Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 256: Breaking the Myth

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"That's also true, can it be said that Meng Haoran will win?" Everyone was shocked when he said this, how could the captain lose.

Although he thinks so, the facts are indisputable. The old man Yamamoto has indeed gradually revealed his defeat. At this time, Meng Haoran did not use his strength to fight.

"I have a sword with both hands." Meng Haoran smiled at Yamamoto, who suddenly held the sword with one hand. Compared with Kendo, he really found the wrong person.

The off-field Uzhihualie also narrowed his eyes, has he been forced to this level?She actually wants to use kendo. It stands to reason that she understands how strong Yamamoto who uses kendo will be, and her strength will definitely reach another level. Meng Haoran should not be able to stop it, but when she sees Meng Haoran’s slightly joking eyes, she just Faintly uneasy.

Sure enough, her anxiety came to fruition. Meng Haoran’s momentum suddenly changed. If he was a god of death who only knew a little bit of swordsmanship just now, he is now a generation of swordsman masters. He has released the edge of swordsmanship in his eyes and transformed countless swordsmanship. One style is so earth-shattering.

"This is..." Yamamoto looked at Meng Haoran, whose temperament had changed drastically. Although he didn't understand what happened to Meng Haoran, he faintly felt that this was a realization of kendo cultivation to a very high level, but how could it be possible? What?

No, it is possible that the report from Kuchiki Byakuya last time said that Meng Haoran was a master of kendo and defeated him with only the power of kendo. At that time, he didn't care very much and thought it was a coincidence, but now it seems to be true.

He was frightened at the thought of the invisible sword energy that Meng Haoran hadn't shown yet. The cards were really endless. In this case, he still had one hand, and his scheming was so deep that Yamamoto had already determined that Meng Haoran was a man of scheming.

If Meng Haoran knew that Yamamoto's thoughts at the moment must be scornful, wool, but he deliberately suppressed his strength against you, he would be misunderstood like this.

"What's the matter, don't you attack?" Meng Haoran said, a layer of invisible sword aura has been attached to the Zanpaku Sword, and he dare not care about Yamamoto who holds the sword with both hands. The strength of holding the sword with both hands will indeed improve a lot, especially For those who know kendo, in fact, Meng Haoran can also use both hands to hold a sword, but he has to pretend to be forceful, so he can only use the swordsman's power a little.

The atmosphere is a little dull, the temperature of the flame gradually rises, Yamamoto is gaining momentum, even if he knows that Meng Haoran's understanding of kendo is not low, he still wants to take action. His belief is to protect the soul world and never allow Meng Haoran to break the order. man of.

Meng Haoran didn't take the lead either. I wouldn't move if the enemy moved. I would move first if the enemy moved.

"What's wrong, both of them stopped there." A deputy captain couldn't understand at all.

However, no one answered him, and he had no intention of continuing to ask questions, because the next moment a strong sense of oppression was pressed on his body, and there was no resistance at all. He was instantly crushed and knelt on the ground, his body passed. Come to whine, that is the fear of death.

Not only him, but even the captain with a little strength can't keep standing. Just the qi before the move has such power, which shows how strong Yamamoto's sword is.

There is no majesty, nor gorgeous, I saw Yamamoto's sword slowly slashed towards Meng Haoran. Compared with the previous one, this sword is extremely ordinary, but a very thin sword light, red, red to the extreme purple, originally red The flame turned purple and the temperature reached a level.Biqugek

In Meng Haoran's tears, Yamamoto's knife was very slow, but it made him feel the danger, which was very contradictory.

"How can it be so slow! No!" Meng Haoran discovered the secret of this trick in an instant, and actually made her feel dull. If ordinary people reacted to it, they would be directly killed, and then burned out instantly!

A powerful sword, there is the shadow of the law of time. I have to say that although the swordsmanship in this world is not as systematic as One Piece, and without the realm of a swordsman, time can make up for all this, and swordsmanship will also bloom powerful after precipitation. For example, Yamamoto reached the peak of a swordsman early, but he thought that there was no way to break through, and he continued to consolidate. In addition, the special nature of this world unknowingly created this trick with the law of time.

However, the person dealing with now is me, and I have understood the power of the law. Although I did not understand the law of time, it is enough to be immune to Yamamoto’s trick. After all, Yamamoto himself did not understand the law. He just created this trick to trigger the law. That's all for force.

After so much exploration, Meng Haoran has a deeper understanding of the power of the law of practice. The power of the law is divided into many kinds, the most basic is the gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang. The seven laws have evolved into countless laws. , And there is no doubt that the two laws of time and space are also powerful in many laws.

But what Meng Haoran comprehends is not any of time and space, but the law of good fortune that solves the origin, creating all things, and even at the end of cultivation, he can create a world of his own. Comprehending the laws of good fortune makes Meng Haoran's understanding of other laws. It has also become simpler, after all, the law of good fortune encompasses all other laws, except for the law of destruction.

So even if Meng Haoran does not understand the law of time, he will not be affected. Even if he feels the law of time this time, it is still possible to reverse the law of time.

And Meng Haoran had also felt the power of the law from the fruit of the word before, but it was a hodgepodge after all. There were countless laws in front of him, far from being as straightforward as there is now, and he could understand the law of time by his own comprehension, but this time Fighting has indeed accelerated this rhythm.

The power of the law worked, Meng Haoran's vision was restored, Yamamoto's swift stab was already near, but Meng Haoran's body was shining with strange fluctuations.

The sword light flashed, containing sword energy, and the power of cold energy collided with it.

"Zrazra" Meng Haoran and Yamamoto's forces collided in the air, bursting out an astonishing light, like the impact of a meteor.

Because of this impact, the battlefield was full of smoke and dust, and rocks shattered, making people unable to open their eyes and had to close their eyes.

After a while, after regaining calm, after opening his eyes.

"How is it possible?" Seeing Meng Haoran standing unscathed, Yamamoto knelt on the ground and made a judgment.

Because of the fighting, only half of the mountains in the distance witnessed all this.

Yamamoto's undefeated myth was broken.

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