You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!At this moment, in his eyes, Hribel and Broken Bee were already in his bag, because in his opinion, Meng Haoran and they did not wear like ordinary people, but they obviously caused them.

Facing Nodasha’s naked eyes, Heribel and Broken Bee were uncomfortable all over, and they were about to have an attack. They looked like fragile beauties, but their true identities were the superior captain of the soul world. It was Christo, who was almost at the apex of the imaginary.

Just when they couldn't help but stop, they all stopped by appointment, because they suddenly thought that Meng Haoran was still here, and it was not their turn to take action. Looking at Meng Haoran's gloomy eyes, they couldn't help but look at Noda with pitiful eyes Society.

At the same time, there is something strange in his heart. Is he angry for me?It seems that he still has some status in his heart.

Facing the Noda Society, Meng Haoran looked at him without saying a word. He looked like he was afraid of him, but he was actually thinking about how to punish him. He actually hit my woman with his attention. He must not simply let it go. he.

Even Meng Haoran himself hadn't noticed that he had now unknowingly put Heribel and Broken Bee into his female category.

Looking at Meng Haoran's expression of anger but not speaking, Nodasha smiled triumphantly. Is his name already so big?

But I thought that next Meng Haoran would leave the two delicious beauties obediently, but found that things did not develop as he imagined. Meng Haoran stood there like roots under his feet.

what happened?I really don't know how to praise.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I said just now? If you kneel down and kowtow me three heads respectfully, and then leave your female companion to serve me, I will let you go, otherwise Just wait for the cruel punishment! Alas! I'm still too kind." His words brought Meng Haoran back to her senses, but she sneered in her heart, and she didn't know when she died.

"Where is the brain damage? I have eaten too much brain damage powder, and the medicine can't be stopped! Which mental illness are you a patient from." Meng Haoran looked at Notianshe with surprise, as if Notianshe was really a mental patient.

His posture caused Helibel and Broken Bee beside him to laugh, and the crisp laughter like a silver bell, like a fairy from the heavens, wafted endlessly in his heart.

And Nodasha, who was about to get angry, was also stunned, watching Hribel and Broken Bee's drool.

"Hey, he is really a fool, this saliva is a clear proof, poor baby!" Meng Haoran's voice came again.

Noda was not in a daze this time, "You wait for me, and I will make you look good." Then he took out a high-end mobile phone and started calling.139 novel

"Hey, Captain Fujiwara? It's me, Noda, you immediately brought people to xxx, I want to clean up the people." A respectful "Hi" came from the other end of the phone.

It seems that this kid is not stupid, knowing that his hollowed-out body is not necessarily his opponent, so he called someone.

"Boy, don't run if you have the ability." You look good right away. To be honest, he is really worried that Meng Haoran will have to fight with him now, but Meng Haoran stayed there motionless and did not run away. Meaning, just like him.

At this time, they were surrounded long ago. They liked to watch, but everyone had something in common. Someone recognized the identity of Nodasha. After a while, everyone knew about it. They looked at Meng Haoran and Heli without sympathy. Bell and Broken Bee, but they didn't mean to come up to help.

"It's a pity! It's a pity" The men sighed, sighing that someone was going to be ruined again. No one was optimistic about Meng Haoran, because this is the base camp of Notian Society.

However, some people expressed admiration for Meng Haoran's non-escaping behavior.

A few minutes later, I saw a group of people wearing security uniforms rushing over here. About 20 people looked like they were the security guards here and the support of Nodasha. The head of them was the security captain of the surname Fujiwara.

Of course, there are more than so many security guards in such a large building. Almost every floor has a security team of about 20 people, and he is the security captain on the 21st floor, because he is usually familiar with Nodasha, so he is a dog. Called by Nodasha.

"Master, is that him?" As soon as the security captain of the surname Fujiwara came to the scene, he saw Helibel and Broken Bee next to Meng Haoran, who knew the nature of his master and understood what had happened.

"Well, interrupt him a leg first." Nodasha's voice was full of cruelty, as if he was killing a chicken.

Under his order, 20 people moved instantly, waving their original security baton, and coming toward Meng Haoran aggressively.

With a hideous face and no hands left, it was obviously not the first time they did this.

Just when everyone thought that Meng Haoran was completely over this time, and even a little timid had turned his head and couldn't bear to watch this bloody scene, things changed strangely.

Meng Haoran gently waved his hand, and then more than 20 people spurted blood and flew out, falling to the ground.

"This... this... ghost!" Noda She was dumbfounded. He never thought that this would happen. He solved 20 people with a wave of his hand. Is this still a human?I thought I had hit a ghost in an instant.

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