You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"I didn't expect you to have such strength." Yamamoto was still a little frightened when he thought of the scene just now. He didn't expect Meng Haoran to suddenly explode with such strength. After canceling his strength, he hurt him, if not for him in the end. Dodged for a while, maybe he didn't even have a sober consciousness now.

"It seems that I won!" Meng Haoran said, looking at the other people, all he could not believe was a pair of eyes.

Of course, there are exceptions. A group of people in this world have complicated eyes because they don't know Yamamoto so deeply. They simply feel that Meng Haoran is very strong.

"Sure enough to be a master, I knew he would win." Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Meng Haoran's eyes full of admiration, because Kuchiki Rukia was fine, he had no reason for Meng Haoran to be hostile, and Meng Haoran didn't do anything. What embarrassed him, so now if other people want to attack Meng Haoran, he will not stand by.

"This is terrible, what should I do?" After this battle, everyone understood the fact that they were not Meng Haoran's opponents. Even if they were together, the outcome is unknown, and Meng Haoran has not done anything heinous. , They didn't want to face Meng Haoran completely, so they couldn't help but focus on the mountain itself that had barely stood up.

"Why do you want to fight? With your body, I don't want to bully the old man!" Meng Haoran looked at Yamamoto's eyes and knew that he had not given up yet.

Yamamoto felt a bit complicated at this time. Although he was defeated at the beginning of the solution, he was still able to fight. He believed that after his fight, he must be better than the current Meng Haoran, but it is impossible to guarantee that Meng Haoran will have nothing else. Hole cards.

He shouldn't be able to swastika so quickly. After all, in less than two years, it is incredible enough to be able to start the solution. If it has been able to swastika, it is no longer a genius to explain, it is an evil spirit. Therefore, Yamamoto planned to take a gamble, and Meng Haoran would not be able to solve the bet. Of course, if he lost the bet, he would let him go.

"It's not over yet?" The fire element between heaven and earth began to be active again, countless souls began to rush into the old man, Yamamoto's injury was restored in a short time, and the pressure began to fall to the limit. Skyrocketed.

"Boom" the red flame spiritual power pillar blasted into the sky, pierced the sky, and stabbed a skeleton out of the sky.

At the same time, Reipressure formed a hurricane, and the sand was flying, but it was turned into ashes by the high temperature around Yamamoto, creating a spectacle of sparks flying all over the sky. It seemed very beautiful, but Meng Haoran was not interested in enjoying it. It's beautiful, because Yamamoto's Reiatsu has greatly surpassed the current him, and is close to the limit of his initial solution.

"It seems that I was underestimated!" Meng Haoran smiled freely, and then began to frantically ascend to his own spiritual pressure, and instantly caught up with Yamamoto's level, and was still ascending at the same time as Yamamoto.

"Monster! Both of them." The onlookers were already dumbfounded. The battle just now was no longer what they could imagine. Now they can actually improve. Their own spiritual pressure is under any of these two spiritual pressures. They are all so fragile, and they are all broken.

"No, I can't hold on." Assani Renji, he thought he was already a master at the level of captain, but now he realized that he was very wrong, with Meng Haoran and Captain Yamamoto. Under the pressure of this spirit, he felt that he was a baby who still couldn't speak, and he didn't even have the qualification to stand.

The body is so heavy and it is difficult to breathe. If it continues like this, if they don't need to take action, they will die!

Unwilling to retreat, he has been retreating for 20 kilometers before I feel that the influence of the momentum on him is not so great. Looking around, it turns out that other people have also left the place, far away from the battlefield.Biquge Novel

At this time, you can see their respective strengths. The three closest to the battlefield are Kyraku Harumi, Ukitake Jurassic, and Uyuki Hanaretsu, followed by Kurosaki Ichigo, Kendaki Kenhachi, and other captains. It's himself and a group of deputy captains.

"Never mind Ichigo, why is Captain Uozhihuareel also..." Asanjing looked at Uozhihuareel's position thoughtfully.

"Swasting the Remnant Fire Taidao" The heavy voice of the old man Yamamoto sounded, spreading throughout the corpse soul world.

The moment known as the strongest Zanpaku knife is finally solved. As soon as it appears, its power is fully displayed. The battlefield and turning into a sea of ​​flames will dry up the earth. Now if there are small cases of baked eggs, this temperature is right. Iron will also be melted in an instant.

"Is this the real strength of the teacher? The first time I saw this temperature, I am afraid that if time passes, the water in the entire corpse soul world will evaporate little by little!" Kyōraku said with emotion, again Deepened the spiritual pressure of defense.

At this moment, people in various places in the corpse soul world felt the temperature rise, and they were amazed.

"What the hell happened? How come it suddenly became so hot."

"Look there, what is that!!" Everyone looked in the direction of Shuangshan Hill, where the sky was fiery red, and at a glance, they knew what was happening, but not many people thought it was. It is too hard to imagine that it is caused by one person.

Yamamoto had already fully released his strength at this time, but he felt that Meng Haoran was not much weaker than himself. He frowned deeply, knowing that his Zanpaku Swastika was powerful enough to destroy the corpse soul. The environment of the world was changed, and he wanted to fight quickly, but now it seems obviously impossible. If he fights like this, the loss of the soul world will be too great, he hesitated.

"It seems that I still underestimated you, Meng Haoran." How could it be so strong that the Reiji that I started to solve was about half of that of my jie. With the addition of his terrifying kendo cultivation skills, the momentum was actually similar to the current self. One fight for both.

Although Meng Haoran's Reiatsu is not as good as his own, but Reiatsu is not combat effectiveness, Yamamoto can't bet that Meng Haoran's combat effectiveness is not as strong as his momentum.

"That's the only way." Yamamoto glanced at Meng Haoran who was eager to try, and suddenly made a surprising move. He returned the knife to its sheath, and then Reiatsu quickly calmed down.

"Come here today! You go!"

what?This time it's Meng Haoran's turn to be at a loss. I'll go, but I won't fight anymore. I'm fooling me?

With an uncomfortable snort, Meng Haoran also thought of Yamamoto's scruples, and put away his own knife. He still doesn't want to penetrate this corpse soul world copy, forget it, next time!

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