Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 252 Lan Ran Surrenders

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!In the forty-sixth room in the center, Meng Haoran and Gengmu Jianba came here after they separated. According to the original work, the group of dead old men should have disappeared. The recent orders from the Soul World were all blue dyed hair.

The barrenness is what Meng Haoran sees now. Lanran’s illusion cannot be concealed from Meng Haoran, so what is shown before Meng Haoran’s eyes is an extremely real scene. A group of corpses fall to the ground irregularly, all of which are fatal with a single knife. After a long time, the corpse was already a bit decomposed, and the faint smell made Meng Haoran frowned.

"No one, it's not right!" After searching for a while, I found that there was no one. Meng Haoran was a little confused, but he remembered very clearly that Lan Ran would usually leave someone here to stay here after killing these old men?Why is there no one now.

"Almost forgot." Now all the gods of death have gone to Kurosaki Ichigo.Aizen died in suspended animation at this time too!As long as I wait here for a while, I can wait until Lan Dian is ready, and Meng Haoran waits patiently after thinking about this.

Sure enough, after waiting for less than an hour, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Meng Haoran.

"Isn't this our Captain Meng? Why did you appear here, and what's going on here? Did you kill all the elders." Lan Ran looked shocked and deserved to be the actor because he didn't know. Did Meng Haoran know the truth? He reacted like this for the first time and wanted to test it out.

How could he be here, or at this time, Lan Ran looked at Meng Haoran in surprise, and at the same time felt a little regretful, because his Zanpaku Knife was not by his side yet, and she couldn't use Jinghua Shuiyue.

"Don't pretend, didn't you do all of this? I knew it a long time ago. Besides, even if I do, I actually see these pedantic guys upset." Indeed, for the 46th room of the Central Committee Meng Haoran has never liked dozens of old men. They seem to be for the peace of the corpse soul world, but they are actually a group of disgusting politicians, selfish.

Lan Ran looked at Meng Haoran's half-pay, and suddenly smiled, "Since that's the case, Haoran, do you want to join us? I can't refuse a talent like you." Now that I know that I have done such a rebellious act. The matter did not expose himself, it seems that he is not a good person!But this is just what I want.

"Join you, what's a joke, your strength is so bad, and you want to recruit me, the other way around is almost the same, a guy who doesn't even know how many times the god of death has liberated." Meng Haoran was a little funny.

How many liberations?Lan Ran was puzzled after hearing Meng Haoran's words, is there something I don't know!It seems that he was deceived by my acting skills when I said that I was poor. As long as I showed my strength, I believed he would change his mind.

In Lan Ran's eyes, the impression of Meng Haoran remained at the time when Meng Haoran defeated Geng Mu Jianba. Although Meng Haoran's strength was very strong, he did not think he could be stronger than himself.

"Then what's your purpose?" Lan Ran smiled, looking harmless to humans and animals, but the muscles are already tight, and he may move at any time.

Meng Haoran thought for a while. His original plan was to come to Lan Ran to pick up the item that can take out the collapsed jade, but now he has another attention. He still appreciates Ai Ran, and he has the heart to accept it as a subordinate. I want to see if he knows the orthodox method of cultivation, can he create miracles and achieve three times of liberation.

"Originally I asked you to get something, but now I have changed my mind. Do you have any idea of ​​working under my hands? Although you are not very strong, you still have the talent. I am very optimistic about you."

what?Recruit me!Lan Ran thought that he had heard it wrong, and his face suddenly became cold. How could an ambitious person like him succumb to others?ok composition network

"So you are very confident of your own strength! Can you let me know?" After all, I am a gloomy person, and Ai Ran is still a little bit euphemistic.

Of course Meng Haoran heard that there was something in Lan Ran's words, but he didn't care.

With a wave of his hand, a transparent barrier was formed. This was to prevent Rei Pressure from being discovered by others, and then Rei Pressure quickly moved his upper body under Aizen's incredible gaze.

Lan Ran can still remain calm when Meng Haoran's Rei Pressure is at the Captain Level, but when Meng Haoran’s Rei Pressure reaches Captain Level, Lan Ran’s complexion changes. In the end, Meng Haoran’s Rei Pressure has increased at the first level and he can’t feel it at all Level.

"How is it possible? What kind of spiritual pressure is this?" At this moment, Lan Ran felt like an ant facing a giant. The spiritual pressure on Meng Haoran's body was too strong, even if he used his full strength, he might even have a toe. He couldn't touch it, even in his sense that Meng Haoran would die with only a little breath.

A shadow of disappointment hung in Ai Ran's heart. How much he hopes that all of this is an illusion, but for him who is proficient in illusion, he clearly feels that this is true, and the strength he is proud of is really vulnerable. .

"Pouch" Just when Lan Ran was thinking about it, his body was soaked in blood for no reason.

"This is!" Lan Ran's eyes widened, and he knew what was going on in an instant. This is when a person's strength surpasses him too much, his body reacts with fear, even the other's aura No, painfulness will destroy itself without the response of the body owner.

Lan Ran completely gave up at this moment. The gap between him and Meng Haoran was so big that it was unimaginable. Without Meng Haoran's hands, as long as he stayed under Meng Haoran's momentum for a while, he would die directly, no matter how bad his abilities were. It was useless, because Meng Haoran was able to kill herself without using her hands at all, and her proud Jing Hua Shui Yue became a joke.

"Puff" came the whine of bones in his body, Lan Ran couldn't hold on anymore and knelt to the ground, even moving became a luxury.

His ambition, everything was destroyed under Meng Haoran's momentum, and even thought of suicide at this moment. Since Shengyu He Shengliang, why should I meet him?

Seeing Lan Ran's death ambition, Meng Haoran was speechless, and quickly withdrew his aura, "Don't be discouraged! As long as you follow me, sooner or later, you will reach my current strength, maybe even higher. You just I didn’t find the right direction. In fact, the Death God’s Swastika is not the end point. There are third and fourth times. As long as you can achieve the three liberations, you will be about the same as I am now.” It’s just the same in the Grim Reaper, and Meng Haoran just showed Part of the strength.

"What? Death can have a third and fourth liberation." Lan Ran was shocked after hearing Meng Haoran's words, and he could reach that height.

It turns out that he has been liberated three times?In that case, I still have a chance. I promised him first and waited for an opportunity when my strength improved. Ai Ran made a decision instantly.

"Okay, I promised, I will ask the adults to take good care of them in the future." He smiled as usual.

Meng Haoran also smiled, it is impossible to surpass me.

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