You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!This is also what the Spirit King hides too well, and no one else has ever probed into her idea of ​​what gender she is. After all, no one believes that the powerful and unrivaled Spirit King is a woman, although there are also strong women in this world. No, but the Spirit King is a female, don't you kidding me?

"The main body is still asleep. It's too boring to stay in the Spirit King Palace." Although she is the clone of the Spirit King, she actually has her own mind. She stayed in one place for thousands of years, even she couldn't stand it. , Of course, this is also the reason why basically no one can talk to him because of her high status.

"It's decided, I'm going out to play. I heard that the present world is full of fun and delicious food! Hmph, this time I have to play enough before I come back." The spirit king made a decision in a muttering to himself .

In this world, a man and two women on a commercial street in Karaza-cho attract everyone’s attention. The men are too handsome and the women are too beautiful, and they also look at each other in harmony. This guy is too awesome. The world of equality is so bright and so big, not to mention two boats.

It’s no surprise that everyone who looks at it is our protagonist Meng Haoran. The two women next to him are Broken Bee and Hribel. The reason why they can be seen is thanks to Urahara’s blessing, and only he can invent. I'm out of this stuff.

Although Meng Haoran seemed to be Urahara's enemy now, he didn't dare to fall out with Meng Haoran before completely tearing his face, so he could only broadcast it for free at a loss.

When Meng Haoran watched Urahara for a minute to make a measuring instrument corpse, Meng Haoran felt very emotional, it would be a pity that this technology did not sell dolls. If Yiwu’s sense of reality is comparable to a real person, if he does change career, I’m afraid the world There will be another rich international man, and the otaku will win their spring.

Not only that, in order to please Meng Haoran, the two righteous corpses are still portable, as long as they are properly operated, they can be put away in an instant. They are really good things for the home. If it is not for Meng Haoran or the otaku, I’m afraid I can’t help it Purchase a few spares.

Speaking of it, because Meng Haoran was bored to stay at home, she proposed to come out to play, which is considered to accompany Herlibel. After all, she hasn’t played well since she was in this world. Of course, Broken Bee will follow wherever Meng Haoran goes, so yes together.

Because he was outside, Meng Haoran said to be more natural, so Hribel dressed up as Meng Haoran's girlfriend, and Meng Haoran's arm was directly occupied.

Obviously, Heribel has a one-sided understanding of his girlfriend, thinking that such intimacy is a girlfriend, but Meng Haoran found it too late. Of course, this is also related to Meng Haoran’s not wanting to point out.

When Broken Bee saw Meng Haoran and Herlibel being so close, he didn't know what to think, and actually took over Meng Haoran's arm.

Ever since, Meng Haoran enjoys the blessings of the same people. In the tender embrace of the two beauties, and with the movement, the touch of his arms, one is huge, plump and soft, and the other is not huge but not small, so Meng Haoran The walk is a little light and light.

"Love saint? I want to worship him as a teacher." An ordinary man, looking at Meng Haoran with envy, said these words unconsciously, and then it was a tragedy, a big hand that is thicker than his leg. Twisted his ears.

"Ah! I was wrong, it hurts... it hurts" the tremendous force made him scream, this time there was a tigress next to him, and he hurriedly begged for mercy.

Scenes like this happen from time to time around Meng Haoran, but because it is a society under the rule of law, there is no scene of dog blood. People just express envy and hatred with their eyes.I love to read the Chinese website

"This is youth! I also think of him as Pan An in those days. He was so charming and suave. He was only able to help others and was brave to do what is right..." An old voice from a distance made his face thicker than the city wall. Meng Haoran staggered, which was too narcissistic.

"Master Meng" Herribel was already flushed by so many people, and the broken bee next to her was no exception, and her ears were very beautiful.

"It's Big Brother Meng."

"Well, Brother Meng," Herribel whispered, Meng Haoran asked them to forget his identity when they were outside, and treated him as an ordinary person, which was also called Brother Meng.

"What is that, why are so many people coming in and out?" Meng Haoran followed Heliber's hand and looked over, and saw a building several hundred meters high in the middle of the street, and the words "Heaven on Earth" were impressive. In its authentic kind.

Countless handsome guys and beautiful women entered in groups, but Meng Haoran carefully discovered that the ones who entered were empty in their hands, and the ones who came out were all big bags.

This time I know that "the heaven and earth" is not the kind of place I thought. I am afraid it is cultural differences and different understandings. The heaven and earth here should be a commercial building.

"Well, there is a place to sell things, they all come to buy things, let's go and see it too!" Meng Haoran replied with a deep groan, since he is here, let's go and see!

Then, he took two beauties to the building.

After waiting for it, Meng Haoran's eyes were completely opened. The things in it are really dazzling and contain a lot of things. As long as you can think of, there are basically all here. Of course, this refers to ordinary supplies.

There is a map in the center of the first floor, letting Meng Haoran know the distribution of the building. The building has 50 floors. The first to 40th floors are ordinary areas, and all the common supplies are bought, while the 41-45 floors are high-end areas. They sell all world-renowned brands, and those who enter and exit are all upper-class people.

As for the last 46-50 layers, there is no label, maybe it has some special function!

Needless to say, Meng Haoran, Hribel and Broken Bee were attracted by the lively scene. They dragged Meng Haoran around, not pointing to things they had never seen before, like two curious little birds in Meng Haoran. Twitter around.

In this way, they wandered from the first floor to the 40th floor. It can be said that they have visited here many times, but they didn't buy anything. The things in the ordinary area really can't come into their eyes.

"Okay! Let's continue to look at it!" Although Meng Haoran was a little tired from visiting Meng Haoran, she still didn't want the interest of the two women to be spoiled. Alas, the girl never felt tired at this time!

Just when they were about to take the elevator to the upper floor, a young man wearing a brand-name suit and flirtatious footsteps walked towards them with his arms around an enchanting woman.

The man stared at Helibel and Broken Bee with bright eyes, and shouted from afar: "Boy, leave these two women with me! This young master wants them."

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