You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The virtual circle, after the arrival of the three gods of death a few days ago, has changed a lot. They moved into the Xuye Palace powerfully, and since then the chaotic virtual circle has calmed down like a Dinghai Shenzhen.

But today two figures appeared at the door of Xuye Palace, it was Meng Haoran and Broken Bee.

"Is this the Xuye Palace?" Broken Bee looked at the huge building in front of him and was surprised, how much manpower and material resources it would take to build it!It seems that Aizen has been planning for a long time, but why would he surrender to the guy next to him?Is it because of his strength?I couldn't help but think of the battle between Meng Haoran and Yamamoto.

"I'm going, don't you even have a doorman?" Meng Haoran said, but his eyes looked up.

"Boy, who are you, dare to come to the Xuye Palace." The huge voice was deafening, and Broken Bee discovered that there were two huge emptiness in front of them, because they were too big to be discovered, but why didn't they feel the spirit Press it.

These two voids are guards of the Xuye Palace. They are about 30 meters high. The upper body is a hideous skull mask, and the lower body is white, the same color as the Xuye Palace. They are completely integrated into the environment, plus hidden spiritual pressure. This was not discovered by Broken Bee. Of course, this was concealed by Meng Haoran.

"Who am I, I am the real master of Xuye Palace." Meng Haoran said with a smile.

"What, you said that you are the real master of Xuye Palace. Isn't the owner of Xuye Palace Lord Lan Ran?" A man looked at Meng Haoran with suspicion. This is not Lord Lan Ran! Didn't admit his mistake!Is it lying to me, I will get angry immediately.

But at this moment, "Are you the one that Lan Ran is talking about? Is your name Meng Haoran?" The other Xu seemed to remember something. Lan Ran seemed to have ordered a few days ago. If a god of death named Meng Haoran comes, please invite him in as respectfully as he is.

The black clothes, and the Zanpaku knife around his waist, yes, it is the god of death.

"Well, it's me." Lan Ran still thought of it very thoughtfully!

Therefore, Meng Haoran and the two were invited into the Xu Ye Palace respectfully.

At the same time, Aizen is having a meeting with the Ten Blades. There is a huge conference table with 13 seats. Aizen is sitting in the main seat of Ichimaru Gin. Tosen will be next to it, and the other positions are Ten Blades. .

"Master Lan Ran, who is the man named Meng Haoran? Do you really want to surrender to his hands." It was Yamiriyargo, a violent guy, who was the tenth blade on the surface. It was the 0th blade. He admired Ai Ran very much, but he was really dissatisfied with the sudden appearance of Meng Haoran in their eyes. Why should a guy suddenly appear to lead them.17 Pen Fun Pavilion

The ten blades are the ten most powerful imaginaries selected by Aizen after using the power of collapsed jade to deface some of Achukas and Vastod.According to the level of killing ability from "No. 0 to No. 9", write down the serial number obtained in a certain place of the body, and have the authority to control the following NO11 (including NO11). The strength of the ten blade belongs to another dimension compared with the ordinary broken face. Among the ten blades, everyone has their own form of death. These are the ten factors that lead to human death. They also represent the thoughts and existence of the ten blades, and they are the source of each ten blades' power.

The ten blades each dominate a form of death-loneliness, aging, sacrifice, nothingness, despair, destruction, intoxication, madness, greed, anger (in the order of 1 blade to 10), which are the ten main causes of human death, It is not only the ability of each ten-edged sword, but also the thought of ten-edged sword, and the reason for ten-edged existence.

They are powerful, and basically have the strength of the captain level, but the most powerful are the top four. They are all made from Vastod, and they are completely different from the next six. The four-blade Ulchiorassifa was able to liberate twice more, and the strength had been best to barely reach the Cristo level.

Apart from Yami, others are also observing Aizen's expressions. You must know that they are basically trained by Aizen, and they are also surrendered to him because of their strong strength. They know Aizen very well, so powerful. How could one of you suddenly surrender to others?Is it to test their loyalty.

Of course, there are also guys who don't take this matter to heart, such as Koyatai Stark, who is the boss in his eyes.

"Aren't you questioning me?" Lan Ran said calmly, but the deep sea-like spiritual pressure was released. Although it is a good thing for his subordinates to be dissatisfied with Meng Haoran, he can't show it because his strength has not reached a certain level. In the end, I was still a qualified subordinate.

Lan Ran was really strong. After feeling his spiritual pressure, Shiblade basically changed his face, feeling the gap between himself and Lan Ran, as if facing death, they were all silent.

"Oh!" Lan Ran suddenly felt an unfamiliar spirit pressure coming over, it was him, here it is!"Okay, Master Meng is coming, you'd better be more acquainted." Stop talking!He stood up and was about to greet him at the door. Of course, the others followed Ai Ran behind.

Meng Haoran and Broken Bee led down to the conference room in a broken face, and they saw a group of Lan Ran from a distance.

"Is this the ten-blade?" His eyes lit up, and he looked at the ten-blade, especially the fourth and third-blade.

Tia Hribel is currently the only woman among the ten blades. She currently ranks in the 30th blade. Meng Haoran is very satisfied with her strength or being a female. As for the interest in Ulchiorassifa, it is because he can liberate the second stage. He is loyal. This is a very good subordinate, but he is still Aizen at the moment, I believe it will be his own soon.

Meng Haoran looked at Shiblade unscrupulously, how often Shiblade is not observing him, looks a little handsome, his body is thin, and if his spiritual pressure is as good as nothing, he does not seem to be very strong. Such a person is really Lan Randa. The invincible powerhouse in the population can't even match most of the people present!Can not help showing a trace of contempt.

Although the Ten Blades are all humanoids, their essence is still imaginary. They believe in the weak and the strong. If Meng Haoran is not strong enough, they will definitely not get their approval.

"My lord, you are here." Lan Ran said respectfully, and Meng Haoran nodded in satisfaction. As you know your interest, you didn't give me a slap in the face, and his attitude was still correct.

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