You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"You look at me like this, how can I rest." Meng Haoran looked at Shiba Konghe who was only half a meter away from him without a word. He didn't know what happened to this woman. She changed so much. Could it be that she fell in love with me? ,No way!

Because Meng Haoran himself did not believe that a woman would like him so easily, Meng Haoran missed the most correct answer.

so hot!He looks really good looking so close!The more Shiba Konghe looked at Meng Haoran, the more he felt that Meng Haoran was more in line with the Prince Charming in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel like he was in a hurry, and imagined that if he were to combine with Meng Haoran, the scenes of happy life in the future would be silly for a while.

Meng Haoran also discovered the state of Shiba Konghe, so when she was no longer there, and she was really tired, she went to sleep instantly.


"Kora, your hand!" A black cat looked at Shiba Kora's hand in surprise. In her memory, it should have been a prosthetic arm. I didn't expect that the hand I saw now was a real hand, and she could feel it. When it comes to Shiba Konghe's hand, everything is so natural.

"Haha, I'm surprised! Yaichi, didn't think of it! In fact, even I didn't think of it? If it wasn't..." The last sentence is already inaudible. Shiba Sorazuru is very happy for his old friend to come here. , Even if you know that the other party must have something to ask her for help, this can be seen from the few obviously hillbilly guys next to Ye Yi.

At this time, in front of Shiba Sorazuru, Kurosaki Ichigo and his party were in front of Kurosaki Ichigo. Although Kurosaki Ichigo was far more powerful than the original, he was knocked out by the unexpected Ichimaru silver, and he still wanted to come here for help.

"Why are you here!!" "Why did you come to my house?" Kurosaki Ichigo and Shiba Iwawushi met again, and it was another good show.

At this time, Shiba Yanjiu already knew that his sister’s arm was cured by Meng Haoran, so he changed his mind about Meng Haoran. Not only did he ignore Meng Haoran’s injury to him, he was also very grateful to Meng Haoran, and he saw it because of his sister’s condition. Her sister was obviously interested in Meng Haoran, and for a while, Meng Haoran regarded her as her future brother-in-law.

This was even more certain after he discovered that his sister and that guy had stayed in the same room all night and his eye circles were still dark today.

It turns out that he thinks too much, and Shiba Konghe just stared at Meng Haoran's sleeping posture in a daze all night yesterday.

"Master, why are you here?" Meng Haoran saw Kurosaki Ichigo and his party as soon as he entered the room, and was immediately discovered.

"You're up too, there's nothing wrong with your body!" Before Meng Haoran could reply, Zhibo Konghe teleported to his side at an inhuman speed and began to warm up, his hands still groping on Meng Haoran's body.

What a strong body!This muscle, this hardness, is so perfect, it really deserves to be the man I like.

This is, Ye Yi was surprised at Meng Haoran when she looked at her friend who looked like an idiot. She knew her best friend very well. She looked down on men in general, and she didn’t expect to be given him by Meng Haoran. Conquered.

For some reason, looking at Meng Haoran not disgusted, Ye Yi couldn't help but feel a little bitter. What is wrong with me, the man who actually treats my girlfriend.

Quietly left Shiba Konghe, "Yo! You are here too, why didn't things go well?" Qiankun Tingshu website

Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's all me, I've already entered, but in the end..."

Following Kurosaki Ichigo’s explanation, Meng Haoran finally understood what inertia was, and could not help being speechless.

"What! Are you his apprentice? I said that earlier! Okay, I'll help you. Come with me!" The attitude became enthusiastic, making Kurosaki Ichigo and his party a little dazed. Knowing that Ye Yi had just been out, she didn't treat them as guests at all.

Ever since, because of Meng Haoran's relationship, Kurosaki Ichigo and his team got the maximum help of Shiba Sorazuru, and because Kurosaki Ichigo is not stronger than the original, so I quickly mastered the relevant props and entered Seo. Lingting's time is also much earlier.

While Kurosaki Ichigo and the Reapers were playing peek-a-boo games, the person standing in front of Meng Haoran caused him a headache.

"I said, Gengmu Jianba, don't you go to the invaders, what are you doing here to block me?" Meng Haoran originally came to Seolin to find Airan, but he didn't expect to be blocked by Gengmu Jianba in the middle of the road. , I just want to fight with him again.

"Xiao Ran, meet again." A lovely red-haired loli emerged from Gengmu Jianba's shoulder. It was Caolu Yaqianyu who was inseparable from Gengmu Jianba.

"Come and fight with me! Last time I was not addicted, this time I must cut enough." Gengagi Kenpachi had also come to Kurosaki Ichigo and others, but he is a road idiot, a grass deer. The same is true for Yaqianliu. After searching for a long time, the distance did not get closer and farther and farther, but he didn’t expect to meet Meng Haoran unexpectedly, so he left the business behind without thinking, because in his opinion, he didn’t want to look for it. A group of guys who don't know if they can find it is better to fight with Meng Haoran.

"I don't have time to play with you?" Meng Haoran was a little impatient, it was meaningless for him to fight Gengmu Jianba.

"Play, do you think so? So what?" Gengmu Jianba was not angry because of Meng Haoran's words, because he knew that Meng Haoran did have the strength to say this, but he still did not give up his plan. Time lifted his seal and took out his full strength.

A golden spiritual pressure column soared into the sky, which was more than twice as strong as last time.

Just when Gengmu Jianba thought Meng Haoran would fight with him this time, Meng Haoran smiled and disappeared instantly.

He reappeared behind him, "You can’t even see my movements. How to fight with me? Let’s go find my apprentice! He is here now, and his name is Kurosaki Ichigo. Better than you." After finishing talking and leaving.

"Wait!" Gengmu Jianba was about to call Meng Haoran, only to find that there was a sword mark near his heart. It turned out that he had already lost before the battle.

"Is this his true strength?" Even he was shocked, knowing that he was not an opponent at all and had no plans to trouble Meng Haoran, instead he became interested in Kurosaki Ichigo in the air.

"Never mind! Let me see if his apprentice is really that strong, let's go." Turned and left.

"Ichigo, it's not that I cheated you, but you really need some combat experience."

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