You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!At the hill of Shuangshan, Yamamoto and Meng Haoran broke out with amazing spiritual pressure at the same time, which stirred the situation. At this time, a group of people watching the battle held their breath, staring at the two with unblinking eyes, for fear of missing the wonderful situation.

Before that, no one had thought that Meng Haoran would be so strong, that he could actually fight Captain Yamamoto, and his momentum hadn't fallen into a disadvantage.

The imposing contest between Meng Haoran and Yamamoto caused Shuangshan Hill to shake, as if they couldn't bear the pressure of the two.

"I didn't expect you to have grown to this point in a short period of time." Yamamoto felt that Meng Haoran completely exceeded the captain's Reiatsu and was shocked. This talent has already surpassed himself. You must know that he has gone through hundreds of years of precipitation. With the current strength, and Meng Haoran, if he remembers correctly, he has only become a god of death for less than two years!

However, since he had already gone astray, he had to get rid of it.

The sound of "Kacha Kacha" came from Yamamoto's body. His originally thin body suddenly turned into a muscular man.

I went here to transform, Meng Haoran secretly vomited.

After the transformation, Yamamoto held the knife in one hand, and a layer of flame appeared on the knife body. At the same time, the surrounding temperature rose suddenly, reaching the point where it was unbearable for the deputy captain level, and even the captain level felt physical discomfort.

"Cut, it reminds me of that bastard Red Dog." Meng Haoran was a little upset.

"Sa, use your full strength! Otherwise, you won't have a chance." With a wave of the knife, a wall of fire appeared, burning violently, actually burning all the surrounding spiritual pressure.

"You too underestimate me!" Yamamoto didn't start to understand Meng Haoran naturally. However, Yamamoto did have a deep understanding of Zanpakudao, and even this state could use part of the sword's ability.

Can I try it too?Secretly mobilizing the power of Zanpai Dao,

"Sure enough." Meng Haoran smiled as he felt the power in his body about to move.

With the same light wave, an air of ice appeared. Although it was not as spectacular as the wall of fire, it caused the entire battlefield to drop in temperature.

"Is this?" Yamamoto was a little puzzled. Meng Haoran's ability should not be ice, and this degree of coldness is not much better than that of the strongest Zanpakuto Binglunmaru of the ice and snow system.

Xiaobai also looked at Meng Haoran in surprise at this time. Just now, he felt the power of the same source as his Zan Po Dao, although it was slightly different.

"Then I'm on it." Meng Haoran said, officially starting the battle.

The two figures disappeared in front of everyone's eyes for an instant, and they reappeared and crossed their swords.

Sure enough, he is the old man of Yamamoto, the combat experience is not covered, there is no flaw at all, even Meng Haoran can't help him for a while.

However, Meng Haoran did not fall into a significant disadvantage. The Rei Pressure of the two sides is similar, and the attack speed and strength are almost the same. What you fight is the experience of fighting. Yamamoto is very strong but Meng Haoran is not weak. Stalemate.

"Is this Meng Haoran? Am I dreaming? He actually played against the teacher regardless of the outcome. What kind of talent is this!" Jingle Chunshui, as the proud student of the old man Yamamoto, knows the strength of his teacher best. Yes, don't even look at him as he is old, but his real strength is stronger. It is not a problem to beat him a few times by himself. It doesn't take a second to even the first solution to the kind of Jianba.

Although others didn't know Yamamoto's strength, they also thoroughly understood through this battle.12 Novel Network

"It's a fierce battle. A little carelessness is the end of death. If you change to me, I'm afraid you can't take any tricks!" A deputy captain said, frightened, Captain Yamamoto, even Meng Haoran. So strong, do you still need to die.

As the battle progressed, the battlefield was divided into two sides, one side is the flames, and the other is the snow pit ice. The spectators retreat and retreat. They have retreated to a kilometer away, but they can still feel that. Deep into the power of Hanhai.

After all, Yamamoto was old, and he could still be on par with Meng Haoran in a short time, but was gradually overwhelmed by Meng Haoran.

It’s not going to work like this, Yamamoto made a decisive decision, taking advantage of Meng Haoran’s carelessness, and began to solve "Everything in Vientiane is ashes, and the blade is like fire!!!"

As if flames from hell descended on the world, it was like burning the world. The temperature that was already high rose rapidly again in an instant, and the space was a little distorted.

The old man Yamamoto's sword really deserves to be the strongest Zanpaku sword of the fire system. As soon as he solved it, he changed the sky, and the sky became fiery red, like the end of the world.

At the same time, the old man Yamamoto's Rei Pressure instantly skyrocketed to a level after the initial solution. The attack speed and power were not the same as before. If the captains could barely see it just now, even the shadow would be invisible now.

Yamamoto's grasp of the battle situation was extremely accurate, and as soon as he solved it, he made a move, and the flame wall released from the blade was like a huge palm of his hand to kill Meng Haoran.

"It's over." Looking at Meng Haoran who hadn't reacted, Yamamoto smiled.

"It's still early? Don't forget that I haven't started to solve it!" Meng Haoran's voice came out of the flames.

"The breeze is blowing in the water, Haoyue is in the sky, evolve! Haoyue." Meng Haoran's spiritual pressure rose again and instantly rose to the same level as Yamamoto.

"Boom" The flames that surrounded Meng Haoran instantly melted into ice, then "click" broke apart, revealing, er, Meng Haoran's beautiful figure.

"Then go ahead!" The figure disappeared like a teleport,

There was a "boom boom" explosion, as if two giant beasts were fighting.

The people on the sidelines were completely dumbfounded. This kind of strength had no place for them to intervene. Whether it was so abnormal, Hajime was so strong, and their strength was not one-tenth of its strength.

The aftermath of the battle was a little unstoppable so far, but it was already 5 kilometers away from the battlefield. After Yamamoto Hajime was relieved, they retreated 4 kilometers again, but they didn't expect it to be insufficient.

The battle between Meng Haoran and Yamamoto could be described as a battle that broke the ground, and it was a hundred meters of flame or ice. The ground was destroyed by potholes, and the shadow of the hill of Shuangshan was long invisible.

"How is it possible that this kid's combat experience is actually improving." During the battle, Yamamoto clearly felt that Meng Haoran's death strength was actually improving. Although the improvement was slow, the improvement was beyond doubt.

Sure enough, fighting is the best catalyst, Meng Haoran thought to himself.

Although Meng Haoran’s combat experience is not inferior to Yamamoto, or even stronger, it means that in other respects, Meng Haoran is still somewhat inadequate in the use of the Zanpaku Sword and the ghostly way of the instant step. Now after the battle with Yamamoto In the middle, through observation and learning of Yamamoto, Meng Haoran has become more and more proficient in his use, and his combat effectiveness has also faintly increased.

"Hey, did you find out? Meng Haoran's aura seems to gradually overwhelm the captain." Broken Bee said. She felt something was wrong from just now. The captain's attacks were getting fewer and fewer, but she was defensive. Most of the time, which is completely opposite to the beginning!

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