even Meng Haoran was helpless with this weapon.

Meng Haoran would be embarrassed. He didn't know what to do, and seemed at a loss.

"Pouch" Zhibo Konghe did smile at Meng Haoran's appearance. She didn't expect that a very terrifying guy just now had such a side.

Moreover, what happened to me just now, I actually cried because of such a sentence.

In fact, Shiba Kozuru looks like a female man, and it is all her disguise. She was originally a very gentle girl, but the drastic changes in the family made her have to disguise her, and let others see her strength. In order to survive better, who knows the hardship?

What Meng Haoran said just now touched her heart. Meng Haoran was right. She was extremely weak, otherwise she would not escape here, and she did not dare to take revenge, but because of that time she had lost her arm and almost lost With all the power, what can be done?

At this time, Shiba Iwajiu's embarrassed figure reappeared in the house. Just now Meng Haoran still kept his hands, but just knocked him out, and he was hardly injured, except for his clothes.

Shiba Iwasu rushed to Meng Haoran as soon as he came in, and he was about to punch someone with his fist high, but his eyes floated past his sister, but stopped like a lightning strike.

"What's the matter, how can my sister shed tears? It must be you, you made him cry." Thinking that there was only this strange god of death besides himself, Shiba Iwasu blamed all of this on Meng Haoran, originally just thinking After teaching Meng Haoran a lesson, there was a trace of killing intent at this moment.

"Iwajiu, you go out." Fortunately, Shiba Konghe discovered Shiba Iwajiu's state and stopped him, because she knew that her younger brother could not be Meng Haoran's opponent. As a former master, she could see it. Meng Haoran is simply a monster.

"But..." Love Literature Network

"Get out, don't you want to kill everyone?" The voice was extremely severe, and finally Shiba Iwasu compromised, giving Meng Haoran a fierce look and going out.

After Shiba Iwajiu went out, Shiba Sorazuru breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Meng Haoran with complicated and fearful eyes.

Meng Haoran felt very uncomfortable with such a look!What the hell, what's the matter with the look that I am a big bad guy?Well, since I made her cry, I should compensate her. This is also because Shiba Konghe is indeed a beautiful woman, otherwise Meng Haoran would never have this idea.

"Okay, don't look at me with this look. I was wrong just now. I will help you heal your arm as a compensation."

"Healing the arm!!" Zhibo Konghe was overjoyed at first, but then he was overwhelmed with compassion, thinking that Meng Haoran was joking about her, is she still unclear about her own condition?My arm has been broken for so many years, it is impossible to recover, unless I can let it grow out, but can it be done?

Meng Haoran looked at her expression and knew that it was impossible to speak without facts, so she walked directly to Shiba Konghe, grabbed her prosthetic arm, and took it off.

"What are you doing? Let go of me." She started to struggle, but the tingling sensation from her expression immediately made her feel weak.

bad!Could it be that the virginity that I have guarded for countless years is about to stay, and the tears will stay again, she thought Meng Haoran was using some method to make her feel weak and plot against her.

"Hey, crying, crying, I'm so annoyed, your arm has recovered." I'm going, it's really laborious!Just treating one arm, it was like fighting for days and nights, Meng Haoran felt the exhaustion coming from his body and vowed that he would never be nosy again.

This is not to blame for Meng Haoran, the main reason is that the rules he has mastered are not enough, and it is too difficult to make his arm out of thin air, that's why he feels so tired.

"Arm, unexpectedly..." Shiba Konghe stared at his lost arm, completely speechless. Is this true?It's still an illusion, not carefully controlling his new arm.

When he moved, he really moved according to his own thoughts. After experimenting for a while, Shiba Konghe completely confirmed the fact that his arm had recovered.

I raised my head and looked at Meng Haoran. I couldn't help but have a great interest in Meng Haoran. At the same time, he became curious. Who on earth is he, he has such ability, and I was ashamed to think he wanted it just now. How could he be such a person? Too!

"Well, now that the compensation is complete, I will leave." Feeling exhausted, Meng Haoran really wanted to find a place to rest this time.

Shiba Konghe looked at Meng Haoran's exhausted expression, and his heart trembled. Is it because of me that he said "Don't go, stay, okay?" blurted out.

"En" Meng Haoran looked at Shiba Konghe in surprise, as if he had heard incredible things.

"Uh, I mean, you have helped me so much, and you are my benefactor. It's so late today, so I can rest here." Shiba Konghe looked at other places as he spoke, obviously Insincere.

Meng Haoran thought for a while and agreed. After all, he really wanted to rest, and he didn’t think that Shiba Konghe could be harmful to him. Although he was not in a state now, the combat effectiveness had not changed at all, but his energy was not good. That's it.

Hearing Meng Haoran's promise, Zhiba Konghe showed a smile that he didn't even notice, and then took Meng Haoran to a guest room and watched Meng Haoran take a rest.

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