You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Then tell me about your plan!" Meng Haoran said lightly. Although he knows Ai Ran's plan, he still wants to confirm it. On the one hand, he wants to see if Ai Ran is interesting, and on the other hand, whether it is because of himself. What has changed.

"Yes, my plan is to hide the god of death with suspended animation and hide it here..." Ai Ran respectfully said his plan without any concealment. In his opinion, playing clever is a very unwise choice.

As expected, Lan Ran's plan remained unchanged, and because Meng Haoran had always been very low-key, so Lan Ran couldn't understand his ideas, so he didn't specifically target Meng Haoran, and Lan Ran did not expect to develop the current situation.

"Then it would be fine to proceed according to the original plan, but in the end, it depends on me. My apprentice is not so easy to deal with." Meng Haoran pointed out.

He is also interested in Bengyu?That being said, Bengyu could indeed greatly improve his strength, and it seemed that it would be a good plan to get Bengyu again.Lan Ran thought about this, he knew that Bengyu would pass his hand in the end, because besides Urahara Kisuke, he was the only one who could unlock Bengyu's seal, he didn't believe that Meng Haoran was also a scientist.

He was wrong about this. Although Meng Haoran was inferior to Lan Ran in terms of research, but with his amazing strength, it would not be difficult to crack it by force at that time. The power of the rules was not what Ai Ran could imagine.

In this way, Meng Haoran and Lan Ran started the waiting period, and finally Shimaru Gin came here. He was surprised to find that Lan Ran had actually surrendered to Meng Haoran, and decisively expressed his surrender to Meng Haoran with the mind of undercover. Although Meng Haoran knew the baby He was an anti-skeleton boy, but he pretended to accept it without knowing it. Under absolute strength, it was a trivial matter. Even Ai Ran could survive Ichimarugin, couldn't he?

Later, Xiao Taozi also came, and Meng Haoran didn't stop Lan Dye from getting the killer, so she lay on the ground.

"Is it really you? Lan Ran." Xiaobai looked at the figure of Xiao Taozi lying on the ground, so angry.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to come so soon." Lan Dian looked at Xiao Bai with an unexpected expression. He thought that Hua's mother would be the first to discover her own strangeness.

If Xiao Bai usually has to say a few words with Ai Ran, but now he has lost his mind and drew his sword and rushed towards Ai Ran.

"Sit down and sit in the frosty sky, Binglun Maru" started directly, with a shocking chill and an angry blow. However, he had long been hit by the blue dyed mirror flower water moon, so it was a tragedy, and was instantly seconded.

Just when Ai Ran was about to give him the final blow, "Are you already fallen? Ai Ran" a clear voice sounded.

The captain of the fourth division, Uyuki Hanaretsu, and his lieutenant Yutoru Toruo, came late. The captain of the fourth division, who had the lowest combat effectiveness, made Aizen a little vigilant at this time and gave up on Hisugaya Toshiro. Shot.

"I was able to find my anomaly in that state, should I say it's you?" Aizen looked like he was in control.

Then Airan kindly popularized the knowledge of her own Zhanpaku Daojing Huashuiyue, so that Uozhihuareel who was about to make a move stopped, she knew that even if she made the move, she would not be able to keep Airan, let alone two people around. .

"Ichimaru Gin and Meng Haoran, are you also with Ai Ran?" Uozhihuareel looked at Meng Haoran with regret. In her opinion, Ichimaru Gin's presence here is not surprising, but she didn't expect Captain Yamamoto to be trained. Meng Haoran, the heir of a generation, is also here. It seems that Kai and Lan Ran are in the same group.398 novel

"That's a misunderstanding. I'm not in their gang. Instead, they are in my gang. What's happening right now has nothing to do with me. I just accepted them as subordinates just now." Meng Haoran shrugged and said.

But his words caused the stormy sea to turn up in Uo Zhi Huaree's heart. How could it be possible that she, who was completely unbelief, knew what Meng Haoran said was true when she saw the faces of Ai Ran and Ichimaru Gin.

Why did he know that Lan Ran and the others were going to betray and they had to go with them, and whether he was cheated, Lan Ran was just fooling him, Uozhi Hualie never thought that Lan Ran would surrender to Meng Haoran, you must know that one is a veteran. The captain, Ling Yi is just a new genius.

"Okay, let's go!" Meng Haoran said and walked outside. With the help of his spiritual pressure, he already knew that this was the last opportunity, and even if it wasn't the best, no one could stop him from getting Bengyu.

"Yes!" Lan Ran glanced at Mao Zhi Hualie, followed in Meng Haoran's footsteps, followed by Ichimaru Gin with a smile on his face.

"Just let them go like this? Captain." Hu Tetsu said, his eyes full of hatred when he looked at Ai Ran. He didn't expect that Captain Ai Ran, who is usually a good guy, is that kind of person.

"Don't worry about them, it's still important to save people." As he said, he began to check the two wounded.

"Kuchaki Byakuya, are you going to stop me anyway?" Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Kuchuki Byakuya in front of him, very puzzled. It was Lucia's brother who didn't save her, but wanted to stop him.

Kuchaki Byakuya did not speak, raised his own sword, and proceeded directly with "Swastika Senbon Sakura Keiyan". He has tried it just now, and Kurosaki Ichigo's strength has been qualitatively improved compared to the last time, and he can't do his best. It cannot be won.

Kurosaki Ichigo was a little shocked when he saw Kuchiki Byakuya's swastika, it was so gorgeous, and the hundreds of millions of blades looked a bit tingling.

However, the black spirit pressure of "Swastika of Heaven Locking Moon" that I would also swastika was soaring into the sky. After swastika, Ichigo Kurosaki transformed into a little handsome guy wearing an inner infrared black death tyrant costume. It's really pretty.

"What, you can even know how to do it." Kuchiki Byakuya was shocked, this strength also improved too fast, you know, it took more than ten years for even a genius like him to develop it. The guy on the opposite side didn't even know how to solve it last time!

"How could that kind of small knife be a swordsman? Don't be kidding, the swordsman is a huge liberation of the spiritual pressure." But looking at Kurosaki Ichigo's peculiar swordsman, he still doubts the authenticity of the sword.

"Try it and you'll know." Kurosaki Ichigo said calmly.

Therefore, Kurosaki Ichigo began to show off various skills, and completely turned the show of Kuchuki Byakuya. Unlike the original work, Kurosaki Ichigo who has an extremely solid foundation, Kuchiki Byakuya was still crushed and beaten. , This is the result of Kurosaki Ichiga's mercy.

Just as they were fighting, the fourth division's announcement came to reveal the truth. Lan Ran was the culprit in this incident, and Meng Haoran was also with them.

"How could it be possible, Master!" Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't stand the blow, muttering to himself.

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