You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"What's the matter, I stopped suddenly, and the temperature of the air gradually became normal." Everyone looked at Yamamoto with some doubts.

But there are also those who understand Yamamoto's meaning, such as floating bamboo and others.

The battle between Meng Haoran and Yamamoto didn’t start, and they were relieved. A battle of that level would be terrifying just thinking about it. If it were to really fight, the entire Seireitei might be implicated in the battle. The loss of the world is too great.

What should I do next?Just let Meng Haoran go?It's unrealistic to keep him!

"Master Captain, just let him go like this?" The second division captain Broken Bee said to Yamamoto, his face obviously unwilling, and the others are the same.

I don't want to keep him, but the problem is I can't keep him!Yamamoto thought to himself but didn't say it, just shook his head slightly.

"Give up! He has become the climate." I have to admit that this sentence is very shocking when Yamamoto personally said it. This is a complete recognition of Meng Haoran's strength, and the Soul World has no way to use him.

"Hey, Ichigo, I'll leave first, you can figure it out!" After a little hello, Meng Haoran planned to leave, and he did exactly that.

The figure gradually disappeared in the corpse soul world, and it was already the world to reappear.

But Meng Haoran was not alone. There was another person in front of him. Meng Haoran looked dumbfounded at the girl in front of him.

The memory returned to the end of his return to this world. Just when he was about to disappear, a figure flashed directly in front of him, and then grabbed his clothes. Without waiting for him to react, he was already in the world when he appeared again, even with it. A person was brought out.

"This is... the present world." Broken Bee looked at the scene in front of her with surprise. After listening to Captain Yamamoto's words, she couldn't react for a while. This was the first time she saw the Soul World compromise, and her heart was in chaos. With a glimpse of Meng Haoran's disappearing figure, he walked over in a flash without even thinking about it. After that, he arrived at this place. Now I want to come and don't even know what I want to do.

How to do?Now here is me and him. I am not his opponent. What will happen?

Broken Bee jumped back and pulled away from Meng Haoran, then looked at Meng Haoran with a vigilant face, paying attention to Meng Haoran's every move. If Meng Haoran really wants to make a move, she will desperately stay on Meng Haoran's body. Make a cut.

Meng Haoran was taken aback when she saw Broken Bee's behavior, and then she understood what the other person was thinking, but she wouldn't know how to do it, especially for such a lovely woman!Broken Bee's temperament of the cold face queen is still somewhat attractive to Meng Haoran, although not fierce enough, she is also very good, plus a good face adds a lot of points.

"Why, you came here by yourself, what do you want to do?" Meng Haoran said with interest, and she was secretly refreshed when she saw Broken Bee's bewildered expression.Wu Jiu Literature

"What? do I know." The Broken Bee also started to think about it now, what should I do now that it's all like this?You can't beat him, but it's too embarrassing to leave like this. What should I do?

"Forget it, do you want me to give you a suggestion, you can stay and monitor me, monitor my every move, so as to give you enough information on the soul world, so that you can plan to deal with me?" Meng Haoran said I was also taken aback. I just watched Broken Bee a little bit emotional just now, wanted her to stay, and then unconsciously said it, but since the words have been spoken, Meng Haoran will not regret it, and what he did is not shameful. , So what if they know it.

"What are you talking about? Stay and watch you." Broken Bee was completely brain-opened because of Meng Haoran's words, and actually thought about the possibility of this proposal. That's good, at least any movement can be reflected in time, well, for the corpse I agreed to the soul world to see what he could do.

Since then, Meng Haoran has been following a woman since then, but since the broken bee is in the state of death, no one can see it in this world, so it did not cause Meng Haoran any trouble.

In the next few days, Meng Haoran didn't immediately go to the virtual circle to find Lan Ran, because he still had to strike while the iron was hot to realize the law of time, and he could go to the virtual circle any time, not in a hurry.

Different from Meng Haoran's calmly entering the cultivation state, Broken Bee was depressed. Seeing Meng Haoran as an otaku and not going anywhere, she had nothing to do, and she felt very boring.

"What the hell did he think, he has been cultivating here?" Feeling Meng Haoran's relentless spiritual pressure, and the heart palpitations that came from time to time, Feng Feng was puzzled.

On the night when she came to this world, she got in touch with the Soul World and informed her of her current situation. She did not expect to receive the support of Captain Yamamoto. Originally, her stay was turned into an order, which made her completely unable to get out. Up.

She didn't even know how surprised Yamamoto was when she learned about her situation. Yamamoto had no idea that Meng Haoran would be so arrogant. Yes, he was arrogant. He actually allowed the enemy to watch by his side. You must know the difference in strength. In rare cases, intelligence is very important and can even determine the outcome of a war.

With such a good opportunity, how could the old tricky Yamamoto give up, and immediately ordered Broken Bee to stay by Meng Haoran's side to continue monitoring, and immediately notify him of any circumstances.

Perhaps it was because Meng Haoran didn’t resort to jie, which gave Yamamoto the illusion that Meng Haoran’s strength was not as strong as he had imagined. The difference between the strengths of the two sides is small, and even they have the upper hand, so they attach great importance to intelligence. I thought that as long as I could predict the enemy or the prophet, I would be able to win. In fact, I was thinking too much.

If he knew Meng Haoran's true strength, he would know that surveillance was completely useless, and all conspiracy and trickery were useless in the face of absolute strength.

Meng Haoran’s life in these few days is very regular, and I don’t know if it’s because of a girl like Broken Bee who has been around, and I am in a good mood. I feel that the law of time is going very smoothly, and it will be there in just a few days. The breakthrough progress has been able to use a trace of the law of time, which can change the flow rate of time in a short time, and its strength has greatly increased.

A week later, Meng Haoran finished his daily practice and found that the law of perceptual time had begun to fall into a bottleneck. If he could not break through for a short time, he had no idea of ​​staying in the world.

"It's time to go to the virtual circle." muttered to himself.

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